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Can not thank you enough
Lazy Daze was delivered 1+ month ago and we are slowly going East. If plan holds, we will be home in NJ by mid June.

I never had a RV before nor had much of camping experience before but reading this forum for few years prepared me pretty well. So far no issues at all ... I had parts and plans for few updates on the road but so far there is no need for additional functionality beyond standard Lazy Daze.

We been to 17 degree once and 20s few times and running furnace, water heater all night and keeping drawers and water pump cover open saved any freezing issues. I hope below freezing temperature is something of the past now. I read that LP furnace is not efficient but I think newer models may be better. We had to fill propane only twice.

As for driving on the hilly roads, I used all the tricks I learned here. I was very nervous driving 27 ft long vehicle but it took few days to get used to it. I still rely on my wife to park in the campgrounds. We made a loop around LA to complete breaking period millage requirements and now towing equinox for few days. Couple of times we were in the position to remove toad to get out of the right position. I am still not comfortable driving with toad but it is getting easier. I think for us having a toad is a big plus. Setting up and breaking tow takes about 5-10 minutes and hope process will get faster by time. I still need to find out how new NSA tow bar binding works.

As for maintenance, I changed generator oil after 20 hrs and unsuccessfully looking for rv detailing place. I thought I might have to change truck oil after breaking period but I did not read any such requirements on manual and onboard computer show there is enough life in the oil.

Information on this forum also found me very good camping spots. Except for one location we never had hookups and we are perfectly fine with it. Two solar panels are good enough to top off two stock batteries which are working fine with BiPap machine. I turned off tube heating and humidifier. We do not watch tv so need for power is minimal. I think I will save two batteries and not sure if I need battery monitor as well. Solar controller has enough information for my limited use. Generator is available for cloudy days.

I use rec.gov to find campground and only if I could not find anything suitable then I resort to public camp ground. So far been to public camp ground once in Santa Barbara and did not like parking lot feeling.

Can write much much more but intention is to say thank all the contributors on this forum to prepare me for rv life. Sophia already start talking about Alaska in 2022 :-)

PS: not reading this forum as regularly as I used to ... Emai is the sure way to get me the msg


Re: Can not thank you enough
Reply #1
Sounds like you joined the LD  'Cult'  hook, line, and sinker.  ;)   Just like the rest of us. Welcome aboard.
Great feeling isn't it?   :)
Joel & Terry Wiley
dog Zeke
2013  31 IB   Orwan   / 2011 CRV Tow'd LWEROVE

Re: Can not thank you enough
Reply #2
Sounds like you joined the LD  'Cult'  hook, line, and sinker.  ;)   Just like the rest of us. Welcome aboard.
Great feeling isn't it?   :)

It is lot of work and folks who jump in rv life without preparation will not last. I will personally take this type of work to see our beautiful country. Another point working for me is having a partner who share travel enthusiasm with me.

As for feeling good, I was not sure if LD will be on craig list in few months or we will continue. Sophia is dreaming next year and I am planning five years to have expedition vehicle. Only regret is why I did not get rv when kids were young ....

Re: Can not thank you enough
Reply #3
Only regret is why I did not get rv when kids were young ....

I caught the RV bug early, with my father’s GMC motor home back in 1977.  Later rented an RV and took my young family on a five week adventure back in 2004, reaffirming I still had the bug (saw a LD in Yellowstone and joined this group)   Rented twice more over the next five years, seriously considered buying an RV instead of renting, but soon wised up that I’d never have enough vacation time to effectively use the RV enough until I retired.   Finally am on the list as of July 2020, just biding my time, and continue to get to know the fine folks here.

No regrets on not purchasing earlier.   You found your RV life at the right time, when you were ready for it.


2017 TK

Re: Can not thank you enough
Reply #4
Congrats, Muhammad!  We look forward to hearing about your adventures!
Greg & Victoria
2017 Mid-Bath  “Nocona” towing a manual 2015 Forester
Previously a 1985 TK
SKP #61264

Re: Can not thank you enough
Reply #5
I feel your excitement. Best feeling in the world driving her home.
2002 TK 24ft

Re: Can not thank you enough
Reply #6
I have enjoyed reading your posts as you learned about RVing. Congratulations on your new LD. I am now waiting for my own LD.

