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Topic: Prospective buyer being bamboozled (Read 2 times) previous topic - next topic
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Prospective buyer being bamboozled
Yahoo Message Number: 57664
(Bamboozled means deceived, deluded, tricked, hoodwinked, rooked, misled, etc.)

"""""csgreenefdp says:  "We have been looking seriously for a good used MB for almost a year. We thought we'd found it but the seller couldn't wait for me to arrive (he sold it for more than we agreed to)  so back to square one.
I can't help but comment on this.
 The csgreenefdp's had a seller willing to sell, and  made a bonafide agreement with the seller to sell.  A business agreement whether by voice over the telephone, or by e-mail communication, or any other form of bonafide agreement IS A CONTRACT TO SELL.  Decent people live up to their commitments.
Others don't.
 This person reneged on his agreement with the Greenes.  His word is worthless.  I say that a person that doesn't live up to his side of the bargain you made is not to be trusted, and anything good he said about his LD would be matter for speculation.  Is his LD as he said? ....    or is it like his treatment of you?  Shoddy.
 You sound like a very nice person, and I don't think you deserve to be treated that way.
If someone did that to me, I would warn others to beware: To be very careful of any business dealings you might have with someone like that.  If I were you, I'd consider myself very lucky NOT to have bought from someone that doesn't have enough personal integrity to honor his commitments.  Bye  FRANCES

Re: [Life With A Lazy Daze RV] Prospective buyer being bamboozled
Reply #2
Yahoo Message Number: 57673
Be careful of making assumptions! Be careful of making assumptions!

We are the sellers of this rig and you clearly don't have the whole story.  Mr Greene inquired about the rig and decided, after emails and phone calls, to come look at it.  NO COMMITMENT TO PURCHASE.  By the way, it is EXACTLY as advertised.  We were out of town for a week and upon our return we found an email telling us he'd changed his mind and didn't want the rig.  At this point, he had not seen the rig and certainly had not made a deposit toward a purchase. We took him on HIS word, understanding his position.  I placed ads on the  web site and on rvtraderonline.com.  Mr Greene called and had changed his mind - again.  My husband explained to him that we had placed ads and the first person who made a bonafide offer with a deposit would get the rig.  Mr Greene understood.  He still decided to make plans to come to see the rig, knowing our position.  Exactly eleven hours after placing the rvtraderonline ad the rig was sold - full cash price with a deposit to hold.    By the way, we had four people look at the rig, and four offers.  My husband called Mr Greene to let him know what had happened.

In summary, Mr Greene had three weeks to make up his mind.  I mailed many photos of the rig, both inside and out.  I wrote out detailed descriptions of everything he wanted plus all the information that was placed in various ads.  Plus phone calls.

We did everything we could to accomodate him, up to and including making and paying for reservations for he and his family's stay in our area.

As stated, our rig is EXACTLY as advertised.  We have no deferred maintenance on the rig.

For the record, we have had every type of RV except a tent trailer and the Lazy Daze is the very best of the bunch.  We have had NO problems with Lazy Daze at all.
Their quality meets and exceeds everything else we've looked at with the possible exception of a Prevost which is certainly not a Class C.  For those of you thinking of a Born Free, we looked at them and found them a decided No.  First of all, my husband is 6 ft tall and found the BF lacking in head room.  There isn't much in the way of storage, either.  I found it claustrophobic.  Just opinions.  Lazy Daze beats them all. For structural integrity, L.D. is at the top.
Have you ever seen one that has rolled?  We have.
Very impressive!

Lazy Daze is unique from several aspects.  For instance, can any of you name another manufacturer that enjoys the repeat business of Lazy Daze?  Yes, it is sometimes a chore to get to the factory to order a new one.  However, once ordered it will be built for YOU and no one else.  There are no new L.D. sitting on lots anywhere.  You want a new one, you go to the factory and order it.  They are built one at a time and, yes, you will wait for it.  We belong to the Caravaner's group and the Northern Exposure group.  At this writing We can name many folks who are on their second and third L.D. and one couple who are currently writing out their "wish list" in anticipation of ordering their Fifth L.D.  Our second L.D. will be ordered shortly.  We wouldn't have any other brand or any other type of rig.  Yes, we can afford whatever we wish and still want a L.D.

Kindly sign me a woman of integrity and honesty,

Juli Wilson

Minden, NV

If you have any questions or comments on this posting
kindly contact me.
Juli W.
Former owner 1994 mid bath,  2006 26.5'rear bath

Re: [Life With A Lazy Daze RV] Prospective buyer being bamboozled
Reply #3
Yahoo Message Number: 57677
I agree with Juli that Francis' shouldn't have made certa

Re: [Life With A Lazy Daze RV] Prospective buyer being bamboozled
Reply #4
Yahoo Message Number: 57680
I just want to emphasize because the written word can be difficult that I DO NOT BLAME the Wilsons for their actions in anyway - they seem like great people just doing the best they could with a buyer who was sincere but had some trouble getting the money arranged.  I think I even described myself as "flaky" in my email regarding all these problems and I didn't want to screw up their chances of selling the rig regardless of my own interest.  I am simply disappointed because after we had finally gotten it all arranged, the unit was sold to someone else.  If for some reason that sale falls through, I asked Ray to call me and I'd come out.


Prospective buyer being bamboozl
Reply #5
Yahoo Message Number: 57672
I was shocked to get a call from him the following morning saying that they suddenly sold the unit and for more than our agreed price.

 You'd think that the seller would at least have given you the right of first refusal.

Linda Hylton

2004 Red 23.5' TK

From Little Crater Campground
Newberry NVM

See where we are: http://map.datastormusers.com/user2.cfm?user=1167
Linda Hylton

Prospective Buyer being bamboozled
Reply #6
Yahoo Message Number: 57676
Well, that certainly proves there are TWO SIDES to EVERY story,  and I'm glad I posted so both sides would be aired.  (Not that it was any of my  business, really.)  But, it's nice to know that integrity is STILL alive and well....   especially in the world of LazyDaze.

I'm sure it was a misunderstanding all the way around....


Juli Wilson says:  Kindly sign me a woman of integrity and honesty,

Juli Wilson #2593 Minden, NV

If you have any questions or comments on this posting kindly contact me.

Prospective Buyer being bamboozled
Reply #7
Yahoo Message Number: 57678
UH OH!  I FORGOT TO SIGN MY NAME AGAIN....! Well, that certainly proves there are TWO SIDES to EVERY story, and I'm glad I posted so both sides would be aired. (Not that it was any of my business, really.) But, it's nice to know that integrity is STILL alive and well.... especially in the world of LazyDaze.

I'm sure it was a misunderstanding all the way around....  bye....FRANCES


Juli Wilson says: Kindly sign me a woman of integrity and honesty,

Juli Wilson #2593 Minden, NV

If you have any questions or comments on this posting kindly contact me.

Re: Prospective Buyer being bamboozled
Reply #8
Yahoo Message Number: 57695
UH OH!  I FORGOT TO SIGN MY NAME AGAIN....! Well, that certainly proves there are TWO SIDES to EVERY story,
Yes, there certainly is that, but there a bit more to this story. My wife and I have known Ray & Juli for at least 10 years, camping with them in the Northern Exposure LD Group. I just think it should be said that they are good people. Plus, whoever bought their MB LD now have a

show piece Lazy Daze. It is better than when it came off the line at Lazy Daze. Congratulations, you have a special machine.
Tom Schmal.