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Topic: Towable smart fortwo car (Read 5 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Towable smart fortwo car
Reply #25
Yahoo Message Number: 89066
At 10:02 AM 1/31/2008, you wrote:

Even a small steel cage around you is a lot safer than no cage at all.
I would imagine, too, that most RV owners would be driving their mini-cars on back roads, from a campsite to a trail head or ranger station, for example, or to a small town for groceries or to use a laundromat.

Of course, there will probably be times when you would need to navigate a larger city or even a stretch of freeway, but I assume that average use would be far less likely to expose you to speeding SUVs and cement trucks, or the need to keep up with 80-mph freeway traffic.


Re: Towable smart fortwo car
Reply #26
Yahoo Message Number: 89070
[snip] Even a small steel cage around

you is a lot safer than no cage at all.

Just something to think about. :-)

Andy Baird http://www.andybaird.com/travels/
I think Andy make a very good point here.  To watch smart car crash test videos (probably European versions) check this link:


I try to avoid collisions with SUVs no matter what I'm driving! ;^)

Sharon N.

Re: Towable smart fortwo car/Now safe driving
Reply #27
Yahoo Message Number: 89071
Quote from: Sonsie Conroy

[snip] "I assume that average use would be far less likely to expose you to speeding SUVs and cement trucks, or the need to keep up with 80-mph freeway traffic."
 Not to be argumentative, but I do not drive 80 miles an hour, whether for fun or to "keep up with 80-mph freeway traffic".  I find that when I have to use freeways, toll roads, major highways (other than two lane roads), just doing the posted speed limit is the maximum for me.

Granted, if I'm doing the speed limit, I'm not in the passing lane, but that's just fine with me.  I find that the idiots who feel the need for speed manage to pass me with no problem.

I've also observed that most drivers drive to keep up with traffic, rather than observe the speed limit.  Have you ever watched "pods" of traffic catch up with you and pass you?  Along the same line, how often, if you're doing the speed limit, or a lower speed because of conditions, do you notice some drivers who zoom up behind you, slow down, back off, and fall in behind you?  You have given them "permission" to do the speed limit.
 I also signal trucks when it's clear to come back in after they pass me.  You can tell whick truckers are professional, as they will usually be looking in the right hand mirror to see when they're clear, and signal a "thank you" when they're back in the slow lane.
I've given up signaling drivers of cars and pickups, as they are usually oblivious.

Sharon N.

Re: Towable smart fortwo car/Now safe driving
Reply #28
Yahoo Message Number: 89072
1) We started driving 55 to 60 on interstates 3 years ago and we are  rested when we arrive at our destination. For us, driving 75-80 took a  lot out of us.

2) We have noticed that a little west of the middle of this country,
 drivers are a lot more tolerant of slow traffic. Kudos' to the western folks!

Cheers, Don
Don & Dorothy
Sold our LD in June of 2023

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Traveling Dorothy

Re: Towable smart fortwo car
Reply #29
Yahoo Message Number: 89074
It's true, Andy, that you can't repeal the laws of physics.  On the other hand, good engineering can come close; e.g., last time I checked, the real-world serious injury/death rate for the MINI series was equivalent of much larger cars and far better than cars of the Corolla/Civic class, which themselves are substantially larger/heavier.  The Smart and the similarly-sized Mercedes that they sell