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Topic: Non-Starting Generator (Read 6 times) previous topic - next topic
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Non-Starting Generator
Yahoo Message Number: 56543
Our Onan 4000 generator in our 1998 30 ft IB would kick over but not start even after long cranks of the starter.  The indicating light in the remote start switch would occasionally flash but not stay on.
 Mike Johnson of J&D Power Eq. in Deerfield NH (in our data base) was able to start it after a short amount of cranking by manually keeping the choke closed with his finger while cranking.  He subsequently loosened the 2 or 3 screws on the bi-metallic choke mechanism and rotated it counter clockwise to provide more choke.  No charge-Thanks Mike!
 Apparently the choke was too open for enough gas to be drawn into the engine to sustain firing.

I mention this because this is something some of us can do for ourselves in a similar situation.  For this model generator (4.0 BGE- FA/26100P) the choke mechanism is on the top right side of the generator as you look at it thru the open access door.
Left of that is a space to reach over with a finger and feel the top of the choke linkage. Rolling the top of the linkage to the right keeps the choke closed while you push the start button.

I hope that this helps someone in the future from having to take a long trip to a repair shop.
