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Topic: Campground Anger (Read 521 times) previous topic - next topic
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Campground Anger
This is an interesting (and discouraging) article from the Salem, Oregon newspaper.
I knew overcrowding was a serious issue, but I had not heard of rangers being assaulted and stalked by angry campers until reading the article.

Anger boils at crowded Oregon campsites
2010 MB (2011-present)                                                                                        
1994 Multiplan (1997-2010)

Re: Campground Anger
Reply #1
"This is an interesting (and discouraging) article from the Salem, Oregon newspaper."

So what is it; State Parks, County Parks or Forest Service Parks (?)

Looks to me as if the news writer was trying to fill an unnecessary gap to justify her salary!
Steve S.
Lazy Bones & Cedar
2004 30'IB (Island Bed)
Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery
Live for the day!

Re: Campground Anger
Reply #2
Awful behavior and depressing to read how bad people can be.....................

Gary & Karen
2007 30' TB

Re: Campground Anger
Reply #3
So what is it; State Parks, County Parks or Forest Service Parks (?)
Sunnyside County Park, as per the top of the article.

Looks to me as if the news writer was trying to fill an unnecessary gap to justify her salary!
Says the writer is an intern😇

The increase in conflict is a result of the influx of new campers, which is making reservations tight, and the newbies are less chill, which I get, I am far more go with the flow now than I was when I first started 18 years ago.

"Campsite pirates" claimed already reserved sites as their own. They tore off reservation tags from the campground's kiosks and replaced them with their own, leaving the original parties confused — and angry — when they showed up and foundtheir campsite occupied.

Wonder how much of this is directly stealing a site, vs seeing a site reserved for multiple days being empty past the arrival date?  The latter must be cracked down on, reserving a site you have no intention of occupying that night.

2017 TK

Re: Campground Anger
Reply #4
"So what is it; State Parks, County Parks or Forest Service Parks (?)"

The article specifically mentions county parks and state parks, but from the description of widespread problems, I imagine things are just as bad at USFS campgrounds. Maybe worse, because the Forest Service generally has fewer rangers and campground hosts.

"Looks to me as if the news writer was trying to fill an unnecessary gap to justify her salary!"

If I saw an article that said "There was a fistfight last week at Snakebite State Park--the world is going to hell in a handbasket," I might agree with you. But that's not the case here. This article quotes four different employees who are involved with various county and state parks, and they all agree that threats and violence--both against other campers and against rangers--have recently become much more common.

For example: “The interactions that our staff are having with the public have been really challenging over the last three years. People are angrier, and that is coming out on our employees and it's very concerning.” And: "People not only disagree with our rangers, but disagree in ways that include verbally attacking them, threatening physical violence and sometimes following through on those threats. We have had rangers hit."

This is serious news, not journalistic fluff, and it matters to anyone who is planning to camp in the Pacific Northwest.
Andy Baird
2021 Ford Ranger towing 2019 Airstream 19CB
Previously: 1985 LD Twin/King "Gertie"; 2003 LD Midbath "Skylark"

Re: Campground Anger
Reply #5
Several years ago while camping at Serrano CG at Big Bear Lake, I had a very informative conversation with my CG crew member about harassment in CG’s.

Apparently, the CG crews in Utah (Watchman CG etc) have had run ins with unruly guests. If behavior is not immediately modified, the CG crew calls the local sheriffs office who sends officers out within minutes and take matters into their capable hands.

Bad, unacceptable behavior needs immediate action. Our CG crews have enough to contend with as it is.

2015 27' RB "MissB.Haven"

Re: Campground Anger
Reply #6
There are certain States like Texas where I would hold my anger or not steal another mans campsite.

Just a consideration.
Rick and Melissa
2016 27ft RB

Re: Campground Anger
Reply #7
There are certain States like Texas where I would hold my anger or not steal another mans campsite.

Just a consideration.
The way I read this is that you think Texans, unlike residents of some states, would take things into their own hands. Was that your mind on the subject?
Don & Dorothy
Sold our LD in June of 2023

Our boring always non-PC travel blog
Traveling Dorothy

Re: Campground Anger
Reply #8
The way I read this is that you think Texans, unlike residents of some states, would take things into their own hands. Was that your mind on the subject?

