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Topic: Dog Attack on Christmas Day (Read 542 times) previous topic - next topic
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Dog Attack on Christmas Day
On Christmas Day I was walking my malti-poo Luna on a six foot leash (that is indicated in the rules people are given at check-in) at the Low-Hi RV Ranch in Deming, New Mexico.  As I walked past an RV, a large dog that was in a pen-like enclosure barked and snarled at us, so I quickly walked by. 
The next thing I know the large dog apparently had jumped it's pen, catching up to us and starting attacking Luna.  Luna has a handle on her collar and I quickly picked her up and kept turning away from the attacking dog. The owner didn't come right away, and when she did she couldn't control her dog and get hold of it.  She yelled at me to "stand still" so she could grab her dog, but I couldn't as it was still attacking and biting.   I can't even begin to tell you the terror.  All I could think of was to protect Luna...

The owner wanted to "examine" my dog afterwards and I said absolutely not.  Her response was to call me a b*tch.  Due to the holidays a sherrif did come to take a report, but said that since it was private property and the manager (who doens't live on site).  The people that work in the office told me since it was Christmas they weren't going to "bother" the manager and he didn't contact me until he came to work on Monday, 12/27/21. 
Meanwhile, I was frantic to have Animal Control come out and verify the the dog had a rabies vaccination since I too had been bitten.  I called dispatch several times and they assured me they were coming out.  They didn't.  Finally, on Sunday evening around 9:00 p.m. another sherrif came out and said he would go talk to the dog owner and affirm proof of vaccination.  He returned to my RV space and told me the inside of of her RV was "like a hoarder" and she couldn't find the rabies certificate. 

I was frantic because she was packed up and ready to leave and was telling people "no one is taking away my dog."  I called dispatch first thing on Monday 12/27/21 and Animal Control did finally come, along with a very "mean" sherrif.  He accused me of lying and said the previous sherrif said she DID show proof of vaccination. 

Why would I lie? 

I took Luna to a local vet (no emergency vets were open) on Monday 12/27/21 and the vet examined Luna.  He said we were VERY, VERY LUCKY and it was good that I picked up Luna to protect her.  I told the vet that Luna seems to be "drooling" a bit, and he said that it's a result of the trauma ans will go away as she calms down more.  (Photos attached)

Needless to say I've moved out of that RV park.  The sad part is no one (the owner or the park manager) never apologized, but instead I was treated like it was my fault.  I went to the local Wal*Mart and bought a canister of pepper spray that has elastic to wrap around your hand.  I won't walk Luna anymore without it. 

My initial feeling was to "tuck tail" and go home.  I'm struggling with anxiety right now, but still plan to go to Quartsite and then on to Puerto Penasco. 
I'm curious if anyone has been involved in a dog attack while traveling.  What do you do to protect your dog while walking against attacks?
Cheryl (a.k.a. Desert Diva)
1998 Lazy Daze (26.5 mid-bath)
2002 Honda CR-V

Re: Dog Attack on Christmas Day
Reply #1
What an absolutely horrible attack and extremely mean spirited and nasty bunch of people.   Actually, I’m just as outraged as you are and can only hope the best for your little girl and of course for you.  You’re a tough person and you will no doubt land on your feet.   Hugs from Texas.

PS. Gracie sends her best wishes too.

Re: Dog Attack on Christmas Day
Reply #2
So sad.
Steve and Jill, Steve posting
1999 26.5 Mid-Bath

Re: Dog Attack on Christmas Day
Reply #3

I always carries a small bottle of pepper spray when I do my morning exercise walk. I do not have a pet so the situation is simpler. In the spring of 2020, I was walking in a subdivision near a RV park in Byron GA, a large black dog suddenly jumped out from a house, attempt to bite my lower left leg. I just spray to the dog's nose and eyes. It must be very painful for that dog. It ran away immediately.   Amazon.com : POM Pepper Spray Black Flip Top Keychain - Maximum Strength OC...

As an Amazon Associate Lazy Daze Owners' Group earns from qualifying purchases.
2004 Mid Bath,
2007 Jeep Liberty Towed

Re: Dog Attack on Christmas Day
Reply #4
I'm so sorry that this happened.  I understand the trauma and frustration that you felt.

About five years ago, our German shepherd was attacked by a pitbull while we were traveling.  The owners jumped in their car and left while we were attending to our injured dog.

Last year, our black lab was attacked at the Borrego Palm Canyon campground.  A big German Shepherd broke out of the door of a motorhome and attacked my dog while my wife was walking him.  The shepherd attacked from the back with no warning, and according to witnesses, the shepherd looked as if he wanted to kill our dog.

