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Topic: Toilet Reccomendations (Read 519 times) previous topic - next topic
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Toilet Reccomendations
I need to replace the Dometic 311 Low profile Gravity Flush (with sprayer) on my 2017 Mid-bath.

Aside from the obvious (replacing it in kind), has anybody gone a different route/manufacturer?

When it worked, it was great (ceramic heft over plastic, sprayer, general size in the bathroom) so I'll likely roll the dice with Dometic (despite a less-than-fun tech support call I had with them recently.)  But if there's arguments for something else, I'd love to hear them!
2017 Mid Bath
-- Tireman valve extenders;
-- Progressive Industries 30a EMS protector;
-- Hellwig front and rear anti-sway bars;
-- Dual canister water filter.

Re: Toilet Reccomendations
Reply #1
.Hi Table 58; Surely no reason to replace the toilet. That is a pretty simple part to replace, and the upgraded new part shouldn't need to be replaced again anytime soon. I think that mode of failure is pretty rare.  At $200 that is lower than I thought it would be. I would have estimated $300-$400.   RonB
RonB (Bostick) living in San Diego
Original owner of "Bluebelle" a '99 TKB

Re: Toilet Reccomendations
Reply #2
I’m actually surprised that your toilet has failed so soon. Replaceable parts and video instructions for common repairs are available. YouTube has some wonderful how-to instructional videos.

Replacement parts are available on Amazon or the manufacturers web site. If you are willing to replace the whole toilet, I imagine any repair should be within your skill level.

Not knowing exactly what the issue is with your “thrown” from what I’ve seen of the replacement parts available it appears to be a rather easy DIY project.

Just wondering and hoping our ‘15 keeps going strong.

2015 27' RB "MissB.Haven"

Re: Toilet Reccomendations
Reply #3
Thanks for the responses guys but I think you’re all missing the greater point — Dometic will simply not sell the ball flush for the 311 toilet.  I can watch a 1000 YouTube videos on how to do it (it’s not that hard, frankly) but without the part, it’s moot

After reading up on this subject over the past few days (toilet reading, haha!), I’m guessing the reason why you can’t buy the part (it’s not even listed on the “exploded” view) is that they had a big seal issue a few years ago which caused them (Dometic) to give away more free toilets than they liked.  At that point, they took the part I need out of circulation and that was that. 

Ron, that link you posted is for a part for a different model than what Lazy Daze uses in their rigs (at least for my 2017 MB.)

Kent, my issue was that the ball valve shaft that connects the foot pedal to the part which opens and closes, sheared off.  It’s a single molded piece so no amount of glueing or machining would fix it correctly (it’s also not the kind of project I want to keep revisiting for obvious reasons)

Believe me, I went back and forth with the rep and they do not, will not in any way, shape or form assist with fixing an out of warranty toilet with the issue I’ve described.

Hopefully this will save somebody some aggravation in the future!

So again  I ask, any toilet recommendations? :D  :D  :D

2017 Mid Bath
-- Tireman valve extenders;
-- Progressive Industries 30a EMS protector;
-- Hellwig front and rear anti-sway bars;
-- Dual canister water filter.

Re: Toilet Reccomendations
Reply #4
Hi Table58:  I see that Dometic won't sell you the parts or fix an out of warranty toilet. They aren't in the business of fixing them, and they probably don't sell new ones either except through their distributers. They do have distributers, so called 'third party', who sell parts. I'm sure that E-trailer will assist you in getting the right parts, your 'dime' of course.  Some RV places will get the parts and repair your toilet for you, or replace yours completely.  https://www.etrailer.com/Accessories-and-Parts/Dometic/DOM68FR.html
   I would call them to see if they can get you the parts you need.
        A Q&A excerpt:   Question:
  Just had to buy a new toilet because Dometic and several local RV parts stores advised that the 311 ball flush is non serviceable and non replaceable. So I bought a 310 that was available due to leaving on camping trip that afternoon. Will this assembly work on the 310 for sure? Because Dometic and local RV parts stores advised that there are not replacement parts or replacement ball flush. If this 100 will fit and work Id get one as a spare for inside the trailer.         asked by: Andrew B
Expert Reply:
I do show the Replacement Flush Ball Assembly for Dometic RV Toilet part # DOM68FR as a replacement for Dometic 311 Series Toilets. This was previously confirmed with Dometic as well.
    Confusng reply: Andrew B. was told the ball is non serviceable by some stores, but E-Trailer says they have parts.  It doesn't make any sense that Dometic would make a non-repaiable toilet, and then sell parts to E-Trailer.       RonB
RonB (Bostick) living in San Diego
Original owner of "Bluebelle" a '99 TKB

Re: Toilet Reccomendations
Reply #5
Thank you, Ron for your attention to this.  As you said, "confusing reply" is a good way to put this whole to-do.  As an RV'ers, (only my 5th year but I'm getting my stripes), I'm LOATHE to give up on a fix when I have a workshop full of tools, time on my hands and my wits about me. 

