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Topic: Sellers remorse (Read 801 times) previous topic - next topic
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Sellers remorse
Recently I sold my LD and it was a good decision for me personally but I will always feel nostalgic about my brief ownership. Had some really good times and trips in it and enjoyed fixing it up when I first bought it. Sometimes I would just go out in the driveway and hang out inside of it for an hour or so. Just liked the feel of the thing I guess. At least I have good memories and even some pics to look at.
Discuss anything with anyone and disagree agreeably. Always be polite and respectful.

Re: Sellers remorse
Reply #1
Oh Sawyer, I know just what you mean! I feel badly for those times you would want to be on the road or camping someplace interesting, and happy that you have good memories.  It's almost like your a different person when you enter your Daze. Like there is a barrier between you and "bad" things.(LOL) In my case, just an excuse...Sorry, can't deal with that now, I'm in my Daze!
2005 RK

Re: Sellers remorse
Reply #2
I understand your feelings as well.  I bought my LD two years ago, and due to work and medical issues,  I have only used it a half a dozen times.  I have it parked behind my office and hooked up to power and will go out at eat lunch, or lay on the coach and read.  It is a comforting environment.  Sounds silly, but ....

Re: Sellers remorse
Reply #3
"Sounds silly, but ...."
No, it does not sound silly at all....
2003 TK has a new home

Re: Sellers remorse
Reply #4
I understand your feelings as well.  I have it parked behind my office and hooked up to power and will go out at eat lunch, or lay on the coach and read.  It is a comforting environment.  Sounds silly, but ....
I think it's what makes people want a motorhome in general over a trailer even though a trailer is by far the more economical and efficient way to RV.  The feeling of laying on your couch relaxing and knowing you can just amble up front and drive on down the road is the romance of it all. The LD in particular is even nicer because you feel more like your in a house than an RV and the windows all around make it feel like you are in a million dollar home when you are in a particularly beautiful location.
Discuss anything with anyone and disagree agreeably. Always be polite and respectful.

Re: Sellers remorse
Reply #5
You can do yoga.
You can do meditation.
You can do Tai-Chi.
You can go sit in your LD.

There are many roads to tranquility.
Joel & Terry Wiley
dog Zeke
2013  31 IB   Orwan   / 2011 CRV Tow'd LWEROVE

Re: Sellers remorse
Reply #6
You can do yoga.
You can do meditation.
You can do Tai-Chi.
You can go sit in your LD.

There are many roads to tranquility.
I used to go sit in it to read sometimes. Leave my phone in the house and hide from my chatterbox better half. :)
Discuss anything with anyone and disagree agreeably. Always be polite and respectful.

Re: Sellers remorse
Reply #7
If I may ....
Lizbeth and I are what we call hermit campers.    Since we live in the middle of a large city we love going to places were the silence is so loud it hurts your ears.  
I just  cleaned up, wax and winterized Baxter.   Still got to change the oil and antifreeze.    There is a never ending set of stuff I got to do on her but I enjoy the task.    As my sweet wife says it keep me out of the bars and she knows were to find me.
I'm sure my kids will  get a very used RV when we are done with it.

personal fine art photo stuff
TF Mack | Flickr
It's all good .......
2014 Twin King

Re: Sellers remorse
Reply #8
If I may ....
Lizbeth and I are what we call hermit campers.    Since we live in the middle of a large city we love going to places were the silence is so loud it hurts your ears. 
I just  clean up, wax and winterized Baxter.  Still got to change the oil and antifreeze.    There is a never ending set of stuff I got to do on her but I enjoy the task.    As my sweet wife says it keep me out of the bars and she knows were to find me.
I'm sure my kids will be a very used RV when we are done with it.


By the time we got our LD we decided if  we wanted absolute solitude we'd just stay home and the reason for going anywhere was to see new sites and hike and ride popular trails and we took crowds and campground neighborhoods in stride as part of the deal. Our last two months trip we did find an extremely isolated campsite out of Ajo AZ that we loved though and stayed there two weeks.
One day we decide to take a bike ride south on Hello Mexico trail and got out ten miles into the desert and hadn't seen a soul in hours. We stopped for lunch to enjoy the absolute desolation and I commented to my wife that I'd sure hate to break down out here. Right as we started back to camp there was a horrible wooshing sound from my rear tire as the whole sidewall blew out. It was a very long bike push back that day and I was dressed for a casual dirt road ride and Tevas was my bad choice for foot attire. By the time we got home I had stuffed toilet paper into every point where strap met skin that was being rubbed raw. Not a fun day but somehow a good memory.
When we had our camper which we used for twenty years we camped in some of the most remote areas we could find and would stay out for a week and never see anyone but of course there were lots less people out in the deserts back then. Not sure that's possible anymore.

