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Topic: Stovetop (Read 7 times) previous topic - next topic
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Yahoo Message Number: 64372
So here we are, with our rig barely 6 months old and I have been noticing for some time that the grate over the burners on our stove is corroding (for lack of a better term).  I have often noticed that the grate gets red hot when I'm cooking and think that the problem is a bad design (the grate just sits too darn close to the burners).
 In trying to halt the deterioration of the top, I have added another set of rubber grommets and a large rubber washer (about the size of a quarter).  So now I have grommet, washer. grommet and it seems to have stopped the corrosion.
 I've spoken to several other RV owners and apparently this is not uncommon.
 Well, it just kept bugging me, so finally I got out my stove manual and called Wedgewood and told them of my problem.  They didn't seem at all surprised and when I asked them to replace the top, they said they would.  All they asked for was my address!
 This leads me to believe that they know this is a bad design, but knowing that most people won't complain, they are letting it go.  When I mentioned to the rep that it seemed like a bad design to me (it's pretty obvious that the grate should sit higher away from the burners) he agreed.
 Well, that's my story, and today I got my new grate, which is once again shiny and new.
Hopefully with the extras risers it will stay that way.
 Just thought I should share in case anyone else is having this problem.

 In Serenity/Cholula, the Red 30TB  . . . Want to find us? Click below, we're #3096 http://map.datastormusers.com/user1.cfm?user=3096

Re: [Life With A Lazy Daze RV] Stovetop
Reply #1
Yahoo Message Number: 64376
Kate, I love you!  I've thought of calling Wedgewood but never have.  I'm on my 2nd grate, got a replacement from Lazy Daze once and this 2nd one is badly corroded now as well.  Steve told me he hadn't heard of anyone else having this problem but that was a couple years ago.  I figure it is because I do cook a lot and live in the LD so cooking is an everyday thing.  Who knows.  I hadn't considered raising the grate, does the top still close? Another question, if the grate is higher putting the pots higher, does it take a lot longer to cook things?
 Keep that phone number, I'm going to call for a new grate when we get back to the US.

You're the bomb!

-- Jonna in Tortuga, 2001 Teal RB Find us MAPhttp://map.datastormusers.com/user2.cfm?user=1013> Follow the BLOG herehttp://www.baddog.com/blog/blog.html>

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Re: [Life With A Lazy Daze RV] Stovetop
Reply #2
Yahoo Message Number: 64377
 We have been pretty much living in the rig for the last 6 months, so I've been doing a lot of cooking, but still, I thought it was ridiculous that the grate failed so soon.

Raising the grate hasn't really affected anything except the corrosion (although it remains to be seen if the new one will corrode as well. . .)  Cooking time remains the same and the stove still closes just fine, you just have to be careful when you lift the grate to clean the stovetop, the grommets can come loose.
 On another subject, did you ever solve your power problems?  Now that we have the DirecWay, our 2 panels don't seem to go as far as they used to.  Did you end up getting more panels, or more batteries or what>


In Serenity/Cholula, the Red 30TB  . . . Want to find us? Click
below, we're #3096 http://map.datastormusers.com/user1.cfm?user=3096

Re: Stovetop
Reply #3
Yahoo Message Number: 64402
So here we are, with our rig barely 6 months old and I have been
noticing for some time
that the grate over the burners on our stove is corroding (for lack
It might be worthwhile having your gas pressure checked with a manometer hooked up to a stove burner valve. This particularly if you notice the flame riding 'off the burner' at high output and if the flame is difficult to adjust to a low setting. This condition would tend to put the hottest part of the flame higher above the burner.

2004 FL
2013 Honda Fit

Re: Stovetop
Reply #4
Yahoo Message Number: 64422
Quote from: kkeight"

 (snip) "the grate over the burners on our stove is corroding (for lack of a better term)."

Bless you, Kate! I have long been bothered by the not great grate condition in our 94 MB (pun intended) but never thought to call the mfg. about it.

Since the design has altered slightly since our rig rolled off the production line, we have to order the range top so the one piece grate will fit our stove. Still, the cost is reasonable ($23.79 for the grate, $17.95 for the range top plus shipping) and "Mark" whom I spoke with assured me the new grate is made of sturdier stuff.

Happy cooking!

Anne Johnson

Lovely La Verne, CA