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Seeking creative advice
Yahoo Message Number: 86569
Hello Lazy People,

It's been I while since I've posted anyhing to the group, and also been a while since since I've done anything but pour a lot of gas a and a little oil into the LD and drive it somewhere at every opportunity.

I'm going to post an update on the 700-R-4 transmission conversion project soon (short answer - a success!) But I have a dilemma that I've already discussed with a few friends.  So far I don't have a solution.  I think some members of the group may have some valuable wisdom gleaned from experince that I hope I can convince you share...

Our family has received some good news, but it comes at a cost:

We will soon be moving from Long Beach CA to Bellevue WA as part of a career advancement for yours truly.  A nicer house (still renting) in a nicer neighborhood near family and dear friends in a place we really want to be.  So that's the good news.

The cost of course is leaving behind the great coastal weather and all the beautiful places we like to take the old LD.  And so far, it appears that we may have to leave the LD, too.  I't running fine, and in fairly good shape overall, but the new community, with its covenants and parking rules, doesn't seem to appreciate the opportunity to gaze upon a symbol of unbridled freedom parked in the driveway for days at a time as collects dirt (or moss as the case is in Washington) and leisurely adds to its little oil spot, which I suppose will create a nice little rainbow ribbon to the nearest storm drain.  Oh well, I guess there's no accounting for taste.

Anyway, I've been reliably informed that it won't be welcome in our new neighborhood.  I am not particularly attracted to the idea of winterizing it and putting it away, mostly because of my unfamiliarity with the process, but also because of the cost of renting storage space, and really because it drives so well that I would want to continue taking it out several times a week.  It really seems to thrive with regular use, charging the batteries, filling and emptying tanks, etc.  The windows are leaky, which is a trival issue here, but I'm sure would be a big problem up there (I know, just fix 'em).  But what I'm also thinking is that we might not be able to use it up there like we do here.
 In the last five or six months we've had uncounted sunset dinners on this beach or that beach and perched over the cliffs of Palos Verdes or at Summerland.  We take off for the weekend to boondock in friends driveways up and down the coast, even take it to dinner and hang out in it while waiting for a table.  I'm not sure but I get the impression that Southern California may be the best place in the world to use a 22 foot RV as the ultimate luxury vehicle.  We hardly ever "camp" with it the traditional sense, to us it's more like the biggest, bestest family wagon ever created.

So, for any of you who have taken your rigs with you through one of these life changes, any thoughts, clever ideas?


Michael Stapleford

Re: Seeking creative advice
Reply #1
Yahoo Message Number: 86577
Hi Michael and congratulations on your promotion!

I think you'll need the LD to get out of all that rain!  :)

My first thought, also coming from such a community that has a 48- hour loading/unloading RV rule, is to get some real information about your options.  Here are some that I would consider:

1.  Co-op RV Lot?  Ask the homeowner's association if there is a  parking area for boat and RV owners.  You might have to really search  to find it, but check.  Ours was only $350 per year, outdoor.  If you  don't have solar panels or care about covering them, you can always  put a good soft cover on it.

2.  Check storage just outside the community.  I found great variance
 in price ranges.  There is outdoor secured parking, covered parking, and garage parking.  Oftentimes the storage areas, like UHaul also have "outdoor parking" space that they don't advertise where you can park it.  As a price point, I found a locking garage for $122 a month at a storage facility.  Some other garages nearby were $170 and $220, so prices vary greatly.
 I know the LD storage is one more thing you have to worry about with an out-of-state move, but I'd wait until the moving stress subsides to see how much you really use the LD in your new digs before you decide to really change that big part of your life.  I'm afraid that if you get up there and get all settled, but have no freedom with an RV, you might not feel the move was the lifestyle upgrade you'd intended (been there, done that).
 I'd figure out storage, take it, let things settle, and then see how much you use it.  If you find it is not worth the continued cost, I'd sell it at that point.  Until then, I'd figure out a simple solution to parking and move on to the next issue.

(By the way, there is a terrific free address change service that handles everything from the post office, to Frequent Flier clubs, to magazines that I found invaluable:

http://www.moving.com/Moving_and_Planning/AddressChanger> or

http://snipurl.com/1ufck> )

Hope that helps and please keep us posted.
When are you moving up? Tessa in TX

Re: Seeking creative advice
Reply #2
Yahoo Message Number: 86581
We will soon be moving from Long Beach CA to Bellevue WA

I am not particularly attracted to the idea of

winterizing it and putting it away,

 We used to live in Bellevue, but didn't have an RV at that time.  You might double check to make sure you'd have to winterize up there...I don't think it gets cold enough to worry about, but, not ever having lived someplace since we've been RVing where we need to worry about winterizing, I could be wrong.

Linda Hylton http://map.datastormusers.com/user1.cfm?user=1167 http://earl-linda.blogspot.com/
Linda Hylton