I took this thing anywhere and everywhere. Very few places I couldn't go in 4X4 low range.
Discuss anything with anyone and disagree agreeably. Always be polite and respectful.

Re: Sellers remorse
Reply #9
Finally found pic of Ajo camp a mile up Hello Mexico road.
Bike ride was up it to end and then out into the
Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge. Beautiful and desolate!

Discuss anything with anyone and disagree agreeably. Always be polite and respectful.

Re: Sellers remorse
Reply #10
As I age, I find many things have become more complicated than I expected, outside of my control, or at least seem that way.  Though we van and tent camped a lot in our 41 years together, my partner has no interest anymore in camping or the RV, so it is one thing I have complete control over.  When I get in the LD, whether in my driveway reading or napping, or going down the road for a change of scenery, I have a smile, not always visible, but it's there from the peace of mind I have when I'm in it.

2003 -- 23' FL

Re: Sellers remorse
Reply #11
"When I get in the LD, whether in my driveway reading or napping, or going down the road for a change of scenery, I have a smile, not always visible, but it's there from the peace of mind I have when I'm in it. "

This seems to be an overarching theme amongst us.  And it probably isn't confined to Lazy Daze.  For better or for worse, we seem to have acquired three RV's of varying uses, and I must admit that I experience that feeling of contentment in all of them - it's just that the Lazy Daze is the most comfortable !!!  Unfortunately it is also the furthest away from my driveway, where the other two live.  If the Lazy Daze were welcome in my driveway, the other two would not be there, but HOA - GAH!

Pandora allows me to enjoy Annette Hanshaw and her cronies from the 20's and 30's to my heart's content.  Or my phone rings with DH's attempt to locate the cook.

It is not unusual for me to go to any one of them to do something, and the next thing I know, the bed/couch test has made half an hour pass by unnoticed.  

B L I S S  !!!

   Virtual hugs,


Re: Sellers remorse
Reply #12
I recently sold mine, too, and don't regret it as it was the right thing to do at this particular stage in my life. But, I certainly do identify with the nostalgia you feel and the other comments in response. Both of my Lazy Dazes were my happy places. I think my young niece said it best in one of my earlier years of Lazy Daze ownership: "Aunt Fern's RV is the coziest place on earth!"
Fern Horst
Formerly owned:
1979 TK - "Dorie" (2007-2012)
2003 MB - "Absaroka" (2012-2019)

Re: Sellers remorse
Reply #13
Your blue and white Ford PU with the camper brought mostly good memories.  I had one just like it with 4x4 and we dragged the kids up and down the beaches of Baja and the Sea of Cortez.  The 4X4 worked great for exploring rutted back roads looking for dive sites and camping spots, as well as driving down the beaches.  We did flattened the tires numerous times with spines through the sidewalls, 50 miles of washboard road from Bahia de los Angeles to San Francisquito Bay driving too fast and overloaded (alcohol may have been involved), and hitting a pot hole the size of a swimming pool on Baja 1and exploding the tire and wrecking the wheel.  Ah, the good old days.

The Lazy Daze just isn't up to those adventures.  Actually, 30 years later, neither am I.


2014 27 MB
Towd: Either the Jeep Wrangler or trailer containing the BMW R1200GS and 2 E-bicycles
Happy wife=Happy life

Re: Sellers remorse
Reply #14
I had to laugh at your adventuring Baja, Harold.  As a solo "older woman", in February 2015 I actually drove the old Baja 1000 route along the MX Highway 5, via Coco's Corner (which has now been bypassed by the new highway) from San Felipe to Bahia de Los Angeles -- but with my 26.5 LD towing an Acura Legend!  Yes, it was a 4x4 trip taken in a motor home, but somehow after having to stop and move many rocks along the way, the trip was achieved with air still holding in all ten tires!
(Story available on request.) Surprisingly the LD was indeed up to it.
1997 MB

Re: Sellers remorse
Reply #15
Your blue and white Ford PU with the camper brought mostly good memories.  I had one just like it with 4x4 and we dragged the kids up and down the beaches of Baja and the Sea of Cortez.  The 4X4 worked great for exploring rutted back roads looking for dive sites and camping spots, as well as driving down the beaches.  We did flattened the tires numerous times with spines through the sidewalls, 50 miles of washboard road from Bahia de los Angeles to San Francisquito Bay driving too fast and overloaded (alcohol may have been involved), and hitting a pot hole the size of a swimming pool on Baja 1and exploding the tire and wrecking the wheel.  Ah, the good old days.

