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Resealing the roof
Is there a “resealing your roof” guide here on this forum? It rained last night and I had 2 leaks.

I keep reading about Eternabond and looks like that might be the solution. But as you can see, the sealant on my roof needs a refresh. Should I consider removed that old sealant and replacing it with Eternabond?

1989 TK

Re: Resealing the roof
Reply #1

Eternabond is a preferred seal product and used by many RV enthusiasts. Preparation for the actual application will take some effort and dedication. YouTube has several videos on its use. Here is just one sampling of RVer use. https://youtu.be/spdYGUtZVcU    Eternabond produces its in videos as well.

It’s not rocket science, however you need to take your time and do it right the first time. You would do well to check for any structural damage from the recent water intrusion or leaks from the past. They can be devastating.

The Mothership frowns on its use and will not do a factory seal if Eternabond has been used. It is very difficult to remove. I believe that is one reason they refuse to work on an Eternabonded roof.

Personally, I’ll have our ‘15 RB resealed at the factory when the time comes. That’s just me.

Best of luck with the reseal.

2015 27' RB "MissB.Haven"

Re: Resealing the roof
Reply #2
Thanks Kent! How much is a LD factor seal?
1989 TK

Re: Resealing the roof
Reply #3
Good question. I believe the most recent factory reseal mentioned here was around $1,200. Fair price in my book when you take into account the work involved. Others here still prefer the DIY approach.

I suppose it all comes down to how much can you do on your own and what value you place on professional installation. I’m a big fan of DIY projects where I can screw something up and fix my mistakes without suffering catastrophic results from my initial blunder. 😬

If you're thinking about having them do the work, it may take a while to get your rig in, but a simple call into Vince is pretty painless.

Good luck.

2015 27' RB "MissB.Haven"

Re: Resealing the roof
Reply #4
Just to clarify, when resealing with eternabond, just the main perimeter seams are sealed? Are all the little doodads on the roof resealed with tape?
Greg & Victoria
2017 Mid-Bath  “Nocona” towing a manual 2015 Forester
Previously a 1985 TK
SKP #61264

Re: Resealing the roof
Reply #5
Personally, I’ll have our ‘15 RB resealed at the factory when the time comes. That’s just me. 
  Easy for you to say,  you're just about around the corner.  ;)
Joel & Terry Wiley
dog Zeke
2013  31 IB   Orwan   / 2011 CRV Tow'd LWEROVE

Re: Resealing the roof
Reply #6
If you see cracks or lifting up of the current sealant, anywhere water can leak into, then yes it needs redoing.

There are a lot of posts to read about Eternabond including how to prep the roof (very critical to do this right), what width to get (pros and cons of slimmer vs wider ones). 
Eternabond, once down, doesn't come up (extremely difficult).  But it stays good forever (per the company).  The top layer which is a cover will degrade overtime from UV, but the underneath gummy layer never does.  You can pull off the top layer and put another layer of Eternabond on top.  (per the company).

There are places you would never take apart (e.g. seams between two parts of the roof) and those can be Eternabonded.
However as Greg alludes to, things that you might take out in the future (e.g. replace an air conditioner, a vent, an antenna, window, etc.) and those spots should not be Eternabonded.  Those things get sealed with a good sealer(again with proper prep).  There are numerous recommendations for products, with many people favoring the 3M products.  Often this can be put on over the top of the old sealant if the old sealant (again with proper prep so that the new sealant will stick - note Silicon doesn't allow anything to stick to it).

You also want to find out if there is any damage in the LD over time from leaks.  Water can travel a while in the roof/walls before coming into the LD and finding the leak source can be difficult.  Andy did a thermal detection to find water while it was leaking (at least where it was pooling in the roof).  Pressing on the inside with an icepick or screwdriver will find rotted spots (the wood doesn't hold solid so the device will sink into the wood significantly).  Sometimes you can just press with your hands and find softer spots.  Any repairs are done from the inside - there is a couple posts showing repair details. Once you open it up, you can see clearly if there is any rotten wood and keep opening up the roof/wall until you find good wook, then replace/repair the damaged areas.

Jane & Scott
Currently have a 1989 TK  LD we did a lot of upgrades on.
Bigfoot 25RQ Twin on order with early summer 2024 ETA

Our smartphone autocorrects into very poor English.
 We disclaim the illusion of ignorance this creates as we have enough ignorance we rightly claim.

Re: Resealing the roof
Reply #7

Where the Mothership is concerned, some of us are just born blessed. Thank you Mother. 😇

2015 27' RB "MissB.Haven"

Re: Resealing the roof
Reply #8
Last week I made an appointment at the Mothership to have my 11 year old rig resealed (first week of December, though I could have made it for a week or two earlier). Vince quoted me a price of . . .$3,500! Unless I heard incorrectly. He said that it involved a lot of man hours of manual labor and included replacing just about everything on top. It was twice what I had expected. Wife told me to go ahead and spend the money. It would be worth avoiding the aggravation if/when I screw up working with that tape, or if I don't clean the areas as well as they need to be for it to work effectively.

