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Covid 19
If the virus problem continues to get worse and drags on into next year before there is an end in site, how could it affect LD production if there is a shortage of  certain key components ?   My free advice is for LD is to stock up on some components that could be affected.   I don't mean to get too carried away because excessive inventory is dead money but this is something to consider.  I would guess that currently LD largely uses the "just in time" approach to assembly.

And if you should need something more to be concerned about, many medications are made in China according to the news.  You may want to consider slowly building up some inventory of any  critical medications you take.  "just in time" refills could be problematic....

I know a food shortage is not in the cards at this time, but is seems pertinent to always have a certain amount, like 6 months, on hand.   Don't forget the water....      Frank
plan B - 2023 Travato

Re: The China virus - future production
Reply #1
 I'm going into self imposed quarantine pretty soon.
Have supplies laid in for a few months, than will see how things look.
Have a big wedding I'm supposed to attend in Las Vegas beginning of April.
Not sure if I'm going to attend if thing get wore, which I think they will.
Hunker down seems the best approach to me.
The supply chain from China is already broken, just a matter of time before mot companies are affected.
96 23.5 FL

Re: The China virus - future production
Reply #2
I’m investing in respirators.  ;)
Greg & Victoria
2017 Mid-Bath  “Nocona” towing a manual 2015 Forester
Previously a 1985 TK
SKP #61264

Re: The China virus - future production
Reply #4
I’m investing in respirators.  ;)
That's better than masks which aren't as effective.  Here is one that is about average among masks:
The biggest things you can do is wash your hands and don't put your fingers to your face.
Joel & Terry Wiley
dog Zeke
2013  31 IB   Orwan   / 2011 CRV Tow'd LWEROVE

Re: The China virus - future production
Reply #5
....  The biggest things you can do is wash your hands and don't put your fingers to your face.
The virus will hit the Mid Atlantic about the same time as tons and tons of pollen.   So folks will not know if they have the flue, allergies, or the virus. Guess I’ll be washing a bunch. 
Currently: 2008 36' Tiffin Open Road
Previously: 2007 Mid Bath

Re: The China virus - future production
Reply #6
"Guess I'll be washing a bunch."

Good plan. For a long time I've been carrying a small dispenser bottle of foaming hand soap, a liter of water in a bottle with a sprinkler top, and a small hand towel in the door pockets of both my vehicles. When I leave any public place--supermarket, UPS Store, whatever--the first thing I do after unlocking the vehicle is to wash my hands.

A friend suggested this, after pointing out that hand sanitizer (which I had been using) is less effective than washing at killing germs.

As for masks, the consensus among health officials is that they do little to protect you from others who are contagious. They are mainly useful if you are sick and want to minimize the chance of spreading germs. I have a few, but probably won't use them unless I get sick myself.

I'm not in full disaster-preparedness mode (yet), but I am trying to stock up on non-perishable goods such as pasta, canned sauce, and ultrapasteurized milk. I expect things to get much worse before they get better.
Andy Baird
2021 Ford Ranger towing 2019 Airstream 19CB
Previously: 1985 LD Twin/King "Gertie"; 2003 LD Midbath "Skylark"

Re: The China virus - future production
Reply #8
I'm ordering a couple of these.
High quality 2M diameter Water Walking Ball Roll Ball Inflatable Zorb ball |...


Larry, you need to find a larger version of the ball, one that the LD will fit inside of.
Greg & Victoria
2017 Mid-Bath  “Nocona” towing a manual 2015 Forester
Previously a 1985 TK
SKP #61264

Re: The China virus - future production
Reply #9
Not to belittle or minimize but we have been living with more dangerous and more contagious illnesses for instance the flu killed this about 12000 folks in this country.   And we in the US are still debating rather to get a flu shot or not.   
The same precautions that mitigate against the flu will also work against this new coronal virus.  

Wash your hands. Don't touch your face with your hands. Cover your mouth and nose with your elbow when you sneeze and cough.

personal fine art photo stuff
TF Mack | Flickr
It's all good .......
2014 Twin King

Re: The China virus - future production
Reply #10
Here is a link to some useful information.

Staying safe from COVID-19: Wash hands, skip masks - UCHealth Today

A thread on something as serious as Covid-19 can get out of hand quickly with speculations and conspiracy theories that have been heralded on TV, radio and social media. Dear members, if you contribute to this discussion, please keep it factual and clinical as we Lazy Dazers contemplate upcoming travels.