Texas State Park Rangers simply don’t tolerate such behavior.   (We’ve been to 35 Texas State Parks).   In addition, these Park Rangers have a close working relationship with local LE.  The net result is Campers and other guests behave or else they are removed from the CG.  We’ve seen this happen a few times.  Hope this helps you to understand.

Re: Campground Anger
Reply #9
Texas State Park Rangers simply don’t tolerate such behavior.  

OK, I wonder if Rick was referring to the Rangers or Texans in general.

We have stayed in several Texas parks over the years. We find them over-priced compared to some other states. Then you get it with a daily fee on top of the camping fee.

Texas has always been a state for us to endure while we transit from Alabama to say Utah. I say this even tho I was at UT for a year.
Don & Dorothy
Sold our LD in June of 2023

Our boring always non-PC travel blog
Traveling Dorothy

Re: Campground Anger
Reply #10
If CG anger is prevalent elsewhere, I suspect it is just a manifestation of too many people "on the road" in the last few years.  Is it any different from the headlines every day of random violence?

National Parks are overrun.
Don & Dorothy
Sold our LD in June of 2023

Our boring always non-PC travel blog
Traveling Dorothy

Re: Campground Anger
Reply #11
"... a manifestation of too many people "on the road" in the last few years."

Perhaps not on a scale of today but rowdiness is not a new thing in campgrounds.

Many years ago (1956 ?) I had an occasion to talk to a local Deputy Sheriff on location in the High Sierra. He told me that if there was trouble in a campground within his jurisdiction he would be notified by the campground host. He would then respond and handle the situation.

As an aside to that, but much more recent, there was an actual homicide which took place in another campground not far from that Deputy and well within his jurisdiction. A man crawled into a tent occupied by a young couple. The male occupant was armed and the intruder did not leave under his own power.

How do I know this? I was considering a job with the Sheriff's Dept. at the time!
Steve S.
Lazy Bones & Cedar
2004 30'IB (Island Bed)
Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery
Live for the day!

Re: Campground Anger
Reply #12
I wonder if this is a microcosm of a gradual generalized deterioration of civility in our society today.
Joel & Terry Wiley
dog Zeke
2013  31 IB   Orwan   / 2011 CRV Tow'd LWEROVE

Re: Campground Anger
Reply #13
I wonder if this is a microcosm of a gradual generalized deterioration of civility in our society today.
Perhaps to a degree...  I think it also has to do with readily available "news" through social platforms, RV forums such as this and such.    Local news is rarely that anymore - whenever there's an event of any magnitude or particular nastiness, everybody hears about it from the talking head on the evening news or headlines.  We are pretty much all up-to-date on the latest and maybe not so greatest. 

We've been camping for over 40 years in one form or another (tents to RV's) and have never experienced truly bad behavior by others.  Sure, some rowdiness from late night "partying" on the weekends or some old guy yelling "get off my grass" to the children wandering through the camp, but nothing like fights or threatening actions...

Knock on wood... 

2006 24’ TK
570 watts solar, 300Ah lithium
SKP Lifetime member #105622
Land of Enchantment

Re: Campground Anger
Reply #14
From Don Maples - We have stayed in several Texas parks over the years. We find them over-priced compared to some other states. Then you get it with a daily fee on top of the camping fee.

We’re staying at one of the more expensive Texas State Parks for 3 nights in a few weeks.  We’ll have water, electricity, a picnic table, fire ring and a concrete level pad on the Lake, surrounded by trees.  We have an annual $75 Texas SP pass.   Price is $62.50 for everything for 3 nights. 

