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Topic: Refrigerator will not stay on - Dometic RM2662 (Read 461 times) previous topic - next topic
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Refrigerator will not stay on - Dometic RM2662
Hopefully this post helps someone with a similar issue with their fridge.

The refrigerator in my RB would not stay on this morning while off-grid. I woke up to it completely powered off. First, I turned the fridge off, waited 30 seconds, then turned it back on. The lights on the fridge stayed on for about 3 seconds, and then all lights turned off.  I tried this several times, and it was clear something was wrong and the fridge wasn’t going to turn back on.

I checked the fuses behind the fridge from the access compartment outside, and the refrigerator fuse in the breaker box. All fuses were good. I noticed my house batteries were low on power due to being off the grid for several days and parking in a shady spot while the sun was out (solar panel wasn’t getting any sun), so I turned on the generator thinking the fridge didn’t have enough power to stay on. Even though I was using gas on the fridge, and had the generator running for 1 hour, I still had a problem with the fridge staying on.

My fridge has two fuses behind it. I had to use a Phillips screwdriver to remove a black box to get access to the two fuses. I removed the two fuses behind the fridge, then replaced after about 30 seconds. I heard some clicking, went back inside, and viola...the fridge was on.

So, if your fridge light isn’t on, I recommend checking all fuses and ensure your couch has power via shore or house batteries. If batteries are low, try charging them a bit, then remove the two fuses behind the fridge, then replace after about a minute. Then try to turn the fridge on. Hope this helps someone that has issues with their refrigerator not staying on.
2005 26.5 RB

Re: Refrigerator will not stay on - Dometic RM2662
Reply #1
 :D  "couch" ?


Is it 'u' or is it 'a'. Take a guess.   ;)
Steve S.
Lazy Bones & Cedar
2004 30'IB (Island Bed)
Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery
Live for the day!

Re: Refrigerator will not stay on - Dometic RM2662
Reply #2
My fridge has two fuses behind it. I had to use a Phillips screwdriver to remove a black box to get access to the two fuses. I removed the two fuses behind the fridge, then replaced after about 30 seconds. I heard some clicking, went back inside, and viola...the fridge was on.

I am not a subject matter expert on this.
Are you talking about the black box accessed on the back of the refer from the outside door?
Now what caused the fuses to blow? Time will tell.
Don & Dorothy
Sold our LD in June of 2023

Our boring always non-PC travel blog
Traveling Dorothy

Re: Refrigerator will not stay on - Dometic RM2662
Reply #3

I am not a subject matter expert on this.
Are you talking about the black box accessed on the back of the refer from the outside door?
Now what caused the fuses to blow? Time will tell.

No fuses were blown. Both fuses were good, but I removed the fuses. Then, reinserted the same fuses. I heard a click come from the circuit board, making me think removing the fuses reset something critical to get the fridge running again.
2005 26.5 RB

Re: Refrigerator will not stay on - Dometic RM2662
Reply #4
Hi Joe; The refrigerator uses either 110v AC or gas as a heat source, but always uses 12v DC to run the logic board that operates the refrigerator's gas or electric heater, interior light, 'eyebrow' panel lights and such. It sounds like the 12v was so low that the 'fridge shut down. Disconnecting the fuses may have helped do a 'reset' or it may have started up again without the fuse removal and reinstallation anyway. Running the generator was a good choice, but you need some long term charging to keep the refrigerator happy. If you are running the space heater and Christmas lights, water pump and interior lighting, I can almost guarantee your house batteries are dead and likely permanently damaged.    RonB
RonB (Bostick) living in San Diego
Original owner of "Bluebelle" a '99 TKB

Re: Refrigerator will not stay on - Dometic RM2662
Reply #5
I hope pulling and reinstalling the fuses fixed your problem for good, but I can't think of many likely reasons why that alone would fix things.  Maybe those with more knowledge than me can think of something. 

Hopefully you won't have any more issues, but I would at least suspect that something else could be going on.

