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Topic: Phlopz/Phillips Retread/Moderator HERE (Read 1 time) previous topic - next topic
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Phlopz/Phillips Retread/Moderator HERE
Yahoo Message Number: 48246
Hi, Gang.

I was alerted to my slovenly behavior by Karen Zins (AKA olderjerseylady.

I want you all to know that Joan and I are still imMODERATE in our affection for Lazy Daze and the folks that use them.

As Karen noted, we've taken our LD from the Detroit area up to Sandpoint, ID where we now live.  Sandpoint, you've probably noticed, has become a highly hyped place over the last year with articles in several national magazines.  I can tell you, for sure, that the press has it all wrong.  Sandpoint sucks, and the only reason anyone should come here is to visit with us, your irresponsible moderators.

We spent only 3-months as full timers in our RK before grounding in Sandpoint.  I enjoyed life on the road more than Joan, who needed roots.  In our first year in the new house, the Bungalow Truk, Too languished in outside storage.  We spent the entire year on the house and didn't use it even one night.

This year, we did a bit better.  We visited the mothership in Pomona/Montclair in the spring and had LD's window people replace the broken rear glass.  Those folks are the berries.  Wonderful, accomodating and worth the trip to SoCal to get the glass fixed.  We touched base with family and friends while heading north to ID and visited several archeologic sites in search of the roots to our family trees. A month on the road.  Highlights of the trip included universal grousing about quality problems with off-brand coaches -- praticularly dissapointing to learn of the ridiculous troubles and long "fixes" common in the "high-end" (actually high priced) stuff.

Second trip was a month over in the Teton/Yellowstone area to visit with our kids in Jackson Hole.  The revelation on that trip was just how many idiots are out there hauling 3-bedroom apartments around with diesel pickups.  Diesel pickups are proof that brain death is surviveable!  They all seem to think that they're 18-wheel teamsters and leave the clattery things idling at dumpstations, check-ins, everywhere.  BUT, don't get me started.
 The last month in the LD this year took us over to the Pacific Coast and down the Oregon shoreline.  BT, Too is now languishing in a nearby barn awaiting its trip to NM and Carlsbad Caverns (maybe San Antonio) in April.

We're still very satisfied with the 2002 26.5 RK.  We think that, since we're no longer (longer?!) full-timing in it that we'd rather have a shorter coach --probably a rear lounge so that we can more easily get it in to Forest Service camps and boondock sites in the woods.  HECK, knowing what I now know about Chebby chassis (years at GM), I wish I still had the '86 Multi-Plan.  I'd re-do engine, transmission and brakes, have LD re-caulk it and take it to the woods to add to its collection of Tennessee pin-stripes.
 We've made many modifications to our rig and have several more ideas to execute --maybe in March before the trip south.

We have been distracted from the LD group for the last couple of years --retirement, new house, working on the Sandpoint Depopulation Commission, you know.  We love you guys, and we'll be at the big rallye in Colorado in 2006.

bob phillips

Re: Phlopz/Phillips Retread/Moderator HERE
Reply #1
Yahoo Message Number: 48256
"...I wish I still had the '86 Multi-Plan.  I'd re-do engine,
transmission and brakes, have LD re-caulk it and take it to the
woods to add to its collection of Tennessee pin-stripes..."

bob phillips
Bob, priceless comment about the "TN pin- stripes".  Gave me a good chuckle while I hide out for a few moments of peace from the 6 visiting grandkids.

Never had the Multi-Plan, but if I were to buy a used LD, that is what I'd get.   It appears to be super-functional.

Chris Horst
2002 30' IB

Denver (heading below zero by early evening)
Formerly: 2002 30' IB

Re: Phlopz/Phillips Retread/Moderator HERE
Reply #2
Yahoo Message Number: 48257
We love you guys, and we'll be at the big

rallye in Colorado in 2006.

bob phillips
Thanks for your update and all the work you did as moderator and all the information and experience that you shared with us.

If you head for Durango Colorado for the the big golden caravan in 2006, you're going to miss it.   That's because it has been moved to Cheyenne, Wyoming.

See you there

Ken of Ken, Patty, and daughter Stephanie in San Diego

Re: Phlopz/Phillips Retread/Moderator HERE
Reply #3
Yahoo Message Number: 48275
Hey Bob,
 It's good to see your moniker again!  I'm glad to hear you are having fun and in such a gorgeous place (Sandpoint)... oops! sssshhh... I didn't say anything about what a beautiful hunk of the universe it is.
I can see that your wit and humor are still with you, I'm sure there are many of us that miss that as well as your excellent advice and knowledge.  I hope you stop in more often.

The revelation on that trip was just how many idiots are out there hauling 3-bedroom apartments around with diesel pickups.  Diesel pickups are proof that brain death is surviveable!
Oh boy, don't get me started on that one either!  I have to be nice because of Mimi's involvement with the Escapees but I tell you, I'm incredibly appalled by the monsters that some people haul down the road. I would just chalk it up to poor taste or different tastes if they didn't start those **%!! diesel trucks at dark thirty in the morning and choke everyone with the fumes for the next hour before roaring off.  There seems to be some connection between diesel trucks and the weird belief that there are some kind of heavenly brownie points handed out to the first person up and out on the road in the morning.  Bleh!

Hope to see you in CHEYENNE in 2006.
 Jonna, in San Miguel de Allende in a nice RV park with lots of space where 2 huge 2 bedroom apts were pulled in this afternoon by 2 huge, smelly, loud diesel trucks and parked right next to us, blotting out the beautiful sunshine, when there is a LOT of room if they could conceive of the idea of SPREADING OUT!!