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Topic: Put LD to sleep (Read 683 times) previous topic - next topic
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Put LD to sleep
We drained all the tanks except black water tank, blew out fresh water lines (not needed for freezes, but thought it better not to have stagnant water) , ran generator with a/c on, filled all tires to 80 psi and drove her a few miles before we put her back into storage for another month.  We have cancelled or plan on canceling most of our plans for the summer.  The Balloon Fiesta is still a slim possiblity.
Ross Taylor
2017 MB

Re: Put LD to sleep
Reply #1
Wow Ross and Beverly.  I guess I'm a bit more hopeful for this summer.  I've been making reservations for our 12-week tour this summer starting on June 12th since last October and I'm hanging in to see if we can make a go of it.  From Florida to Minnesota, Michigan, New England and back again.  Hope everyone will have a great summer after this craziness.
David and Marie Philbrick
Proud former 2017 27' MB Owners

Re: Put LD to sleep
Reply #2
We will camp somewhere this summer, even if its just in our driveway!

While we are scaling back some of our plans, at the very least there still will be plenty of BLM and National Forest boondockung options in the western states. Some campgrounds are still open and others will reopen.

While I understand boondocking may not work for some, I say dont give up! Pivot.

1994 RB

Re: Put LD to sleep
Reply #3
When not driving the LD for a month, very little needs to be done to it other than the normal duties of cleaning it up and making sure the fuel, propane and water tanks are full and the holding tanks empty. Since the LD is our fire, earthquake and other disaster escape pod, we like to keep it as prepped as possible.
A monthly generator run is needed and, if desired, running the engine until it comes up to operating temperature.
If stored for a longer period, taking the rig out for a drive every 6-8 weeks isn't a bad idea, one that will need to done soon, our LD has been parked for almost five weeks, a very long time for us not to head out.

This summer is a crapshoot, with no idea if any of our reservations will be honored or the campgrounds open, BLM boondocking may have to suffice....assuming we still have money left and are not in the depths of the next great depression.
Looks like masks and gloves will be standard camping wear when around others at least for a year or more until a vaccine is available, this feels like something from a science fiction movie or novel but then again, the last few years have felt unreal.
So much to worry about.


2003 23.5' Front Lounge, since new.  Previously 1983 22' Front Lounge.
Tow vehicles  2020 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon, 2001 Jeep Cherokee
Photo Collection: Lazy Daze

Re: Put LD to sleep
Reply #5

I have been thinking off and on for a few days trying to come up with a benign topic that might stir a lively and interesting discussion in these troubling times.  After a quick review of the content of this link (which I'm not done with), I can retire from my contemplation.  You've found a wonderful place to start.  I look forward to the thoughts and reflections from the group. 

For me, #2, 'Sonder', is an early favorite. "The realisation that each passer-by is living a life as complex as your own".
It reminds me of a quote I'm fond of: "Everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about.  Be kind, always."

Thanks for sharing it!


2003 -- 23' FL

Re: Put LD to sleep
Reply #6
It reminds me of a quote I'm fond of: "Everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about.  Be kind, always."

Bill - Which reminds me of a piece on that same topic by Jon Pavlovitz:

Everyone Around You is Grieving. Go Easy.

So very true!  You never know what thoughts are running around in another's brain that seems to have them behaving in a distracted/rude/thoughtless manner, when that is really the furthest thing from their mind.

   Virtual hugs,


Re: Put LD to sleep
Reply #7
“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one’s lifetime.” – Mark Twain
2005 MB

Re: Put LD to sleep
Reply #9
running the engine until it comes up to operating temperature.

until a vaccine is available


When I start a vehicle around here that hasn't been used often, I like to run it for 20 minutes to charge up the battery.

I'm not quite sure about this "vaccine" for Covid-19. I guess they are going under the assumption it is bad, it will be around and it won't change.  Usually the vaccine is a guess at what will be out there and it changes all the time.
I am doing my best to never get a vaccine again.