Mike Liner
'08 24' FL towing a Subaru Forester '14
2008 FL

Re: Resealing the roof
Reply #9
As they say in real estate Location Location Location.

I grew up 'blessed' between Glen Avon and Mira Loma...


Joel & Terry Wiley
dog Zeke
2013  31 IB   Orwan   / 2011 CRV Tow'd LWEROVE

Re: Resealing the roof
Reply #10
It was twice what I had expected. Wife told me to go ahead and spend the money. It would be worth avoiding the aggravation
Estimate:  $1750, over guestamate: $1750 ($175/yr over next 10 years).  Peace of mind for job done right Priceless.
"God grant me the courage to change those things I can,  the serenity to accept those things I cannot, and the wisdom to know the difference"
                                                                                                            St. Francis of Assisi
"Yes Dear"
                 many a husband in a successful marriage

Joel & Terry Wiley
dog Zeke
2013  31 IB   Orwan   / 2011 CRV Tow'd LWEROVE

Re: Resealing the roof
Reply #11
Thanks Kent! How much is a LD factor seal?

I picked up my LD from having the roof resealed on July 3rd. The cost was just shy of $3500 (that's actually less than originally quoted).

That included resealing and replacing all the fans with new, new covers over everything including the AC (which disintegrated in their hands as they removed it... I have pictures). They also removed some miscellaneous spots of some kind of goop from the previous owner.

If you don't need new fans or covers you may be able to just do the reseal for less. I think I can give you a break down minus the fans based on the receipt which I do not have with me right now. I will try to post the info tomorrow.
My wheels:
2003 MB
2012 Jeep Liberty

Re: Resealing the roof
Reply #12
Last week I made an appointment at the Mothership to have my 11 year old rig resealed (first week of December, though I could have made it for a week or two earlier). Vince quoted me a price of . . .$3,500! Unless I heard incorrectly. He said that it involved a lot of man hours of manual labor and included replacing just about everything on top. It was twice what I had expected. Wife told me to go ahead and spend the money. It would be worth avoiding the aggravation if/when I screw up working with that tape, or if I don't clean the areas as well as they need to be for it to work effectively.

Mike Liner
'08 24' FL towing a Subaru Forester '14

That's exactly what I paid and they did replace everything!
My wheels:
2003 MB
2012 Jeep Liberty

Re: Resealing the roof
Reply #13

Did you paint your vent and AC covers with the primer spray paint?

This group advised us to do that when we replaced our AC . It protects the covers from UV damage so they won't just crumble in a couple of years.


Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
Jane & Scott
Currently have a 1989 TK  LD we did a lot of upgrades on.
Bigfoot 25RQ Twin on order with early summer 2024 ETA

Our smartphone autocorrects into very poor English.
 We disclaim the illusion of ignorance this creates as we have enough ignorance we rightly claim.

Re: Resealing the roof
Reply #15
"What kind/brand of primer?"

I may be way off base but I believe this discussion is about painting the roof vents and AC Cover with a paint designed for plastics to reduce the deterioration caused by the sun. I went through two shower domes due to UV damage before I painted the third with paint developed for plastic. That one lasted several years.   ;)
Steve S.
Lazy Bones & Cedar
2004 30'IB (Island Bed)
Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery
Live for the day!

Re: Resealing the roof
Reply #16

I don't think the brand matters. But a spray primer is easier to use, though you could paint it on.

I think we used rustoleum just because that was handy at Home Depot.
It does make it so less light comes through the vents when they are closed, but I think I'd rather have the protection then replacing those every 2 to 5 years even if I did the work myself (took us about 30 minutes including figuring it out as we went and a new vent cover was about $20).


Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
Jane & Scott
Currently have a 1989 TK  LD we did a lot of upgrades on.
Bigfoot 25RQ Twin on order with early summer 2024 ETA

Our smartphone autocorrects into very poor English.
 We disclaim the illusion of ignorance this creates as we have enough ignorance we rightly claim.

Re: Resealing the roof
Reply #17
Yes Steve is right, make sure the primer will work on your material.

We went to Home Depot and told them what we were looking for, then read the paint cans to confirm they would work.

We only painted things in the last year, so a little too soon for us to say how long it lasted.


Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
Jane & Scott
Currently have a 1989 TK  LD we did a lot of upgrades on.
Bigfoot 25RQ Twin on order with early summer 2024 ETA

Our smartphone autocorrects into very poor English.
 We disclaim the illusion of ignorance this creates as we have enough ignorance we rightly claim.

Re: Resealing the roof
Reply #18
The Factory does good work but you pay a high price for it.
Back when I resealed roofs, I charged $500-600, depending on the length, unless the old sealant had previously been recoated. In that case, all the sealant needed to come off.
A simple reseal with Eternabond tape, for the roof seams and recoating the vents and antennas sealant with either Dicor or 3M 5200 FS usually took a short day, including the prep. If the sealant needed to come off, an extra half day might be needed, it normally comes off easily with a vibratory tool and a shape blade. 
FYI, just a couple of years ago, a Factory reseal was $1500, they have significantly raised the cost.

