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Topic: Fuel (Read 3 times) previous topic - next topic
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Yahoo Message Number: 89137
I've read a message or two about starting generators put in storage. In some cases, unable to run generators when needed to condition them in storage.  The fuel additive ethanol (corn made into alcohol) has a problem (unintended consequences).  It separates from the gasoline easily and attracts and combines with water (formed when condensation occurs in fuel tanks stored for a time).  This combined water and alcohol will separate from the fuel and cause MAJOR problems.  This "phase separation" as it is known by, has been a problem for every area where ethanol has been introduced.  Each of these areas, beginning in the midwest, over the years has had to address this problem.  There are solutions, but you have to be aware of this situation.  Storing fuel in a vehicle or any other motorized device has to be treated more aggressively these days.  Years ago it was fuel left in these devices only gummed-up engines when stored for long periods of time.  Corrosion in many tank, including large gas station storage tanks occurred when ethanol was first introduced years ago.  Many boat owners with fiberglass fuel tanks found the fuel "ate- up" the fiberglass and leaked.  This has caused major financial problems for many people.
There are products being introduced to help "stabilize" this condition.  StarTron  made by StarBrite  is one such product.  There may be others.  I've had to address this problem having RVs, boats and other vehicles.  My suggestion when putting anything in storage for a period of time, is to understand this problem and protect the fuel and the tank it is in.
Fuel tanks that are not at least 3/4 full left for long periods of time will have condensation develop in them.  The more humid the environment, the more condensation can occur.
Stabilize the fuel.  Once "phase separation" occurs, it cannot be reversed.  A water absorber additive found in automotive and marine supply stores will not be effective.  As this ethanol additive becomes more abundant in more areas these problems will increase.
Awareness of this will help in preemptive measures.  Not to be alarmed by this, but just be aware and take care of your "stuff."  Hope this is informative.
Dave 2008 MB coming in a couple months