Steve and Jill, Steve posting
1999 26.5 Mid-Bath

Re: Put LD to sleep
Reply #10
I'm not quite sure about this "vaccine" for Covid-19. I guess they are going under the assumption it is bad, it will be around and it won't change.  Usually the vaccine is a guess at what will be out there and it changes all the time.
I am doing my best to never get a vaccine again.

Don't worry, it's America and vaccinations are a voluntary act, you are free to be exposed yourself to any disease you desired without protection.

Reading historical accounts, childhood illnesses of the past killed a large percentage of children including an uncle that died of diphtheria as a child.  Almost all of the serious childhood disease have disappeared due to vaccinations,
I was born too early to get the polio vaccine and caught it as a child,  luckily it was a mild case, it killed thousands of the unvaccinated. I also caught chickenpox and measles, both serious sicknesses that put me in bed for weeks and could have been avoided if a vaccine had been available at the time.
Chickenpox can come back as an adult as the extremely painful shingles, preventable with vaccination.

Without vaccines, all the common diseases of the past would still be present, how does that sound to you?
We do not see large epidemics of the common diseases of the past because of mass immunizations developing 'herd resistance'.  If immunizations were to stop, the past would return with a vengeance.

There is a difference beween the annual flu shots and a COVID-19 vaccine. The annual vaccines are educated guesses of what flu will be active in a year or more, a COVID-19 vaccine will be specifically developed for it
When a safe vaccine for the Coronavirus becomes available, I will be at the front of the line.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

2003 23.5' Front Lounge, since new.  Previously 1983 22' Front Lounge.
Tow vehicles  2020 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon, 2001 Jeep Cherokee
Photo Collection: Lazy Daze

Re: Put LD to sleep
Reply #11
Don't worry, it's America and vaccinations are a voluntary act, you are free to be exposed yourself to any disease you desired without protection.


And you are free to have them inject you with whatever you want.
Sometimes it sounds like they don't want us to be free to not be injected.
I think you put too much faith in vaccines and not enough in the human body.

Still not sure what good a vaccine will do for something that changes so often.
Steve and Jill, Steve posting
1999 26.5 Mid-Bath

Re: Put LD to sleep
Reply #12
I have very little faith in my human body.     Am I suppose to?    Frank
plan B - 2023 Travato

Re: Put LD to sleep
Reply #13
Hi Steve and Jill.  This is off topic, but It appears that the Covid19 doesn't change or mutate often. The common cold, and the flu are notorious for changing, so shots for the flu are only partially effective, but still help.  Like Diptheria, Typhus, Pertussis, Tetanus, Mumps, Polio, and other vaccines made for stable virii, (I think Measles, HPV also) they don't change. Booster shots for Tetanus are needed every ten years. The Shingrix requires two shots four months apart.    Vaccines are fine for me. I've had the smallpox vaccine too. Us old people got that. A question on Jeopardy recently about Jenner and Cowpox. The latin word for cow, is...Vaca, hence the name vaccine. "Vaccination" comes from the Latin word for Cow, Vacca, because an early... 
     I can forsee that the future of motorhoming (or any travel) across state lines might require proof of immune status (had the disease), or vaccination with antibodies present.    RonB
RonB (Bostick) living in San Diego
Original owner of "Bluebelle" a '99 TKB

Re: Put LD to sleep
Reply #14
Baxter, as of yesterday,  was put to sleep.  
I believe in science.   Logic is NOT science.   There is nothing 'logical' about human biology. 
 I don't ever remember calling my local, state, or federal politician when I was sick or injured.    Germs/virus don't care about your politics, religion, or belief in them or not. 

It is my personal opinion for those that don't care if Covid-19 is an issue then just go to your local health care place to help with the sick and dying.  

personal fine art photo stuff
TF Mack | Flickr
It's all good .......
2014 Twin King

Re: Put LD to sleep
Reply #15
Gentle readers, please cease and desist any further discussion on the efficacy of a coronavirus vaccine. Opinions on this topic will fuel a fire that doesn't belong on this website.

Thank you.

Formerly: 2002 30' IB