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Topic: Chassis Lubrication (Read 353 times) previous topic - next topic
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Chassis Lubrication
I have a 2007 E450.  I checked my Ford manual, but can't find any reference to what should be periodically lubricated.  Parts I've seen in past posts were left and right tie rod ends, drag link end, steering gear arm, ball joints, but these posts were always regarding other year models.  I'm not very mechanically knowledgeable, but I want to provide a list to give to a mechanic to ensure everything gets addressed.  Can anyone advise about the 2007 version specifically?

Also, I vaguely remember Larry W mentioning some other fluid that should be replaced occasionally.  I remember him saying that most mechanics don't even know about it, and without it being changed, there's the potential for very expensive damage.  Unfortunately, I can't find that post reply anymore.  So, if anyone knows what this was in reference to, that would be great info too.

Thank you!

Re: Chassis Lubrication
Reply #2
Hi Eric. I have a E350, 1999, so I can't comment directly about the E450 chassis.   There are caliper slides on the rear disc brakes that need to be lubicated, or at least checked every 15k miles (I think was the interval). This ensures that as brake material wears away from the pads, that pressure on the disc is even on both sides when braking.
    The feature Larry was referring to was the hydraulic cylinder that applies the parking brake at the back of the transmission. Most mechanics think the parking brake mechanism is at the wheels, but on the E450 until 2008(?) the parking/emergengy brake is mounted to the tranmission.  Fluid in the reservoir has to be checked and filled if necessary.
    Some owners have 'zerk' fittings installed on the front ball joints to allow small amounts of grease to be applied. Your 2007 may not have those fittings. Other things, tie rod ends, steering damper, hose clamps need checking also.          RonB
RonB (Bostick) living in San Diego
Original owner of "Bluebelle" a '99 TKB

Re: Chassis Lubrication
Reply #3
The transmission-mount parking brake was eliminated in 2008 chassis models, AFAIK; here's the link to Larry's photos of the brake and oil fill location.

Parking brake oil fill | Flickr

Note: the "oil" is transmission fluid, not motor oil.
2003 TK has a new home

Re: Chassis Lubrication
Reply #4
The front suspension and steering pivots generally have screw-in plugs at the lube sites. These need to be replaced with zerk fittings to lube, a good idea.

2004 FL
2013 Honda Fit

Re: Chassis Lubrication
Reply #5
Thanks Everyone.  I'll sum all the information, and share it with a mechanic.

If anyone has a good referral for a mechanic in the San Diego area (especially the "North County" area of San Diego), I'm all ears.