Formerly: 2002 30' IB

Re: The China virus - future production
Reply #11
Regarding the flu vaccine, I have not received one since leaving the Navy in 1995. There it was mandatory. It’s not because I’m an anti-VAXXER or anything like that, but because of the debatable effectiveness of the flu vaccine:

CDC Releases Interim Flu Vaccine Effectiveness Report

Have not gotten the flu in all that time.
Greg & Victoria
2017 Mid-Bath  “Nocona” towing a manual 2015 Forester
Previously a 1985 TK
SKP #61264

Re: The China virus - future production
Reply #12
The cited CDC report says that "the current influenza vaccine has been 45% effective overall against 2019-2020 seasonal influenza A and B viruses." While we'd all like to see 100%, a vaccine that cuts in half my chances of getting flu seems worthwhile to me.

I had the flu the first winter I was traveling full-time. It hit me just as I arrived at the Death Valley Lazy Daze gathering. I spent two weeks sitting inside, feeling like crap, while everybody else had fun right outside my window. Since then I've gotten a flu shot every year, and have never again had the flu.

That, of course, proves nothing--a sample size of one has no statistical significance--but it's reasonable to assume that those annual vaccinations have helped keep me from repeating that very unpleasant experience.

Regrettably, it seems unlikely that there will be a well-tested Covid-19 vaccine in time to do us any good. If there were, I'd jump at the chance to take it. As a 70-year-old male, I'm in the most vulnerable group.
Andy Baird
2021 Ford Ranger towing 2019 Airstream 19CB
Previously: 1985 LD Twin/King "Gertie"; 2003 LD Midbath "Skylark"

Re: The China virus - future production
Reply #13
I would guess that currently LD largely uses the "just in time" approach to assembly.

If you mean - the carbon paper order form arrived just in time for me to mail a hand written check which had to clear the bank account just in time for us to start packing up and shipping the items - you could be on to something.

On the other hand, this could be one of the times when doing things the 'old fashioned' way works out to their advantage. 

My guess is that their inventory management  works about the same as it did when the wood paneling was installed on the office walls.

and we all sort of love them for it because it works!

'03 MB in NC
2003 MB

Re: The China virus - future production
Reply #14
Regarding the flu vaccine, I have not received one since leaving the Navy in 1995. There it was mandatory. It’s not because I’m an anti-VAXXER or anything like that, but because of the debatable effectiveness of the flu vaccine:

CDC Releases Interim Flu Vaccine Effectiveness Report

Have not gotten the flu in all that time.
the flu shot takes a little while to take effect.  Get the shot early.  If people did a better job of getting the shot the results would have been better.  Getting the shot after the flu is epidemic in the area you live is a little like getting fire insurance after the the fire has started.
Currently: 2008 36' Tiffin Open Road
Previously: 2007 Mid Bath

Re: The China virus - future production
Reply #15
The virus will hit the Mid Atlantic about the same time as tons and tons of pollen.  So folks will not know if they have the flue, allergies, or the virus. Guess I’ll be washing a bunch.
I apologize to all.  If you read the WP story it is not alarmist and states washing is among the best things you can do to protect your self according to CDC and goes on to deliver the CDC message.  I was trying to bring the point out if you feel ill, stay at home, take the suggested meds, and contact a professional.  This will help stop the flu, and the Coronovirus.  Most healthy people can beat this sucker.  Just don't spread it. Or the Flu.
Currently: 2008 36' Tiffin Open Road
Previously: 2007 Mid Bath

Re: The China virus - future production
Reply #16
I apologize to all.  If you read the WP story it is not alarmist and states washing is among the best things you can do to protect your self according to CDC and goes on to deliver the CDC message.  I was trying to bring the point out if you feel ill, stay at home, take the suggested meds, and contact a professional.  This will help stop the flu, and the Coronovirus.  Most healthy people can beat this sucker.  Just don't spread it. Or the Flu.
No apology needed, John. My comments were general and premptive in nature and not directed at anyone in particular.

Formerly: 2002 30' IB

Re: The China virus - future production
Reply #18
Andy's comment....