14 months on the waitlist...

Re: Can not thank you enough
Reply #7
I have enjoyed reading your posts as you learned about RVing. Congratulations on your new LD. I am now waiting for my own LD.

Excellent resource here in the forum.... I will give you a very small example of sleeping arrangements in LD. Based on the information here we were ready with king and double bed arrangements and we tried both for few days and Sophia was ready with right size sheets etc. Another example is transmission in hilly roads ... I am not used to drive in hilly roads in East but when time came I recall the discussion about firmly pressing the break will lower the gear automatically. Other day, I saw few drops of water getting out of water heater and instantaneously I recall pressure pocket discussion about water heater.

I know database here is very valuable but more then that I know where I will go if I get into trouble in the middle of nowhere ...

I am not sure if you picked up the information that new LDs are equiped with electrical management system. Unknowingly I bought one in advance with no use in sight.

Thanks for good wishes.

Re: Can not thank you enough
Reply #8

I finally found a detailing person in Utah ..... and he told me that I will be better off with ceramic coating .....

I do read  some discussion here on ceramic coating and seems like ceramic coating will eliminate biannual polishing need for at least four years. Other benefit is labor cost in Utah is lower compared to NJ, I think three polishing cost back home will be close to what I will pay for ceramic coating here.

Before somebody ask, it will cost $1300 here (in NJ it will be cost prohibitive for me).

Now the question, any first hand experience with ceramic coating here? We will be in Zion for next few days and I think I have to make the decision by tomorrow am.


Re: Can not thank you enough
Reply #9
Ceramic coating is very popular in the sports car and exotic car communities.  It does work, and can last a few years with proper care.  If you're going to do it, it makes sense to apply the coating when the paint is close to new. 

Ceramic Coating vs. Wax: Which is Better? - Leno's Garage

The primary market where I live seems to be people who care immensely about keeping their paint as new as possible.  People I know who like it also don't like to drive their cars in the rain, seldom park the vehicle outside, and wash the car most weekends.  There's nothing wrong with that, but it's not my style. 

Hope that helps,
2003 MB

Re: Can not thank you enough
Reply #10
I think the factory recommends to wait some amount of time on a new rig before waxing, etc.  You may want to contact them before proceeding.
Greg & Victoria
2017 Mid-Bath  “Nocona” towing a manual 2015 Forester
Previously a 1985 TK
SKP #61264

Re: Can not thank you enough
Reply #13

How does the waterless product work with "bugs"?


Tony R. (aka codefour)

Tony R
2010 LD RB - Sold to another happy LD Family

Re: Can not thank you enough
Reply #14
How does the waterless product work with "bugs"?
Tony R. (aka codefour
I use the same product. I have a soft nylon mesh sponge to convince the recalcitrant baked-on bugshells to go elsewhere.
doesn't scratch the paint like a chisel would.
Joel & Terry Wiley
dog Zeke
2013  31 IB   Orwan   / 2011 CRV Tow'd LWEROVE

Re: Can not thank you enough
Reply #15
I recommend you take a look at the products from Adam's Polishes, I've been using them for years on my Jeep, car and motorhome (not an LD yet). I've not used their ceramic products yet, but I will likely start with my Jeep since it takes a lot of abuse out on the trails.

Here is a link to one of their blogs. They have a ton of articles and videos on their website. I have no affiliation with the company, just like their products.

Protection: Waxes, Sealants & Ceramic Coating | Choosing The Right Protection...

Have an awesome day!
Dan - on list for a 31' IB White/Sliver

Re: Can not thank you enough
Reply #16
FYI .. just to put the closure on ceramic coating discussion for me. I passed along the earlier opportunity to read more on ceramic coating. I end up getting ceramic coating yesterday and justification for me is the inability of periodic waxing on my own. It cost me 1500 which was inline with earlier estimates I received (one estimate was for 7500!).