The owner did not have a license or a collar or any rabies vaccine evidence (said they left it at home).  We called the sheriff and they said to call the ranger.  The ranger took a report and said to call animal control. San Diego animal control said they couldn't do anything because the dog was from the Bay Area.  Bay are animal control said they couldn't do anything because the incident happened in San Diego.  Due to our dog's injuries and bleeding, we made a mad dash in the Jeep (at night) to San Diego for stitches and evaluation.

On the brighter side, my wife sent me the payment invoice for the vet work and the owner gave me cash.  This also eliminated the my obligation to kill someone.  On the down side, the incident didn't elicit any official response and the dog is still out traveling in their motorhome and waiting for another dog to attack in a campground.  Naturally, the owners said "We are so surprised. We have never had anything happen like this in the past."  Fat Chance.

We now walk the our dog with a walking stick with a sharp end.  I will not be passive if an unleashed dog attacks our dog in the future.  There is no one to rely on for assistance but ourselves.

Again, I'm so sorry that this happened to you and your pup.

2014 27 MB
Towd: Either the Jeep Wrangler or trailer containing the BMW R1200GS and 2 E-bicycles
Happy wife=Happy life

Re: Dog Attack on Christmas Day
Reply #5

It is disturbing to even read about this. I too am very sorry you and your dog had to go through this terrible experience! I'm disgusted by the lack of concern, sense of responsibility, or empathy from the owners, and the laziness and dismissive attitude on the part of the professionals that should have been nothing but helpful (in both your and Harold's experiences). I commend you for going on with your trip, not sure I would. I hope you are soon surrounded by supportive and kind folks so both you and your dog can heal your wounds!

2003 -- 23' FL

Re: Dog Attack on Christmas Day
Reply #6

What a horrible experience. I'm so glad Luna is going to be ok.
I'm concerned about how you never received definitive proof that the dog was vaccinated against Rabies.  I will worry until
you do.

Susan Wilson
'95 MB
'03  Front Lounge
'15   TK
‘21 MB

Re: Dog Attack on Christmas Day
Reply #7
I'm soooo sorry to hear this.  Healing to YOU and LUNA
2005 RB

Re: Dog Attack on Christmas Day
Reply #8

Sorry to hear about this awful attack. My condolences and hopes for a quick recovery of Luna.  In addition to pepper spray, we now travel with this product:

Amazon.com : Griz Guard Bear Spray (2 Pack) -Strongest Formula Allowed by...

As an Amazon Associate Lazy Daze Owners' Group earns from qualifying purchases.
Greg & Victoria
2017 Mid-Bath  “Nocona” towing a manual 2015 Forester
Previously a 1985 TK
SKP #61264

Re: Dog Attack on Christmas Day
Reply #9
Expensive, but worth it to fend off an aggressive dog.
I wonder if it can be shipped to California?

2014 27 MB
Towd: Either the Jeep Wrangler or trailer containing the BMW R1200GS and 2 E-bicycles
Happy wife=Happy life

Re: Dog Attack on Christmas Day
Reply #11
On Christmas Day I was walking my malti-poo Luna on a six foot leash (that is indicated in the rules people are given at check-in) at the Low-Hi RV Ranch in Deming, New Mexico.  As I walked past an RV, a large dog that was in a pen-like enclosure barked and snarled at us, so I quickly walked by. 
The next thing I know the large dog apparently had jumped it's pen, catching up to us and starting attacking Luna.  Luna has a handle on her collar and I quickly picked her up and kept turning away from the attacking dog. The owner didn't come right away, and when she did she couldn't control her dog and get hold of it.  She yelled at me to "stand still" so she could grab her dog, but I couldn't as it was still attacking and biting.   I can't even begin to tell you the terror.  All I could think of was to protect Luna...

The owner wanted to "examine" my dog afterwards and I said absolutely not.  Her response was to call me a b*tch.  Due to the holidays a sherrif did come to take a report, but said that since it was private property and the manager (who doens't live on site).  The people that work in the office told me since it was Christmas they weren't going to "bother" the manager and he didn't contact me until he came to work on Monday, 12/27/21. 
Meanwhile, I was frantic to have Animal Control come out and verify the the dog had a rabies vaccination since I too had been bitten.  I called dispatch several times and they assured me they were coming out.  They didn't.  Finally, on Sunday evening around 9:00 p.m. another sherrif came out and said he would go talk to the dog owner and affirm proof of vaccination.  He returned to my RV space and told me the inside of of her RV was "like a hoarder" and she couldn't find the rabies certificate. 

I was frantic because she was packed up and ready to leave and was telling people "no one is taking away my dog."  I called dispatch first thing on Monday 12/27/21 and Animal Control did finally come, along with a very "mean" sherrif.  He accused me of lying and said the previous sherrif said she DID show proof of vaccination. 