2003 MB

Re: Refrigerator will not stay on - Dometic RM2662
Reply #6
"I can't think of many likely reasons why that alone would fix things."

Maybe dirty contacts in the fuse holders? Just a guess.
Andy Baird
2021 Ford Ranger towing 2019 Airstream 19CB
Previously: 1985 LD Twin/King "Gertie"; 2003 LD Midbath "Skylark"

Re: Refrigerator will not stay on - Dometic RM2662
Reply #7
Hi Joe; The refrigerator uses either 110v AC or gas as a heat source, but always uses 12v DC to run the logic board that operates the heater, thermostat, interior light and such. It sounds like the 12v was so low that the 'fridge shut down. Disconnecting the fuses may have helped do a 'reset' or it may have started up again without the fuse removal and reinstallation anyway. Running the generator was a good choice, but you need some long term charging to keep the refrigerator happy.     RonB

Thanks for this. You’re right. I woke up this morning to the same issue with the fridge and suspect the 12v power supply is too low. Turned on the generator for about an hour, the solar panel was getting sun, and the fridge is back into operation. I’ve been off grid for about a month now. Between charging my cell phone, running the heater and Christmas lights off the 12v, the batteries are probably too drained to keep the refrigerator running, and I will need a full charge.
2005 26.5 RB

Re: Refrigerator will not stay on - Dometic RM2662
Reply #8
... Between charging my cell phone, running the heater and Christmas lights off the 12v . . .
Good learning experience for prioritizing usage and keeping an eye on the battery levels.   Inexpensive lessons aren't bad.
Joel & Terry Wiley
dog Zeke
2013  31 IB   Orwan   / 2011 CRV Tow'd LWEROVE

Re: Refrigerator will not stay on - Dometic RM2662
Reply #9
Good learning experience for prioritizing usage and keeping an eye on the battery levels.  Inexpensive lessons aren't bad.
IMHO, until the day you find out that you have prematurely killed your battery bank due to repeatedly draining it to below 12.0 volts  (AKA 50% assuming the bank is lead-acid).

Harvest Hosts + Boondockers Welcome #23975
Escapees SKP #138195
2007 23.5' Twin King

Re: Refrigerator will not stay on - Dometic RM2662
Reply #10

"the batteries are probably too drained to keep the refrigerator running"

Reading this thread, one thing stands out: you don't have a good way to know your batteries' state of charge (SoC). Without a good battery monitor, a person is fumbling in the dark. I was in that position for the first couple of years I owned an RV, and it was extremely frustrating, because I never really knew where I stood.

A voltmeter can be helpful in general troubleshooting (see my beginner's guide), but voltage alone is not a reliable indication of SoC--not unless you check it when there have been no lights or appliances in use and no charging of any kind for several hours. That's not very practical.

I recommend getting a good battery monitor. The best choices are Victron's BMV-712 and Balmar's SG200. If you can afford to spend the extra fifteen or twenty bucks, the Balmar monitor is more sophisticated, probably more accurate, and easier to read.

The Victron monitor does have the advantage of built-in Bluetooth wireless capability that lets you read out all values with a (free) smartphone or tablet app. That way you don't even need to mount the display if you don't feel like making a hole and running a cable. With the Balmar monitor, you pay $61 extra for that ability. I have it and like it, but it is more costly.

Either of these monitors will give you the vital information of how much power is in your battery bank. It's like having an accurate gas gauge, as opposed to listening to the sloshing of the tank and making a guess. In addition, the Balmar monitor gives you your batteries' state of health--how much power they can actually store, as opposed to what their rated capacity was when brand new. The Victron monitor can't do this, which is another reason I prefer the Balmar.

In addition to the purchase cost, both these monitors require that a "shunt" be installed between the negative post of your batteries and all the cables that now go there. You can't get accurate information without this, but if you have to hire someone to install it, it will add to the cost. (It's not a big or complex job by any means, though--just adding a jumper and moving some cables.)

