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Topic: Need advice re routes and weather - driving new LD home to PA (Read 504 times) previous topic - next topic
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Need advice re routes and weather - driving new LD home to PA
Greetings all,
My husband and I are picking up our new 31IB on December 20 and need to drive it home. (I did not drive it back solo in September as I thought I might.)  Anyway, we have 10 days over the holiday break to drive it back to the Philadelphia suburbs before we have to return to work on Jan. 2.  We are taking delivery in Ehrenberg AZ.  At this point we think we will drive Route 10 through to New Orleans, then head north through Atlanta and Charolette, then catch either 95 or 81 north to PA.  Of course we will be watching the weather and adjust as needed. We are RV newbies and very excited about this adventure! But we can certainly benefit from the collective experience of this group! Any advice or suggestions you have about how to best make this cross country drive in late December (what to be aware of, what to watch our for, what to consider) would be very welcome!
Connie Goochee
Kevin Dolan
2019  31 IB

Re: Need advice re routes and weather - driving new LD home to PA
Reply #1
"At this point we think we will drive Route 10 through to New Orleans"

It has been quite a number of years since we did I-10 around Louisiana, but I'm guessing the road has not improved.  We have always swung over to I-12  out of Baton Rouge instead of going through New Orleans, even though that is DH's hometown!  You can pick up I-10 again just outside of Slidell.   

   Virtual hugs,

   Judie  <-- Sierra Vista, Arizona
   Adventures of Dorrie Anne | Photographing the West

   Today:  Bowl o’ Rolls

Re: Need advice re routes and weather - driving new LD home to PA
Reply #2

May I suggest carrying set of snow cables, I hear it can snow in Pennsylvania this time of year.

Get a set a Lynx Levelers too. They can be stacked and used to lift the inner wheel up, raising the outer wheel off the ground to enable easier installation of the cables.
Amazon.com: Tri-Lynx 00015 Lynx Levelers - 10 Pack: Prime Video
Have them shipped to the Mothership before you arrive.

An RV towing service would be a good idea, CoachNet is popular.

Happy travels

As an Amazon Associate Lazy Daze Owners' Group earns from qualifying purchases.
2003 23.5' Front Lounge, since new.  Previously 1983 22' Front Lounge.
Tow vehicles  2020 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon, 2001 Jeep Cherokee
Photo Collection: Lazy Daze

Re: Need advice re routes and weather - driving new LD home to PA
Reply #3
It has been several years since we've made the trip from Phoenix, AZ to Athens, GA (northeast of Atlanta), but we made it several times when our daughter lived there. I second Judie's advice about I 12 around New Orleans; it saves a few minutes. However, watch out for rocks in LA. We had to replace the window at the kitchen sink and a windshield from "stray" rocks hitting us in nearly the same section of I 10 in LA (but on different trips). Maybe our midbath was just a rock magnet, lol.
As far as going thru Atlanta, I would suggest timing it for 8 or 9 AM on a Saturday or Sunday. Earlier wouldn't hurt. Don't take I285, just go thru town. The lanes are a little narrow, but you can do it. As you go thru town, I75 and I85 merge into one, basically, 6 lane road. Be prepared, though, that I75, which goes to the NW exits (3 lanes worth) to the right, and, of course, I85, which goes to the NE will be the 3 lanes on the left (the median side). There are, of course, several places on 75/85 where there are more than the 6 lanes, but those are exit lanes or HOV lanes. If not on a weekend, honestly, I would go thru before 5AM. That will be the least traffic. After about 5:30, expect at least 1 hour delay with no wrecks or rain.
As for getting to Atlanta, we generally go I10 to I65 to I85, going thru Mobile and Montgomery, Al. Note that there are few (actually VERY few) campgrounds near the expressway coming I85 (or I20 for that matter). We usually just made a mad dash from Montgomery to home in one day.
If you are going thru Charlotte, I assume you are going I85. Just be aware of construction on I85 between Atlanta and about exit 137. I don't think you will have any problems, but the construction signage isn't the best. It seems to change on a day to day basis. Just be aware that the right lane (which we tend to drive in) may or may not be an exit only once you are past exit 115. If I remember correctly, there is also some construction in North Carolina that can somewhat confusing ( at least one exit being completely reconstructed and poorly marked).
If you are going to I81, I assume you will go up I75. That's a pretty good road (at least as much as we have driven, but we haven't gone all the way to I81). You will go over Monteagle, TN, north of Chattanooga. It's a long, somewhat steep for the southeast, "hill". It's a pretty drive in the fall, but can be a pain in the winter; watch out for slick roads and fog. Remember, we don't have snow removal equipment in the southeast and what we mostly get is ice. Northerner's say we southerner's can't drive in snow. Being a native Atlantan, I disagree with that statement ;). I guess our best comeback would be, What do you call a northerner with a 4 wheel drive vehicle driving on snow (in Atlanta)...... Stuck!
Just pay attention to the weather (which I'm sure you will be doing anyway). Take a deep breath. Take you time. You will be fine.
Former Midbath owner
Former 2009 MB owner

Re: Need advice re routes and weather - driving new LD home to PA
Reply #5
A weather app that covers the US pretty well.....