Why would I lie? 

I took Luna to a local vet (no emergency vets were open) on Monday 12/27/21 and the vet examined Luna.  He said we were VERY, VERY LUCKY and it was good that I picked up Luna to protect her.  I told the vet that Luna seems to be "drooling" a bit, and he said that it's a result of the trauma ans will go away as she calms down more.  (Photos attached)

Needless to say I've moved out of that RV park.  The sad part is no one (the owner or the park manager) never apologized, but instead I was treated like it was my fault.  I went to the local Wal*Mart and bought a canister of pepper spray that has elastic to wrap around your hand.  I won't walk Luna anymore without it. 

My initial feeling was to "tuck tail" and go home.  I'm struggling with anxiety right now, but still plan to go to Quartsite and then on to Puerto Penasco. 
I'm curious if anyone has been involved in a dog attack while traveling.  What do you do to protect your dog while walking against attacks?
Very sad that the owner and his employees can't take care of their guests. I know it's going to sound cumbersome', but the little cans of pepper spray may or may not work. Buy the 2 pack of 'bear' pepper spray at Costco, which I think includes 2 smaller cans as well. The little ones are cute, but get accustomed to carrying - and using - the big can. Practice taking the safety lock on & off, until you can do it in the dark, left or right handed, with the dog in your arms. Practice OUTSIDE, in case there is an accidental discharge. With the wind behind your back.
The stuff can spray a powerful, easy to aim stream 20 feet or more, and has lots of reserve!
By the way, we winter in Puerto Penasco, where we are now. The locals (when riding their bikes) often use a baton, made of a piece of steel pipe of sawed-off billiard stick - very effectively.
Sounds like you did all you could, and very bravely. Best wishes, Robert.

Re: Dog Attack on Christmas Day
Reply #12
I wonder if it can be shipped to California?

Harold, they shipped it to me so I guess so. My neighbor (retired LE) also ordered some for walking around our rural roads to deter any aggressive wildlife.
Greg & Victoria
2017 Mid-Bath  “Nocona” towing a manual 2015 Forester
Previously a 1985 TK
SKP #61264

Re: Dog Attack on Christmas Day
Reply #13
as for shipping, when I tried to get it from Amazon to NJ it was not allowed but I ordered and got it from Walmart. It may be other way around, been over a year ... Beside spray we also have walking sticks with us most of the time.

I have a question on this topic .... Last year I had to take bear spray out of the holder once and was very close to use it on the dog as it was going to attack us. Fortunately owner was able to control the dog on time. Afterward I was wondered what my liability would be if I use bear spray on a the dog? Will I get into lot of legal trouble or will be dealing with liability lawsuit for years to come?


Re: Dog Attack on Christmas Day
Reply #14
I carry two cans of UDAP Bear spray in the LD. Primarily for use in Bear country. Haven’t used it yet. Purchased on Amazon.

Here is a link to their site outlining the spray.

: UDAP Pepper Power 

2015 27' RB "MissB.Haven"

Re: Dog Attack on Christmas Day
Reply #15
What an absolutely horrible attack and extremely mean spirited and nasty bunch of people.   Actually, I’m just as outraged as you are and can only hope the best for your little girl and of course for you.  You’re a tough person and you will no doubt land on your feet.   Hugs from Texas.

PS. Gracie sends her best wishes too.

Thanks so much for the kind words in replying.  It was a total shock and unexpected.  Luna will be fine, but she's somewhat "clingy."  In time, I know I will be better, but in the meantime I would appreciate your prayers.  I don't know if I'm a "tough person," but I'm indeed a "survivor."  Luna is a rescue and I made a commitment to care for and protect her.  Scooping her up in my arms probably saved her life.  I'm struggling as I need to forgive and move on.  By the way, Gracie is adorable!
Cheryl (a.k.a. Desert Diva)
1998 Lazy Daze (26.5 mid-bath)
2002 Honda CR-V

Re: Dog Attack on Christmas Day
Reply #16
So sad.

Indeed...  However, circumstances happen in our lives that are beyond our control.  My main focus is to protect Luna (and myself) and try to move on.
Cheryl (a.k.a. Desert Diva)
1998 Lazy Daze (26.5 mid-bath)
2002 Honda CR-V

Re: Dog Attack on Christmas Day
Reply #17
I always carries a small bottle of pepper spray when I do my morning exercise walk. I do not have a pet so the situation is simpler. In the spring of 2020, I was walking in a subdivision near a RV park in Byron GA, a large black dog suddenly jumped out from a house, attempt to bite my lower left leg. I just spray to the dog's nose and eyes. It must be very painful for that dog. It ran away immediately.   Amazon.com : POM Pepper Spray Black Flip Top Keychain - Maximum Strength OC...

