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about scooters
Yahoo Message Number: 97466
Whew! Some really great advice...thanks all!

I think i need to clarify a few points tho. One is, I travel ALONE with my new Dober Gal-pal puppy, Junah, or, with my 88yr.old semi-blind, semi-deaf, semi-invalid Mom . Since I've had numerous occasions where I had to maneuver back and forth--is why I don't want to tow a toad. With help, yes it'd be great, but alone, well, I'm sure you can see the problems that can arise.

Also, I used to long haul/transport horses--backing/turning an F 250  Ford pulling a thorobred horse trailer, and articulated heavy machinery teaches you a lot! I'm a retired Operating Engineer and am very familiar with heavy equipment operations...grin! I towed their largest U Haul back from Az this May--[and for the safety issues mentioned, it had surge brakes installed!] and had absolutely no problems of any kind. I also have a back up camera installed... I'm good at backing trailers, etc.

I agree about the training course...good, good suggestion. Just because I had one years ago, doesn't mean I will remember all I need to. As for safety of riding gear...sigh...I also had one bad accident when a car ran a stop sign and plowed into me...bad road burns, no bones broken. Every person I've EVER known has had a BAD accident on a motorcycle/scooter, so I take that warning very seriously. I doubt I'd go so far as the leathers...not until my weight stabilizes, and if the past five years are any indication, that isn't happening soon [grin--getting older kinda sucks, huh, ladies??]. Helmet, gloves, proper footwear--yes.
 My niece works for a large motorcycle shop in AZ., and I looked them all over while there this spring. The idea of checking out more at a show is a possibility.
 I already have the ramp built to load/unload from the trailer. As for the cargo or saddle bags...if I can find what you posted [built ons] or commercially made--great!! I just mentioned that I wanted to have carrying capacity--having horses all my life, the word 'saddlebags' came naturally! Bigger wheels--another good suggestion.

I know a scooter MUST be able to handle street speeds....but generally, I wouldn't be using it 'in town'...I tend to avoid traffic, congestion, and park/camp way out on the fringes of civilization. When IN such areas, I will hopefully be visiting friends who will graciously offer me rides to and from, as that is the only situation where i see myself 'parked' like that.

While I realize there are draw backs to using a scooter, in many ways, it is my only option under my conditions. I'm pretty independent and capable right now--[59] but down the road..? May have to re-assess my options.

Again, thanks ALL!!!

Gini Free

Celie and Nihm, Tonkinese kitlets
"Kooch" the little red LD that could

"Growing old is mandatory. Growing wise is optional."
Gini Free and Junah, canine xtrodinaire
"CHERRYOTTE" our little red home on wheels
"Growing old is mandatory. Growing wise is optional."

Re: about scooters
Reply #1
Yahoo Message Number: 97467
The idea is to never get into those situations in the first place.  We have towed a Honda Accord or Jeep Grand Cherokee all over the country.  My uncle taught me that a good sailor never backs up!  Good advice for a motorhome pilot as well.  And how are you going to get your mother on the back of a scooter?
