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Converter update (WFCO 55)
Yahoo Message Number: 57016
Jonna wrote:

Usually, I use the Amp indicator to see what different things are drawing from the battery or to see what the total draw is. I am not sure it shows what is going INTO the batteries, just out of them.  Of course, it could be it shows both and doesn't differentiate. At any rate, once the new converter was in the Amp indicator shows 0 to .1 all the time. So, either it isn't working as it did or it only shows draws. Even then I find it weird as turning on lights and other 12v stuff doesn't change it.
Hi Jonna When you discuss battery current as displayed on your Xantrex Battery Monitor, (not Link 10, same as mine, its the replacement for the Link 10 which is no longer sold), you need to state whether its negative current or not. Negative current has a minus sign and indicates current flow out of the battery. If there is no minus sign, this is positive current and indicates current flowing into the battery, a charging situation. When your battery is fully charged, ie, state of charge reads 100%, your current reading will either be zero or some small positive current such as .1 Amp periodically. This shows your charger is doing its job perfectly. It provides no current at full charge but when it senses a minute  drop in battery voltage, it trickles in a few electrons.
 At this point, you can turn on all the loads you want and your battery current won't change. The reason is, this current for these loads do not come from your battery. It comes from your charger. Your charager is properly maintaining the same voltage or slightly higher than your battery, and thus your battery cannot supply any current. Remember, your Xantrex ammeter reads only your battery current, not your charger/converter current. I just turned on all my lights and fans while on shorepower and battery current was zero. Then I disconnected shore power and the Xantrex immediately showed -17 Amps of battery current.


[Life With A Lazy Daze RV] Re: Converter update (WFCO 55)
Reply #1
Yahoo Message Number: 57041
Thanks Tom, I think I have it.  I did go out and turn off the juice today and the amp immediately went to 7 amps. I turned everything off and discovered that our phantom load had gone from about .5 to a .1  I have no idea why that is unless the old converter was part of the phantom load?  When I plugged back in the amp reading went to 15 which I'm guessing is what the converter was sending to the batteries to recharge them?
 I probably hadn't noticed the minus sign before, I will watch for that now.

One more question.  When the battery is discharged and I plug in or turn on the generator, if the amp reading is a positive 35 (for example) does this mean that is what the converter is putting into the batteries?  Since it doesn't read what the converter is putting out, is it the same thing to read what the batteries are accepting? What if there is a load at the same time?  Would I add that amount to what I read in the amp setting to get what the converter is actually putting out?  Does this even make sense?  Argggg!  I think I'm too old to learn this stuff.

Jonna in Tortuga, 2001 Teal RB find us here http://map.datastormusers.com/user1.cfm?user=1013

Re: [Life With A Lazy Daze RV] Re: Converter update (WFCO 55)
Reply #2
Yahoo Message Number: 57062
Hi Jonna

"I turned everything off
and discovered that our phantom load had gone from about .5 to a .1  I have no idea why that is unless the old converter was part of the phantom load?"
When I have a perplexing electrical problem I sometimes take a pencil and paper and draw out a schematic or wiring diagram of my specific circuits. Sometimes before the drawing is even finished, I thump my forehead with the heel of my hand and say, "there it is, you dimb s---". A  phantom load problem can be tough. Of course, there really is no such thing as a phantom load.
Any current being drawn is from a load that is quite real. Have you tried to determine what your phantom load is? For example, you can remove all your dc fuses and see if your Xantrex shows any current. If it does, then it could be your cb or cab radios. If that is the case, the dc fuses for those items are found near your diode isolator house battery terminal. Remove those fuses and see it the load (current) goes away. You see what I getting at? Keep at it until you find that phantom load. Then, you will be in a better position to answer your own questions.

"When I plugged back in the amp reading went to 15 which
I'm guessing is what the converter was sending to the batteries to recharge them?"
Yes. Even if you only use the batterys a little bit, the charger will put current into the batterys at a pretty healthy rate for a few seconds.

"One more question.  When the battery is discharged and I plug in or turn on the generator, if the amp reading is a positive 35 (for example) does this mean that is what the converter is putting into the batteries? Since it doesn't read what the converter is putting out, is it the same thing to read what the batteries are accepting? What if there is a load at the same time?  Would I add that amount to what I read in the amp setting to get what the converter is actually putting out?  Does this even make sense?"
The Xantrex ammeter shunt is in series with your batterys. Only the current flowing into or out of your batterys is measured. You have a  55 Amp charger. It will provide up to 55 Amps to your battery, to your house loads, or both. Say your battery is being charged at 40 Amps, and you have on enough dc stuff to amount to 10 Amps. Your charger is putting out 50 Amps to provide these loads, but you will only read 40 Amps of positive current on your Zantrex.

"Argggg!  I think I'm too old to

learn this stuff. "


Re: Converter update (WFCO 55)
Reply #3
Yahoo Message Number: 57063
The new reading of .1 for the phantom load makes more sense to me as all that is on it are the various panels and detectors and my thought is that all they would draw is for those little dot lights.  I am wondering if the old magnatek didn't have some kind of active load all the time that accounts for the other .4 amps.

I was right about adding the load to what shows on the amp meter to get what is coming from the converter, that makes me feel good.  Maybe I'm not too old for this after all.  It is interesting figuring this out.  Someone here asked me why I want to know, they said what Steve always says at the LD factory "batteries are cheap, use them up and get new ones when they die".  It's true, but I get some satisfaction out of knowing what is going in and out of them...I guess it's the geek in me.

We're going to get on a ferry with the rig and go up to Vancouver Island for 5 or 6 days when we leave here tomorrow.  I'll keep my eye on the Xantrax and if I am somewhere that it won't bother anyone, I'm going to try using the generator in the mornings to boost the solar and see how that works.

Jonna in Tortuga, 2001 Teal RB find us here http://map.datastormusers.com/user1.cfm?user=1013

[Life With A Lazy Daze RV] Re: Converter update (WFCO 55)
Reply #4
Yahoo Message Number: 57077
I am wondering what is the nominal no load current for the Xantrex? The manual should list a value and I expect it could be as much 100mA (just guessing).  Jack