If the vents and escape hatch are completely replaced, that would add greatly to the cost. The vents and hatches usually just need new lids, their roof-mounted frames rarely need replacement. LD does a good job of covering the sun-light sensitive plastic frames with sealant. The Factory applied, exterior sealant, on the vents, does nothing but protect the plastic.
Vents that are covered can last the life of the RV. Our nearly 17 year-old Fantastic fans are intact, saved from ultraviolet damage by their covers, installed when the rig was new.
The escaped hatch's cover was replaced several years ago after a twister in Reno removed it. It's aluminum frame is original and should never need replacement.

2003 23.5' Front Lounge, since new.  Previously 1983 22' Front Lounge.
Tow vehicles  2020 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon, 2001 Jeep Cherokee
Photo Collection: Lazy Daze

Re: Resealing the roof
Reply #19
Deb, I should have said we spray painted the lids only - we didn't spray the small vertical places of the vents that are under the lids.  The lids are what are notorious for shattering (our old AC one was starting to get that way and crumbled a little when we took it off - I have no idea how old it was, our one vent was shattered during a freak golf ball size hail storm - again we have no idea how old it was but that one was not original).

Larry, you said "LD does a good job of covering the sun-light sensitive plastic frames with sealant.".
Are you talking about the sealant between the roof and the plastic frame? 
Or a sealant that goes over the entire vent lid? If it is the vent lid, do you know what they use to UV protect it?

Jane & Scott
Currently have a 1989 TK  LD we did a lot of upgrades on.
Bigfoot 25RQ Twin on order with early summer 2024 ETA

Our smartphone autocorrects into very poor English.
 We disclaim the illusion of ignorance this creates as we have enough ignorance we rightly claim.

Re: Resealing the roof
Reply #20
Is there a “resealing your roof” guide here on this forum? It rained last night and I had 2 leaks.

Yes, Jacob, there is and everyone should always check The Companion before asking questions.
It's one of the items shown on the opening page of this forum. I really wish Chris would make those links in color if possible.
Just for you, Jacob here is the link The Lazy Daze Companion. When you get there look on the right and scroll down to Eternabond.

There is very little that is not covered in The Companion. Please use it.

Don & Dorothy
Sold our LD in June of 2023

Our boring always non-PC travel blog
Traveling Dorothy

Re: Resealing the roof
Reply #21
Yes, Jacob, there is and everyone should always check The Companion before asking questions.
It's one of the items shown on the opening page of this forum. I really wish Chris would make those links in color if possible.
Just for you, Jacob here is the link The Lazy Daze Companion. When you get there look on the right and scroll down to Eternabond.

There is very little that is not covered in The Companion. Please use it.


"I really wish Chris would make those links in color if possible."

Ask and ye shall receive, Don.  :) Thanks to administrator Steve for making this change.

Formerly: 2002 30' IB

Re: Resealing the roof
Reply #22
Ask and ye shall receive, Don.  :) Thanks to administrator Steve for making this change.

Much better. Good suggestion and execution!
Greg & Victoria
2017 Mid-Bath  “Nocona” towing a manual 2015 Forester
Previously a 1985 TK
SKP #61264

Re: Resealing the roof
Reply #23

Larry, you said "LD does a good job of covering the sun-light sensitive plastic frames with sealant.".
Are you talking about the sealant between the roof and the plastic frame? 
Or a sealant that goes over the entire vent lid? If it is the vent lid, do you know what they use to UV protect it?

I'm referring to the sealant applied over the exterior of the vent frames, it does nothing but keep the sun light off the vent's plastic frame. The functional sealant is between the vent frame and the roof, it does not require replacement as long as the vent's frame is intact and not cracked.
I only paint the escape hatch and the A/C cover, the other vent covers are translucent, to let light to pass thru.

Use an inexpensive vent cover to protect the plastic Fantastic Fans. With covers, our 17 year old fan are still in good shape.
With the vent covers, the vents can be left open when raining and allow ventilation in wet weather.

2003 23.5' Front Lounge, since new.  Previously 1983 22' Front Lounge.
Tow vehicles  2020 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon, 2001 Jeep Cherokee
Photo Collection: Lazy Daze

Re: Resealing the roof
Reply #24
When I got my roof re-sealed by the factory a couple years ago the cost was about $3,400 (including re-sealing the toilet!). They replaced all three fantastic fans in my coach.  To convince me of the potential problem, Vince showed me a fan that he had previously taken out of another rig and it was cracked and leaking.  When I picked up my coach, he showed me that I had a small leak from a crack in one of my fans.  Fortunately, there wasn't much damage. 

I recommend replacing the fans when you have them reseal the roof.  Also, if you have one of the older shower domes that were defective, you will want to replace that also.  Vince will lead you in the right direction and will not do work that he doesn't need to do. 

He hates Eternabond and said he has seen many rigs with problems because it was not installed correctly.

Mike S.
'06 30' TB Anniversary Edition