I downloaded the app and like the way it shows weather patterns over the entire US - this could be very useful for our travels -  thanks for sharing!

2019  31 IB

Re: Need advice re routes and weather - driving new LD home to PA
Reply #6
Just pay attention to the weather (which I'm sure you will be doing anyway). Take a deep breath. Take you time. You will be fine.
Former Midbath owner

Thanks for all your detailed info about getting around Atlanta and points north.  We will pay attention to time of day when it comes to driving thru major cities! I am a bit nervous about this mad dash across the country in a brand new RV. I'm sure we will manage whatever comes our way - but it helps to hear what others have experienced! Thanks for sharing!
2019  31 IB

Re: Need advice re routes and weather - driving new LD home to PA
Reply #7
It has been quite a number of years since we did I-10 around Louisiana, but I'm guessing the road has not improved.  We have always swung over to I-12  out of Baton Rouge instead of going through New Orleans, even though that is DH's hometown!  You can pick up I-10 again just outside of Slidell.   

Thanks for the good advice about getting around New Orleans on I-12. We were thinking of maybe trying to do Christmas in New Orleans - but if it is not easy to find a campground that allows us easy access to the city we may pass on that  idea. Thanks for sharing!
2019  31 IB

Re: Need advice re routes and weather - driving new LD home to PA
Reply #8

We did the Northeast-to-AZ route (and its return) once. Based on our preferred average daily distance (250 miles) and route, it would take us 14 to 16 days, moving every day. We are two days beyond Philadelphia.

Potential problems:
Not RV-experienced
Unfamiliar coach
Shortest days of the year
There may be poor weather on the Middle-Atlantic end.
Everybody and his brother is trying to get to Florida during the week between Christmas and New Years (happily, opposite your travel direction).

So, you have set for yourselves a challenge!

The longer route should have better weather:
I-10 to Jacksonville, then I-95 to Philly

Cut the corner, but chance the weather:
I-10 to Mobile, then Montgomery, Atlanta, Charlotte, Durham, then I-95 to Philly

When you get back home you will want to winterize the coach, unless you are storing it in a climate-controlled building. Plan on spending the last night at the Clarksboro, NJ KOA, to dump the tanks and prep the coach for storage. That KOA is (as far as I know) the only RV park open year-round in the Philly area.

If you can go through the D.C. area on a weekend, do. Otherwise, late at night or midday is better. Cherry Hill RV Park in College Park, MD, is the place to stay in the D.C. area. Use the eastern beltways around D.C. and Baltimore if you have to travel on a weekday. The MD Eastern Shore route is much more relaxed than I-95 north/east of D.C..

I suspect you will be exhausted after the long drive. That's when you make mistakes, such as sideswiping bollards at gas stations. So do be careful.

Oh- A cold or the flu will crimp your plans. Take mitigation steps.

Mark H
Former owner, 31-foot gas Class A
Former owner, 1997-8 mid-bath

Re: Need advice re routes and weather - driving new LD home to PA
Reply #9
"Thanks for the good advice about getting around New Orleans on I-12. We were thinking of maybe trying to do Christmas in New Orleans - but if it is not easy to find a campground that allows us easy access to the city we may pass on that  idea. Thanks for sharing!"

Jude RV Park Campground Affordable Convenient Camping Full Hookups WIFI

I saved a message off the forum a few years ago from a person (didn't save their name) who likes this CG right near downtown.

2003 -- 23' FL

Re: Need advice re routes and weather - driving new LD home to PA
Reply #10
"Thanks for the good advice about getting around New Orleans on I-12. We were thinking of maybe trying to do Christmas in New Orleans - but if it is not easy to find a campground that allows us easy access to the city we may pass on that  idea. Thanks for sharing!"

Jude RV Park Campground Affordable Convenient Camping Full Hookups WIFI

I saved a message off the forum a few years ago from a person (didn't save their name) who likes this CG right near downtown.