As for masks, the consensus among health officials is that they do little to protect you from others who are contagious. They are mainly useful if you are sick and want to minimize the chance of spreading germs. I have a few, but probably won't use them unless I get sick myself.   ....

is, as they say, spot on. At least, that's my understanding, as well. If you  want to protect yourself, perhaps a hazmet suit? ;)

Yesterday, Joyce and I ate lunch with some friends who recently retired from working in medicine. They expressed the opinion that there is a _lot_ of hype in the media about covid-19. It's effects (deaths, etc.) are mostly in line with other flu viruses. They suggested that the hype may be because there is not vaccine yet (primarily). As with any communicable  disease, common sense precautions prevail (hand washing, etc.).

Vaccination... I think that's a debate that will last forever (whether to or not). The latest salvo in the "for" camp that I've heard was that you vaccinate not so much for yourself as much as for society in general. I guess the analogy might be putting out a fire by starving it of oxygen: if the disease has no where to go (everybody is vaccinated against it), it will just die off. Note: I'm not trying to take sides in this one. As with anything, you can find both good and bad if you look closely enough.

Former 2009 MB owner

Re: The China virus - future production
Reply #19
"Guess I'll be washing a bunch."

Good plan. For a long time I've been carrying a small dispenser bottle of foaming hand soap, a liter of water in a bottle with a sprinkler top, and a small hand towel in the door pockets of both my vehicles. When I leave any public place--supermarket, UPS Store, whatever--the first thing I do after unlocking the vehicle is to wash my hands.

As a retired Immunologist and biotech drug developer, I endorse Andy’s suggestion, and hand & face washing after visiting  public places, in general.  In fact, I suspect that Andy’s Flu-Free status (see later post) attributes as much to his hygiene as to the fact that he takes the Flue vaccine.

I offer two additional suggestions: 1) wash hands when entering your home (Mobile or Fixed), and 2) be sure to scrub your hands  for at least 30 seconds when washing them (I used to teach kids to say their ABCs slowing while washing). 

When touching your face or putting food in your mouth, think of yourself as a surgeon preparing for an operation - they scrub every wrinkle and crevice on their hands (including wrists), when prepping to reduce the chance of transmitting bacteria/virus to their patients.

2019 MB “Dream Catcher”
Jeep Wrangler JL

Re: The China virus - future production
Reply #20
[moved this to Fire Ring since nearly all is non-LD discussion]

Re: The China virus - future production
Reply #22
As a retired Immunologist and biotech drug developer, I endorse Andy’s suggestion, and hand & face washing after visiting  public places, in general.  In fact, I suspect that Andy’s Flu-Free status (see later post) attributes as much to his hygiene as to the fact that he takes the Flu vaccine.

I offer two additional suggestions: 1) wash hands when entering your home (Mobile or Fixed), and 2) be sure to scrub your hands  for at least 30 seconds when washing them (I used to teach kids to say their ABCs slowing while washing). 

When touching your face or putting food in your mouth, think of yourself as a surgeon preparing for an operation - they scrub every wrinkle and crevice on their hands (including wrists), when prepping to reduce the chance of transmitting bacteria/virus to their patients.

Formerly: 2002 30' IB

Re: The China virus - future production
Reply #23
The virus will hit the Mid Atlantic about the same time as tons and tons of pollen.   So folks will not know if they have the flue, allergies, or the virus. Guess I’ll be washing a bunch.
How to prepare for coronavirus in the United States - The Washington Post

While not as isolated as the hills & hollers of the Ozarks, there may be some advantage to the boonies of north Missouri (Fly-over Country with better roads  :D ...& we're getting  some major bridge repairs on US 36 & 65 this summer).  Coastal immigrants welcome to boondock on the farm--cattle will be on the pasture from April 1 to November 1, but no wildfires or hurricanes, & only 2 tornadoes in a 30-mile radius in the past 45 years (much better than KS/OK), though we do have pollen.  Y'all come.

LDy Lulubelle, Green '05 31' TB
Lilly, the 4-Legged Alarm

Re: The China virus - future production
Reply #24
May i add this virus is not going to disappear.  it will be part of our lives for the rest of human history.  I.E. AIDS, SERS, TB, Black Death,  We as a human group just need to re-order our habit patterns.   As a retired medical professional I remember the changes of habits that we in medicine went thru after the AIDS epidemic hit.  

Just practice good hand cleaning  before and after visiting any public place. 

(Smile)I plan to put up a isolation cleaning tent in front of my house/rv........


personal fine art photo stuff
TF Mack | Flickr
It's all good .......
2014 Twin King