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Price For New
What is that current price. It was up 2k I thought each of the last 2 years now it shows 5.5k increase I believe over the last 2 model years. Is this the 2019 model and still another increase for the 202 models or not.

Confused in that I read 15 months out for delivery. That would put us possibly into the 2021 model soon.

Not to mention the photos with carpet and the non stainless steel sinks despite the spec sheet being different. Are the colors still legit?

I sent an email many months ago asking for a price since the site said 2017 prices, still waiting to hear from the mother ship.

I am interested in the Lazy Daze. I am amazed at the lack of any  info on the part of the owners.

I guess you get this way when you have no problem with orders. I just do not buy this way and will not travel just to talk to the front desk.

Re: Price For New
Reply #1
I suggest you call the Mothership directly, instead of using email,
I doubt is any of us know the answers to your detailed questions.
This forum has no affiliation with Lazy Daze, we have no insider's information.
Good luck.

2003 23.5' Front Lounge, since new.  Previously 1983 22' Front Lounge.
Tow vehicles  2020 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon, 2001 Jeep Cherokee
Photo Collection: Lazy Daze

Re: Price For New
Reply #3
"I am amazed at the lack of any  info on the part of the owners."
Which 'owners' are you referring to? Steve at Lazy Daze or LD owners here on the forum? If you have specific questions that we might help answer, you might try asking those; most owners here are very happy to share information and offer suggestions. If you're unhappy that the factory has seemed to be less than 'responsive', consider following Larry's suggestion to call and request the information that you want. If you choose not to visit the factory, you will have to rely on whatever information you are able to get from owners of newer LDs on this forum and the answers that a phone call to the factory will generate. Or, depending on where you're located, possibly seeing a variety of LD models and years by attending a regional or other gathering.

And, yes, as far as I'm aware, the new LD ordering process does take between 15-18 months between getting on the 'interest list', to actually placing the order/making the deposit, to taking delivery. If a person feels that this process will not work for him/her, the alternatives are to consider trying to find a late model used LD or going with another manufacturer's product.

As ever, YMMV.
2003 TK has a new home

Re: Price For New
Reply #4
The Factory doesn’t spend much time or other resources maintaining their website.  It’s just not their style.   Similarly, I’ve not found the 1-2 people responsible for responding to emails to be all that “wordy.”   My long emails often get a few word reply.  And again that’s not how they choose to spend their time. 

On the other hand, when I have called the Factory for help and guidance, I’ve always been well treated and received in-depth, superb help.

In addition, I’ve read countless accounts of people who have visited the Factory and received lots of top-tier help and guidance from LD Factory Experts.

Hope this helps.

Re: Price For New
Reply #5
With the line of interested buyers waiting for a year or more, just to order, LD doesn't go too far out of their way, on their website or in emails, to inform potential buyers .
Be happy they even own a computer, they are not tech types. Calling on the phone (yes, I know, next to no one uses it much anymore) or in person is how they communicate. Think very old school.
If really interested, the drive (or motorcycle ride) to Montclair is well worth the effort.

2003 23.5' Front Lounge, since new.  Previously 1983 22' Front Lounge.
Tow vehicles  2020 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon, 2001 Jeep Cherokee
Photo Collection: Lazy Daze

Re: Price For New
Reply #6
If in a rush to get a "new" LD you might consider looking for a new used LD. They are out there just a couple years old and you can probably find one well before you can get a brand new one.
Discuss anything with anyone and disagree agreeably. Always be polite and respectful.

Re: Price For New
Reply #7
"will not travel just to talk to the front desk."

I think I can say without contradiction that if you show up at the factory on a business day there will be someone there to answer ANY and ALL you questions.    If you let them know ahead of time you'll have the whole 'sales' team* be there.

I've been there at least six times for assorted reasons - from looking, dreaming, buying and repair work.    I was always treated with a professional attitude.  

*whole sales team is one person.  

personal fine art photo stuff
TF Mack | Flickr
It's all good .......
2014 Twin King

Re: Price For New
Reply #8
As a soon to be owner of a 2019 MidBath, I confirm and encourage both patience and use of telephone and in-person interaction with Lazy Daze.  To the patience point, you will find that the time goes fast, filled with researching which options, accessories, packing lists, improvements, maintenance, travel plans, etc....  My wife and I even bought, adventured in and sold a lightly used 2015 Twin King while on the LD waiting list - a great learning and confirming experience suggested by a fellow LD Owner Forum member.

As for interaction with factory staff, time invested in person and on the phone will be richly rewarded with insight, confidence in the product, and satisfying human relationships that we miss when we rely solely on the internet for commerce.   If you are seriously considering investing in a new Lazy Daze, call Todd, introduce yourself, tell him about your hopes and fears, and then arrange a visit to the factory - you’ll be glad you did!
2019 MB “Dream Catcher”
Jeep Wrangler JL

Re: Price For New
Reply #9
"My wife and I even bought, adventured in and sold a lightly used 2015 Twin King while on the LD waiting list"

Good idea if you have the resources. You can get an immediate start on your adventures and start the learning curve before taking possession of your new rig.
Discuss anything with anyone and disagree agreeably. Always be polite and respectful.