We are in third month of our travel and two more months before we reach home. So far no issue at all. I am getting better towing as well.

I want to carry a propane bottle in toad and buy cat heater along with propane fire pit. Do not have address where these things can be mailed and I do not find them stocked in the shops I looked at. Otherwise stock LD is good enough so far.


Re: Can not thank you enough
Reply #17


If you are ordering from Amazon you may want to investigate "Amazon Hub". It's their delivery service to pre-determined locations all across the country, very likely near you.

Amazon Hub: Pickup and return locations in your neighborhood;

As an Amazon Associate Lazy Daze Owners' Group earns from qualifying purchases.
Steve S.
Lazy Bones & Cedar
2004 30'IB (Island Bed)
Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery
Live for the day!

Re: Can not thank you enough
Reply #18

Thanks. I did not know. Having a wave 6 along with propane tank (which I can exchange and get from lot of places) will help with lot of worries. I keep checking propane and batteries when we are staying any place for longer then 3-4 days. Propane is not expensive but capacity is an issue when heater runs all night.
Thanks again ...


If you are ordering from Amazon you may want to investigate "Amazon Hub". It's their delivery service to pre-determined locations all across the country, very likely near you.

Amazon Hub: Pickup and return locations in your neighborhood;
As an Amazon Associate Lazy Daze Owners' Group earns from qualifying purchases.

Re: Can not thank you enough
Reply #19

Finally back home and I think we spent 100+ consecutive nights in RV (and yes we are still talking to each other). Met very friendly folks and saw places I never thought I will be able to visit. I mentioned earlier that my wife was not enthusiastic about RV but she came for me. Initially she was little timid but towards the end she was very comfortable. We already made reservations for two future plans for East coast NPs in July/Aug and Fall foliage in Sept/Oct in NH.

I continue to apply my learnings from this forum for last few years. There were lot of new things for us but no issue at all ...... Big nuisance was COLD, I bought buddy heater and 1.5 gal small tank but heater would not work at altitude (and yes we had issue with fridge as well but a search on the forum took out any anxiety) and I think it lasted only two nights on small tank. We continue to use furnace (electricity was a luxury in last four months) and I kept an eye on battery and LPG. Towards the end we stopped for hydraulic leveler install in MI and in the same town I found a person to install two additional batteries and battery monitor (not sure if installation is done correctly though, cannot bend to check) I bought the material even before taking the LD delivery. I don't recall but I already ordered Wave 6 or 8, hose, legs and cover. I had difficulty finding a competent person to put in LPG quick connect even with competent person, I will always have doubts. I will simply buy a 5 gallon lpg tank before next trip in cold weather. I don't think I will be updating LD, we like the way it is and not missing any functionality. As for LD quality, no issue at all and I see lot of heads turning seeing our motorhome.

As for toys, like to have holding kayak and electric bike but my back will not allow me to play with these toys and will just sit and watch other folks enjoying ... I am perfectly fine walking.

As for our four months trip expense, I think we stayed in public rv park only twice otherwise I was able to find nice camp sites using recreation.gov and with my discount, I think average per night camping expense is around $12-13. My tummy is not able to keep much of the food in and Sophia made good use of Kitchen. We eat outside only once .... As for gas average with tow is around 9.8 miles to a gallon. It was little better in West with hilly area where I was very careful not speeding. So bottom line, while on vacation our running expenses along with fixed expense of permanent residence was lower then our regular expense !!!!

I also took Larry's advice about daily log with a twist .... I just have a few minute clip for each day., no commentary. Photography is not my cup of tea but now a days cameras are easy and putting these clips on the YouTube is piece of cake. I know Sophia will appreciate it in coming weeks, months and years.

So what's next ....  Our road trip to Northern Pakistan and Turkey got cancelled which we promptly replaced by two RV trips .... Next Spring we have overlanding trip to Africa for three months. I am really looking forward to that trip but if it get cancelled, I am already looking at Alaska.