Re: Campground Anger
Reply #15
I am anti social in general. I don't want to stay anywhere that other people are staying.
And on top of that, I prefer to not pay to stay, that avoids so many of the pitfalls of camping around others.
Seems to work out most of the time, but I have had some instances where people think my spot is just fine for them to use as well. I have to run them off and sometimes have to be forceful in my behavior.
That is why I'll stick with the dogs for my companions.
96 23.5 FL

Re: Campground Anger
Reply #16
We’re staying at one of the more expensive Texas State Parks for 3 nights in a few weeks.  We’ll have water, electricity, a picnic table, fire ring and a concrete level pad on the Lake, surrounded by trees.  We have an annual $75 Texas SP pass.   Price is $62.50 for everything for 3 nights. 

The State Parks also do not allow open consumption  of Alcohol. Most of the Campers are families and in all my years never seen any problems. The Rangers are very strict shutting down any Partying and open Booze.

My yearly pass also gets several nights free plus the discounts. It pays for itself 5 times over.

But like all LE, I'm sure they all have good stories to tell.
Rick and Melissa
2016 27ft RB

Re: Campground Anger
Reply #17
We’ll have water, electricity, a picnic table, fire ring and a concrete level pad on the Lake, surrounded by trees.  We have an annual $75 Texas SP pass.   Price is $62.50 for everything for 3 nights.
What would the price be without the SP pass?
2005 Jayco 24SS

Re: Campground Anger
Reply #18
What would the price be without the SP pass?

The simple answer.   Senior Texans with a waxed Blue/White Lazy Daze … the least.  Younger Out of State RVers with any SOB … the most.

For a more detailed quote please visit Campgrounds and Camping Reservations - Texas State Parks .   A night at our home with 20A service for LDOs is free. 

Re: Campground Anger
Reply #19
Ed may I politely point out that there was an acquisition cost for your home as well as taxes, maintenance and the cost of electricity, few things in life are free.  I write this with my 98~MB sitting in our driveway which I had to move the other day for the lawn mower to mow our lawn and the trees that were trimmed behind it.  I wish there was a true free ride! 

I must say recently in the last few years we have noticed in off season a large number of reservation no-shows in all of the parks we have been to, including, County, State, NFS, BLM and NPS.

                                    98 ~ MB
1998 ~ MB  WanderDaze
previously a 1984 Winnebago itaska- The Road Warrior, before that several VW Buses and before that a 1965 Chrysler Convertible Newport or our 1969 Chrysler La Barron with an ice box and a couple sleeping bags

Re: Campground Anger
Reply #20
Ed may I politely point out that there was an acquisition cost for your home as well as taxes, maintenance and the cost of electricity, few things in life are free.

I certainly agree … the free 20A service offer was for other LDOs (Lazy Daze Owners).  It’s certainly not free for us.  Gosh No!!

Re: Campground Anger
Reply #21
Ed I am sorry I miss understood your offer.
I was just commenting on the state of things and how few things in Life are Free. 
We are HH/Boondockers Welcome Hosts and offer our driveway here on Vashon for free through their website but would also make the same offer to any LDO folks who would brave the ferrys to come to Vashon.

                           98 ~ MB

1998 ~ MB  WanderDaze
previously a 1984 Winnebago itaska- The Road Warrior, before that several VW Buses and before that a 1965 Chrysler Convertible Newport or our 1969 Chrysler La Barron with an ice box and a couple sleeping bags

Re: Campground Anger
Reply #22
We are HH/Boondockers Welcome Hosts and offer our driveway here on Vashon for free through their website but would also make the same offer to any LDO folks who would brave the ferrys to come to Vashon.
Still planning next year, but I just might be by next April on the way to Victoria.

2017 TK

Re: Campground Anger
Reply #23
As an almost lifelong Oregonian and a lifelong camper I had not noticed any change in the behavior of camper personnel.   I have found campers are just like other folk - some nice, some *ssholes.  

My judgment on this article when I read it was 'standard' news.   As they say a 'plane landing'' is not news.  I agree folks today are a bit more on edge then in the past but I think that comes from the over populations in just about all places in life.    We all are learning how to live with less space.   Some of us just don't like knowing they can't have all they personally want no matter who is around. 

All and all I will enjoy my life be it camping in wide open spaces or camping in high-end RV parks and all in between.  


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