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Off-Topic - Exercise & Rest
While my Granddaughter is XC training, I take a long walk and afterwards lay on the ground behind my car to stretch.  So today while stretching I dozed off for a few minutes.  (I wake up at 5:00 am to take her).   Next thing I know this maintenance man is calling me to see if I'm alive or dead.  It took a few minutes to convince him I was okay. 

The morale of this story might be don't walk so far ... wrong.   Or don't stretch afterwards ... wrong again.   Or maybe don't nap 💤 in the parking lot.  😜

Re: Off-Topic - Exercise & Rest
Reply #2
When on multi-day motorcycle rides, I typically stop for lunch around noon and then find a nice shady place to lie down and take a short fifteen or twenty minute nap.  It is a civilized way to enjoy the day. I have done this for over forty years of motorcycle traveling.

On several occasions I have awakened to find someone standing nearby staring at me.  Why is watching a person take a nap so fascinating?

2014 27 MB
Towd: Either the Jeep Wrangler or trailer containing the BMW R1200GS and 2 E-bicycles
Happy wife=Happy life

Re: Off-Topic - Exercise & Rest
Reply #3
"Why is watching a person take a nap so fascinating?"
Well, at least a passerby is less likely to sit on you and pry your eyelids open to see if you're still in there! I'm pretty sure that your kids did this more than once!  ;)
2003 TK has a new home

Re: Off-Topic - Exercise & Rest
Reply #4
I'm a short sleeper, maybe get 3 hours a night if I'm lucky.
I don't nap, I would never sleep at night.
For exercise, we have three dogs that keep us active, especially walks at 10,000 ft.
96 23.5 FL

Re: Off-Topic - Exercise & Rest
Reply #5
After 40+ years of working in the printing industry, I’ve heard stories of folks napping in the wrong place that have gone horribly wrong. Very sad.

While working at the plant one day, I noticed a man (skid row gentleman hired by a local “door hanger” company and bussed to our plant 35 miles from Los Angeles). He had wedged himself between a paper bailer and a 40’ waste paper container.

I yelled, prodded him and thought he was dead. Bringing his situation to the attention of his supervisor, the sleeping fellow was awakened, given $5.00 and put in a van and taken back to skid row where I suspect he grabbed a drink and promptly fell back to sleep.

You see a lot of things in the course of a lifetime. That was an unexpected tragedy averted. 😴

2015 27' RB "MissB.Haven"

Re: Off-Topic - Exercise & Rest
Reply #6
Way back, before on-line courses/study were the norm, I used to study in the library at college (Go UCSB Gauchos!).  During a particularly difficult trimester (Genetics, Physics, Bio-Chemistry, Music theory), I found myself leaving the library only for class, meals and a short night in the sack.  Around about 7:00 PM, I would often find myself tired and unable to concentrate after hours of study.  I determined that if I simply lay my head on the library table and took a 10-15 minute nap, I would awake refreshed and once more able to soak up plenty of additional arcane concepts and equations.  Since then, I’ve maintained the practice of napping when mentally or physically fatigued, or as others have said, when presented with a nice spot to rest for a while (the forest and beach are favorites). 

Speaking of which, I feel a nap in the back yard coming on…

2019 MB “Dream Catcher”
Jeep Wrangler JL

Re: Off-Topic - Exercise & Rest
Reply #7
I've napped many times on the lawn and under the pine tree in front of the school at the north end of Lee Vining.  It works best in the summer when the kiddies aren't there.

Shade, quiet, grass, and a flat place to park the bike and I'm off in dreamland.

Upon awaking, it's like a whole new day!

2014 27 MB
Towd: Either the Jeep Wrangler or trailer containing the BMW R1200GS and 2 E-bicycles
Happy wife=Happy life

Re: Off-Topic - Exercise & Rest
Reply #8
This is a tale from way back when...

I was introduced to squirrel hunting when but a boy. It later became a passion, I've had some good fried and stewed squirrels, aka: Tree Rats!

Back then I was too young to drive and my Dad would drive me and a buddy to most anywhere we wanted to go. Sometimes we'd get a free breakfast out of the deal. One day after the Old Man was a bit hung-over from the night before he set the two of use loose in the woods while he laid down in some newly fallen leaves and went to sleep. Sometime during his slumbers a man came along the path, spotted my Dad laid out prone and panicked. He thought that he had just discovered a dead body. It wasn't until this guy got closer and the Old Man sat up that he nearly 'P'd' his pants!   :o    :D
Steve S.
Lazy Bones & Cedar
2004 30'IB (Island Bed)
Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery
Live for the day!

Re: Off-Topic - Exercise & Rest
Reply #9
Since retiring a couple of months ago there have been the usual questions about how retirement is going but my favorite question is always, "What's the best thing about retirement?" and the quick response has always been, "Naps!"
2013 31' Silver Twin Bed
Semi-retired 6/21....

Re: Off-Topic - Exercise & Rest
Reply #10
I just drove back from LA to Phoenix (not in the LD)...  There is one place that there is a nice, shady tree, and it was available!!  I took a nice 45 minute nap (vehicle running with AC, as it was 115*).  A power nap is a wonderful thing.  When I used to take my break/nap at work, I had a hat that said "AT LUNCH-DO NOT DISTURB".
2005 RB