The Lazy Daze just isn't up to those adventures.  Actually, 30 years later, neither am I.


I too enjoyed the most remote and impassable to cars and trailers and motorhomes  roads i could find and also enjoyed pouring a very large rum n coke into a travel mug and creeping along in low range looking for that perfect campsite. We would have the cassette player going full blast with everything from Jimmy Buffet to Willie Nelson to the Rolling Stones  as we drank and drove at a hair raising 5mph on some rutted washed out road  with nobody on it but us just daring the fates to break us down or get us stuck fifty miles from nowhere.
Yes those indeed were the good ole days.
Discuss anything with anyone and disagree agreeably. Always be polite and respectful.

Re: Sellers remorse
Reply #16
On the sandy and washboard  road from Bahia de Los Angeles to San Francisquito , I dicovered that 50mph in a big, loaded 4x4 pulling a boat made a much smoother ride than 25mph. About 40 miles into it, I destroyed a tire. As I previously stated,  alcohol may have been a factor. Once outside and inspecting the damage, I also discovered that I had blown the seals in all 4 shocks, with oil all over everything.
As I was jacking up the truck in the desert sun, a shiny red, 25 year old pick up stopped and a Mexican gentleman stepped out and said "Senior, you look like you need a cold beer" and handed me one. He then helped me change the tire and invited me to his rancho at the end of the road where he had a tire machine.
Those were great years in Baja!
2014 27 MB
Towd: Either the Jeep Wrangler or trailer containing the BMW R1200GS and 2 E-bicycles
Happy wife=Happy life

Re: Sellers remorse
Reply #17

Now we all know where your son gets his adventurous spirit.

2015 27' RB "MissB.Haven"

Re: Sellers remorse
Reply #18
Went to Baja quite a bit in the 60s and flat tires was the name of the game. Looking back i wonder if tires then just were not as tough as they are now or what the deal was. I also remember odd details such as every Mexican seemed to be carrying a 22 rifle with which they shot at anything and everything. One time we were out surfing and a couple of guys were shooting at us or so we thought so we paddled in to see what they wanted and they excitedly explained in broken English they were shooting at sharks and trying to protect us. A relief but still unnerving having people shooting in your general direction.
Not really any campgrounds in those days and we enjoyed pitching a tent on the beach and eating cheap in local restaurants and also being able to purchase tequila even though we were all in our teens.
Best summer of my young life though was a months long surfari down into mainland Mexico clear to its southern border. Small jungle villages with open air markets, women doing laundry in rivers, dead horses along the road with a butcher truck working them up on the spot for steaks and burritos and grass hut bars that served some drink made  in a coconut served with a straw that was delicious and cheap and kicked your butt.
Lots of isolated beaches for camping  with great surf and friendly locals that would offer to cook you dinner and deliver it to your camp for next to nothing. Probably made with the dead horse alongside the road but delicious! :D
Discuss anything with anyone and disagree agreeably. Always be polite and respectful.

Re: Sellers remorse
Reply #19
Re flat tires “back then”. The tires today are much better, but they cost more. 
Currently: 2008 36' Tiffin Open Road
Previously: 2007 Mid Bath

Re: Sellers remorse
Reply #20
I tried not to drive at night in Baja, but occasionally found myself driving after dark.  I was leading a group of about 8 or 10 trucks pulling boats on a Sea of Cortez dive trip we had organized.  We were close to the coast, near El Rosario, and it was after sunset, foggy, and there was no shoulder, as usual.  Finally, a dirt road appeared off the right and I took the group down it to discover a wonderful flat area that was wide, cactus free, and smooth.  We set up camp, started a fire, had dinner, and went to sleep.

Much too early, we awoke to a tremendous noise of engine and propellers and discovered that we were camped on a rural runway, as the plane touched down just past where we were camped.  We packed up as fast as possible and got back on the road south.

Frightening at the time, but funny to remember now.

2014 27 MB
Towd: Either the Jeep Wrangler or trailer containing the BMW R1200GS and 2 E-bicycles
Happy wife=Happy life