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Topic: DTV converter box buying advice (Read 1 time) previous topic - next topic
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DTV converter box buying advice
Yahoo Message Number: 103509
Hello Gang,
 Got my coupon and I started shopping online for a box.  You know, as much as the internet is a wonderful resource, it's also a curse.  An otherwise simple thing to buy ends up being a multi-day endeavor.  I have seen the recommendations for the Artec models, but these do not have smart antenna capability.  I think that is a useful feature to have.  The other feature that seems to be needed for RV use is an external power supply (ac adapter) for easy 12v (dc) use.  Correct me if I'm wrong here, I'm still learning.  With that in mind, here are a few I found that meet that criteria. (see links below)
 http://www.ezdigitaltv.com/Carefree_CB8899.html http://www.ezdigitaltv.com/HOME_TEL_RC-HT888L.html http://www.ezdigitaltv.com/SUMC_LSA-801L.html

Does anyone have one of these?  Do you have something else not listed that has the smart antenna feature that you use in your LD?

Would love to hear other thoughts and opinions.



Re: DTV converter box buying advice
Reply #2
Yahoo Message Number: 103511
oops again.  This is a better link to the last box I just sent.  That's what happens when you have 4 browser windows open with about a dozen tabs in each.

maybe I need to step away from the computer for a few minutes. :-)

Sorry again,


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: DTV converter box buying advice
Reply #3
Yahoo Message Number: 103512
Hello Gang,

Got my coupon and I started shopping online for a box.  ...I have seen the recommendations for the Artec models, but these do not have smart antenna capability.
 I have had my hands on, operated and RF tested something like a dozen different models of DTV converter boxes.  All of their RF performance was very similar.  It's the other features that set one apart from the other.
 Power source, signal pass through and user interface are normally what matter to the RV user.  Many converter boxes make it difficult to find the DTV signal the first time or provide features that help you to tune the antenna position.  Many are difficut to power up in the motor home.  And, having a signal pass through mode makes hooking the box up in the motor home very easy.
 The Artec T3AP Pro is perhaps the best box for use in a motor home because it has signal pass through, powers directly off the coach's 12VDC power bus and, most importantly, has one of the nicest user interfaces.  It has a manual scan mode that allows one to "see" DTV signals that cannot be decoded, allowing one to tweak the antenna direction to try to tune it in.
 Yes, it does not have a smart antenna mode, and if that is important then it's not the one for you.  Of course, in a motor home that won't matter but you may want to use it elsewhere.