I will have to find some place around me who can help changing the oil/filter and future engine work. We turned off RV fridge and all the tanks are empty. I think two solar panels will keep the battery charged but will keep an eye and if I am wrong I will wire it with 20 amp outlet from home. Not sure if I am supposed to be doing anything right now.

I am benefiting from this forum and will not mind contribute my knowledge. If you have any question, please shoot ...

Before I forget, video log is at https://www.youtube.com/user/azamismyname/videos (don't expect professional quality, this is basically for my wife). I will not mind sharing the list of all the camp sites we stayed but I am not sure it will add any value. If you are interested, let me know and either I will find a way to attach excel sheet or simply cut and paste. Actually you do not need list of camp sites, if you zoom in the map, you will find out where we stayed https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/edit?mid=1Z-xSDz4RqStHPwOTKbp9qI1lnRsMLvoA&ll=37.177181602274175%2C-97.229116&z=5

And finally, thanks again ...... and all of you were right that RV community is very friendly. We met with so many nice folks and Andy, still no diversity in camping community.


Re: Can not thank you enough
Reply #20
Thank you Muhammad.  I'm enjoying looking through your videos.  Did you find the two solar panels adequate for your electrical needs.  Did you require any AC?  That seems to be when we need to plug in - when it's hot out.


2005 31' Island Bed

Re: Can not thank you enough
Reply #21

Before I forget, video log is at https://www.youtube.com/user/azamismyname/videos (don't expect professional quality, this is basically for my wife). I will not mind sharing the list of all the camp sites we stayed but I am not sure it will add any value. If you are interested, let me know and either I will find a way to attach excel sheet or simply cut and paste. Actually you do not need list of camp sites, if you zoom in the map, you will find out where we stayed https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/edit?mid=1Z-xSDz4RqStHPwOTKbp9qI1lnRsMLvoA&ll=37.177181602274175%2C-97.229116&z=5

And finally, thanks again ...... and all of you were right that RV community is very friendly. We met with so many nice folks and Andy, still no diversity in camping community.



As-Salam Alaikum!

Thanks for sharing......looks like I have plenty to go through over coffee the next few mornings!!

2013 31' Silver Twin Bed
Semi-retired 6/21....

Re: Can not thank you enough
Reply #22
Great music!
Andy Baird
2021 Ford Ranger towing 2019 Airstream 19CB
Previously: 1985 LD Twin/King "Gertie"; 2003 LD Midbath "Skylark"

Re: Can not thank you enough
Reply #23
Thank you Muhammad.  I'm enjoying looking through your videos.  Did you find the two solar panels adequate for your electrical needs.  Did you require any AC?  That seems to be when we need to plug in - when it's hot out.


We needed Air Condition after reaching PA (last few days) and it does work (now my wife knows what does it mean to  have electricity on the site).  We did not use in extreme heat but I saw it cooling inside around 15 degree compared to outside. As for two solar panels, before battery monitor, I was relying on the voltage reading in the solar controller and even with after bipap usage and furnace use I noticed only once it coming close to 12.5V early in am otherwise it is mostly around 12.7V in the worst case. Sometime during cloudy days I use generator to charge the battery even when voltage reading is high.  I do not have enough time after battery monitor and two additional batteries to judge and adapt. Since we reach home on Saturday I am watching battery and after turning off everything possible (of course I can turn off main switch in the battery compartment but not there yet) there is negative .3-.4 amp during night and in the morning even with cloudy day I saw positive amp and it start showing zero within couple of hours (analysis so far is that I will not have to wire till shelter is in place). Please understand that monitor and two additional battery experience is just for few days, our usage was based available resources (bipap humidifier and tube heating was off and we haven't turned on tv yet except for few times for testing purposes for few minutes).

As for tv, I was surprised at 3-4 places where I tested, I do not need to raise the antenna to get at least few channels.


Re: Can not thank you enough
Reply #24
Great music!
I think you are quoting Pakistani music in few videos ... I used two different type of music and both of them are influenced by Sufism and slower one is called Quali and ... well other one should be slower as well is Gazal.  I did not have enough collection on hard drive and to avoid too much repetition I stop using them ....