I know this probably sounds expensive and forbidding, but without a good battery monitor you're left guessing as to where your batteries stand. It's worth seriously considering, especially if you're living off the grid. Look at it this way: if it saves you from beating your batteries to death again and again, it's a bargain.

As an Amazon Associate Lazy Daze Owners' Group earns from qualifying purchases.
Andy Baird
2021 Ford Ranger towing 2019 Airstream 19CB
Previously: 1985 LD Twin/King "Gertie"; 2003 LD Midbath "Skylark"

Re: Refrigerator will not stay on - Dometic RM2662
Reply #11

Woke up this morning with fridge light off. Tried removing all the fuses, replacing them.... still same problem.

Refrigerator light temporarily turns on then off.

Luckily the weather in Phoenix is cold and kept all food at proper temperatures over night. At this point, I think I have a problem with the fridge control board. This was at 5am in a random parking lot. Knowing I had a 3 hour drive to Yuma, I start the generator and start the truck. I tried to power cycle the fridge, same problem with the fridge only turning on for about 2 seconds. I remove the fuses, replace them, power cycle. The fridge does not stay on.

No big deal, I figure running the generator for half the drive will get the house batteries to a power level to keep the fridge on. Got to Gila Bend, half way to Yuma, try to power cycle the fridge. Still no luck.

Finally after searching the internet for replacement Dometic RM2662 control board replacements, which costs about $125 minus shipping, I arrive in Yuma to do my laundry. I turn the generator off because I did not have a reason to have it on, considering I was able to charge all my electronic devices off the 120v power the genny provided during the trip from Phoenix to Yuma.

Just for kicks, I try to power cycle the Dometic RM2662 refrigerator. Works!
2005 26.5 RB

Re: Refrigerator will not stay on - Dometic RM2662
Reply #12
Dinosaur Electronics makes replacement control boards that are well respected replacements for the Dometic versions.

They are also very helpful with troubleshooting if you give them a call.

Dinosaur Electronics Home. High quality circuit boards for RV appliances.

I also like that Dinosaur sells on Amazon, which makes ordering and shipping easy if you're already an Amazon user.

2003 MB

Re: Refrigerator will not stay on - Dometic RM2662
Reply #13
Joe, you really need to get a digital voltmeter, and learn how to use it. They are a lot cheaper than logic boards for the 'fridge, especially if it is really the batteries causing this problem. Plus you are really abusing batteries if you are down in the 10 volt range any amount of time. Without a meter, you can't really tell what is going on.   You have solar, is the controller the old RV-30S?  The other, newer ones, used by LD have built in voltage displays.     RonB
RonB (Bostick) living in San Diego
Original owner of "Bluebelle" a '99 TKB

Re: Refrigerator will not stay on - Dometic RM2662
Reply #14
No big deal, I figure running the generator for half the drive will get the house batteries to a power level to keep the fridge on. Got to Gila Bend, half way to Yuma, try to power cycle the fridge. Still no luck.

If you are still using the oem converter installed by LD, running the generator is not an effective way to charge the batteries. A multi-stage charger section rated at 55 Amps or more will improve the situation. Currently, running the engine to charge via the alternator will likely bring them up more quickly. A battery monitor will keep you up-to-date on your battery condition, state of charge, and charge / discharge rates. An invaluable addition for anyone off-grid a lot.

2004 FL
2013 Honda Fit

Re: Refrigerator will not stay on - Dometic RM2662
Reply #15
"If you are still using the oem converter installed by LD, running the generator is not an effective way to charge the batteries."

Good point. The converters in older LDs were very slow at charging batteries, and that meant l-o-n-g generator runtimes. A modern multistage converter would cut down on how long you need to run the generator, and would be kinder to your batteries as well.

But I agree with Ron: you need at least a digital multimeter, and preferably a good battery monitor, to shed some light on what's going on with your rig.
Andy Baird
2021 Ford Ranger towing 2019 Airstream 19CB
Previously: 1985 LD Twin/King "Gertie"; 2003 LD Midbath "Skylark"