I'm just laying out our first trip and finding Campendium's campground info and reviews quite helpful, RV Parks, Caravan Parks and unique RV Camping locations - Campendium.
You can search by area - just put in New Orleans and see what it comes up with.
2018 Mid-Bath Beatrix (bringer of joy)

Re: Need advice re routes and weather - driving new LD home to PA
Reply #11
I prefer I 40 for east/west travel particularly if time is a factor.  last December we did it with our truck camper from Eastern Ky to Ca in a long week.  not as many annoying city grid locks though one should watch the weather.
A couple years ago we stayed in a commercial campground right outside the French Quarter.
from the outside looked like a prison, block walls topped with razor wire.
Steve and Annette
2019 TK 24

Re: Need advice re routes and weather - driving new LD home to PA
Reply #12
And remember you can not go through the Baltimore Harbor Tunnel.  No propane tanks allowed. If weather allows I would strongly suggest I-81 over I-95 or a US Highway rout from just north of Richmond to north of Baltimore. 
I did the same trip. I took 10 days and went I-10 to I -40 to I 95.  My wife could not get off work so I was alone.  That made parking and turning around interesting. This was my first time driving an RV on a long trip.   In TX I stayed spent nights in roadside rest areas (without much rest). I had planned for more time but because the house had a plumbing issue I needed to hurry home. I was alone and did the trip in Feb.  it was my first trip in an RV.  
Bring a camera, and take lots of pictures.  When I have a Dr appointment before they take my blood pressure I page through the pictures and relive the trip.  Calms the ticker right down.  
 You'll Need a Newer Browser to See This Page
Currently: 2008 36' Tiffin Open Road
Previously: 2007 Mid Bath

Re: Need advice re routes and weather - driving new LD home to PA
Reply #13
Earlier someone mentioned you should plan on winterizing. The factory sells a very nice blow out hose that connects to the freshwater line immediately downstream from the water pump. 
If it is not included with the sale of the RV, buy one.  It works well. 

 No slight to the factory If it is not included. My used RV came with one, I don’t know how it became associated with the RV as all the previous owners were from A few hours drive to the factory and not in the mountains.
I sent you a message with my contact info if you want help blowing air through the water lines.  I’m retired and can drive if you are in the DC area.   
Currently: 2008 36' Tiffin Open Road
Previously: 2007 Mid Bath

Re: Need advice re routes and weather - driving new LD home to PA
Reply #14
Hey folks - thanks for all the good advice and suggestions!
Bill and Kit - I found that campground in New Orleans on the website link you provided- good to know its there - if we decide to shoot for New Orleans we will use that campground!

Mark H - Thanks for the info on campgrounds in NJ and DC area - that was on my list of things to figure out - what campgrounds are open in Mid to Northeast - so we can dump tanks and winterize coach.

Steve and Annette - If the weather allows us to take I-40 we may go for it. Going to be tracking weather patterns on that Windy App. mentioned in comments above by Colddog. Being newbie RV'ers one of my big concerns is getting caught in bad weather. So we will most likely be cautious and stay south for that margin of safety. But eventually will have to head north to Philly area!

John  DaCrema - Thank you for you very generous offer to assist with winterizing our rig when we pass through the DC area. I will send you a message to follow up.

Thanks again for all the good suggestions! This group really is the extended family for Lazy Daze owners - always there and ready to help out with a vast reserve of experience and expertise.
Connie Goochee
Kevin Dolan
2019  31 IB

Re: Need advice re routes and weather - driving new LD home to PA
Reply #15
As a native of the Philadelphia suburbs, and a frequent visitor to the area, I suggest you measure and know the clearance that your rig requires. Here is a picture of a Septa RR bridge in the suburbs. There are many like this! Even if you drove in the center of the road, you don't know how high the sides are. So, as you map your approach in your area, beware of clearance!  Have a wonderful adventure bringing her home. I'm sure you'll enjoy her for many years to come!
2002 MB

Re: Need advice re routes and weather - driving new LD home to PA
Reply #16
Hey Wendy - thanks for the heads up! Overhead clearance is near the top of my list of things to be aware of when driving - especially on secondary roads - and at gas stops!  I have watched a few videos like the one below to try to get up to speed on driving an RV. I am developing great respect for truckers that safely navigate our roads every day under all conditions!


Connie Goochee
Kevin Dolan
2019  31 IB

Re: Need advice re routes and weather - driving new LD home to PA
Reply #17
A few pointers
1.  Never go into a place unless you have an exit.
2.  When in doubt slow down.
3.  A 180 is the best safely action.
4.  You are driving the RV not the other person - who cares what they think you'll never see them again.
5.  As helper use both hands and arms when directing the drivers.
6.  Stop if you as driver can't see or understand  your helper.
7.  Getting there, where ever there is, is not as important as doing it safely.


personal fine art photo stuff
TF Mack | Flickr
It's all good .......
2014 Twin King

Re: Need advice re routes and weather - driving new LD home to PA
Reply #18
Good pointers from Glen. I'd add one more... Daylight is best when driving unfamiliar routes, especially off major highways. RonB
RonB (Bostick) living in San Diego
Original owner of "Bluebelle" a '99 TKB