Sadly, it's part of the society that we live in.  All I can do now is try my best to protect my dog (and myself).
As an Amazon Associate Lazy Daze Owners' Group earns from qualifying purchases.
Cheryl (a.k.a. Desert Diva)
1998 Lazy Daze (26.5 mid-bath)
2002 Honda CR-V

Re: Dog Attack on Christmas Day
Reply #18
I'm so sorry that this happened.  I understand the trauma and frustration that you felt.

About five years ago, our German shepherd was attacked by a pitbull while we were traveling.  The owners jumped in their car and left while we were attending to our injured dog.

Last year, our black lab was attacked at the Borrego Palm Canyon campground.  A big German Shepherd broke out of the door of a motorhome and attacked my dog while my wife was walking him.  The shepherd attacked from the back with no warning, and according to witnesses, the shepherd looked as if he wanted to kill our dog.

The owner did not have a license or a collar or any rabies vaccine evidence (said they left it at home).  We called the sheriff and they said to call the ranger.  The ranger took a report and said to call animal control. San Diego animal control said they couldn't do anything because the dog was from the Bay Area.  Bay are animal control said they couldn't do anything because the incident happened in San Diego.  Due to our dog's injuries and bleeding, we made a mad dash in the Jeep (at night) to San Diego for stitches and evaluation.

On the brighter side, my wife sent me the payment invoice for the vet work and the owner gave me cash.  This also eliminated the my obligation to kill someone.  On the down side, the incident didn't elicit any official response and the dog is still out traveling in their motorhome and waiting for another dog to attack in a campground.  Naturally, the owners said "We are so surprised. We have never had anything happen like this in the past."  Fat Chance.

We now walk the our dog with a walking stick with a sharp end.  I will not be passive if an unleashed dog attacks our dog in the future.  There is no one to rely on for assistance but ourselves.

Again, I'm so sorry that this happened to you and your pup.


Sadly, Harold I so identify with what you wrote.  I'm so very sorry for your dog attack experiences.  It seems that you got the same "runaround" that I got when I was just trying to make sure my dog (and me) were OK.  Life at best is short, and I refuse to "roll over" and be a victim.  As you, I will not be passive if an unleashed dog decides to attack.  Sorry, not sorry but I will use necessary force to stop the attack and I'm certainly not concerned about the damage and welfare of the attacking dog.  It's so sad, but your comment "There is no one to to rely on for assistance but ourselves" rings true.
Cheryl (a.k.a. Desert Diva)
1998 Lazy Daze (26.5 mid-bath)
2002 Honda CR-V

Re: Dog Attack on Christmas Day
Reply #19
Sorry to hear about this awful attack. My condolences and hopes for a quick recovery of Luna.  In addition to pepper spray, we now travel with this product:

Amazon.com : Griz Guard Bear Spray (2 Pack) -Strongest Formula Allowed by...

Thanks, good to know and I'll look into ordering some!
As an Amazon Associate Lazy Daze Owners' Group earns from qualifying purchases.
Cheryl (a.k.a. Desert Diva)
1998 Lazy Daze (26.5 mid-bath)
2002 Honda CR-V

Re: Dog Attack on Christmas Day
Reply #20
I'm sorry to hear this, especially since I often travel with a pet.  I've been told Pepper Gel is better than the spray because it's easier to control in wind and is more likely to go where you want it.  Amazon carries it.  I also have a very small air horn which may deter some animals, plus a walking stick.  (the air horn may bring some witnesses as well?)  I can't believe none of those agencies would help!
2000 TK

Re: Dog Attack on Christmas Day
Reply #21
I always carries a small bottle of pepper spray when I do my morning exercise walk. I do not have a pet so the situation is simpler. In the spring of 2020, I was walking in a subdivision near a RV park in Byron GA, a large black dog suddenly jumped out from a house, attempt to bite my lower left leg. I just spray to the dog's nose and eyes. It must be very painful for that dog. It ran away immediately.   Amazon.com : POM Pepper Spray Black Flip Top Keychain - Maximum Strength OC...

I always carry pepper spray when I walk my little dog.
It gives me piece of mind.
I have pulled it out twice but fortunately haven't needed to pull the trigger.
As an Amazon Associate Lazy Daze Owners' Group earns from qualifying purchases.
2021 Mid Bath

Re: Dog Attack on Christmas Day
Reply #22
Just getting caught up on posts. I have a malti-mis as well. I plan on carrying pepper spray it bear spray when walking her. My last trip on Cape Cod got ne to carry my walking stick at night, coyotes.
2002 TK 24ft