The thought of throwing out a perfectly good toilet because of single centimeter (if that!) of broken plastic is an anathema to why I got into this past time (hobby?  obsession?  :D )  It's certainly not about the cost at this point!

I'll check out your etrailer link and report back! 

Thanks again,

2017 Mid Bath
-- Tireman valve extenders;
-- Progressive Industries 30a EMS protector;
-- Hellwig front and rear anti-sway bars;
-- Dual canister water filter.

Re: Toilet Reccomendations
Reply #6
If etrailer can't supply the part, you might try one of these. I agree that having to get a new toilet (or a new anything ) because of an unavailable part can be very frustrating!

Toilets | RV Toilet Store
Dometic Toilet Parts for RVs | Shop Sealand & Dometic RV Toilet Parts Online...

RV Toilet Repair Parts

RV Toilet Parts & Accessories | RV Parts Country

Quality Marine Products | Environmental Marine Services Inc
2003 TK has a new home

Re: Toilet Reccomendations
Reply #7
 "I’m guessing the reason why you can’t buy the part (it’s not even listed on the “exploded” view) is that they had a big seal issue a few years ago which caused them (Dometic) to give away more free toilets than they liked."

Where did you find out about the big seal issue a few years ago which caused Dometic to give away free toilets?  I would be very interested in reading about that as I have a 2017 Mid-Bath and have been having a problem with the seal since shortly after I got the LD.  I have had to replace the seal on the toilet several times because it leaked (would not hold water in the bowl).  When I called Dometic about this they said the seal  needs to be pulled out and cleaned (disgusting) or replaced.  I complained to Dometic about this toilet and that the seal didn't hold water, but that was the only answer they gave me.  For me replacing the new seal is not easy and I've had to have RV service people do it which is an additional expense and not something they want to do. 

2017 Mid-Bath 

2017 MB

Re: Toilet Reccomendations
Reply #8
Where did you find out about the big seal issue a few years ago which caused Dometic to give away free toilets?  I would be very interested in reading about that as I have a 2017 Mid-Bath and have been having a problem with the seal since shortly after I got the LD.

Hi Monica, I found them Googling “Dometic Toilet recall.”  Here’s an example: Dometic 300 series toilet recall still going on – Woodland RV Park

It’s worth noting the seal on the recall mentioned above is the seal between two halves of a toilet model not used in our MBs and *not* the seal that goes over the flush ball (your issue.). It’s safe to say however they had a couple bad years with this particular toilet line.

2017 Mid Bath
-- Tireman valve extenders;
-- Progressive Industries 30a EMS protector;
-- Hellwig front and rear anti-sway bars;
-- Dual canister water filter.

Re: Toilet Reccomendations
Reply #9
Thank you very much Jim.

2017 Mid-Bath
2017 MB

Re: Toilet Reccomendations
Reply #10
I just discovered water on my bathroom floor. Water is spraying from underneath the flush pedal only when the water pump is on even when the toilet is not in use. Given it is 20 years old, I'm figuring replacement may be the way to go.
Nice clean water.
2002 TK 24ft

Re: Toilet Reccomendations
Reply #11
I just discovered water on my bathroom floor. Water is spraying from underneath the flush pedal only when the water pump is on even when the toilet is not in use. Given it is 20 years old, I'm figuring replacement may be the way to go.
Nice clean water.

Cleanwater is good.
Most likely the flush valve is bad, a lot cheaper than a new toilet.  The body of the toilet should not wear out, just the moving parts.
I carry a spare flush valve and vacuum breaker.

2003 23.5' Front Lounge, since new.  Previously 1983 22' Front Lounge.
Tow vehicles  2020 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon, 2001 Jeep Cherokee
Photo Collection: Lazy Daze

Re: Toilet Reccomendations
Reply #12
Thanks. The tank holds water well. Using a bucket yo flush and maintain water in the bowl.

I took your advice and set up a separate account for routine maintenance and unanticipated repairs.

Thank you Larry
2002 TK 24ft

Re: Toilet Reccomendations
Reply #13
Hi Winnie; I had a similar problem on my '99 about 6 months after we got her (new).  It was just a loose water fitting going to the toilet. No cost, just about ten minutes to see the problem. Most of the work was getting the split cover off/on.   RonB
RonB (Bostick) living in San Diego
Original owner of "Bluebelle" a '99 TKB

Re: Toilet Reccomendations
Reply #14
Thank you.
2002 TK 24ft