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Topic: My neverending questions - battery and generator (Read 326 times) previous topic - next topic
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My neverending questions - battery and generator
So sorry. They just don't seem to stop.

I was just in the LD and started up the generator. It stayed on a couple minutes, cyclically sputtering before going out.  I then checked the house battery monitor and saw that the battery level was "low." I am not saying the two things are related. It brings up two issues for me:

1) Do you have to gas up generator separately from the engine?  If so, I'm thinking it's out of gas, because it worked fine the other times I tried, though it is noisy.  I will have it looked at, as I do want the option of using it.

2) I have solar panels. Yet the house battery was one mark below full the other day, and today it was low.  I have used a few lights. That's it.  So how much energy do the solar panels actually provide? Can I power a small flat screen TV? A laptop? And if so, why is my battery falling so low? (I have plugged the LD into my home's electricity to recharge the battery).  Another thing to buy. And if I do, any recommendations?
3) I ran into a guy with a super tiny, very cool Toyota RV import from Japan. He said he had some kind of generator that was incredibly quiet and efficient. Anyone here have anything like that, and if so, would it be possible to install similar in a 1991?  I know I"m getting ahead of myself, but I really want a self-contained vehicle for when the zombie apocalypse comes.

LIsa G.

1991 22' LD Multi-Plan

Re: My neverending questions - battery and generator
Reply #1
Generator gas comes from main fuel tank and if it's below one quarter full the generator will be sucking air instead of gas.
Discuss anything with anyone and disagree agreeably. Always be polite and respectful.

Re: My neverending questions - battery and generator
Reply #2
Lisa, If you have the owners manual for your Lazy Daze, you should spend a day or two reading it. There is a wealth of information in it. If not, perhaps you can find someone with 90's version and have it copied.

Second, you should next spend a week or so reading The Companion, another source of information.

You may not be a reader, so you may need to seek a knowledgeable LD owner, park with them and listen.

Assuming your batteries are up to spec and the solar array is actually functioning, even a single panel will run some lights and a TV for a few hours a day.

Good luck
Don & Dorothy
Sold our LD in June of 2023

Our boring always non-PC travel blog
Traveling Dorothy

Re: My neverending questions - battery and generator
Reply #3

2) I have solar panels. Yet the house battery was one mark below full the other day, and today it was low.  I have used a few lights. That's it.  So how much energy do the solar panels actually provide? Can I power a small flat screen TV? A laptop?
3) I ran into a guy with a super tiny, very cool Toyota RV import from Japan. He said he had some kind of generator that was incredibly quiet and efficient.

Any idea of how any and what wattage of your LD's solar panel(s) is ?
We need that information to help.
You could have either a failed solar controller, a bad connection or maybe the batteries are bad.
It may be something else to have your new RV tech check out.

Adding a  generator is very difficult and brings up the issue of where to safely store the extra fuel.
The best way to have an LD with a generator is to buy one that has one from the  Factory .
Back in the  90's, LD's Ed discouraged buyers from adding the optional generator,"You don't need it!" was Ed's favorite response, when asked about a generator. This is one reason so many older LDs do not have generators.

The guy with the quiet generator may have had a Honda 1000 or 2000, both very quiet compared to our noisy Onans.
If you have a tow car, it could be used to carry a generator but an accidental fuel spill will have the car smelling like gasoline for a long time .
Portable generators are extremely popular thief items, even when chained or cabled up, they regularly disappear overnight or even in the daytime.  Andy's new Honda 2000 lasted less than half day before it was stolen at Quartzite, mid day.
You might be better served by upgrading the solar with more panels and making sure the solar charging system is working properly and efficiently.


2003 23.5' Front Lounge, since new.  Previously 1983 22' Front Lounge.
Tow vehicles  2020 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon, 2001 Jeep Cherokee
Photo Collection: Lazy Daze

Re: My neverending questions - battery and generator
Reply #4
Any idea of how any and what wattage of your LD's solar panel(s) is ?
We need that information to help.
You could have either a failed solar controller, a bad connection or maybe the batteries are bad.
It may be something else to have your new RV tech check out.
The best way to have an LD with a generator is to buy one that has one from the  Factory .


Thanks for all that. I actually have reviewed the manual, as did my dad. He confirmed my thoughts- it was not very helpful.  I also looked at the Onan manual, but note it's for more than one model and honestly, reading technical manuals is what I imagine it's like for non-lawyers to read legal pleadings- an incredibly boring foreign language. I do have a working generator, I was just wondering if it could be replaced with one of those fancy quiet ones.

As for the solar- last night I went through all the brochures/manuals/instructions that the seller included with my LD, and I found a small pamphlet on the solar and  think they are 100W? I'm assuming each panel is 100W, but perhaps they only come in pairs and so total is 100W?  I 'm attaching the spec sheet. I just know there are two panels and  the box is inside the compartment above my kitchen sink, and it lights up, so I'm guessing there is something going on there.

Lisa G.
1991 22' LD Multi-Plan

Re: My neverending questions - battery and generator
Reply #5
I do have a working generator, I was just wondering if it could be replaced with one of those fancy quiet ones.
 I went through all the brochures/manuals/instructions that the seller included with my LD, and I found a small pamphlet on the solar and  think they are 100W? I'm assuming each panel is 100W, but perhaps they only come in pairs and so total is 100W? 

While it may be possible to change generators, it would be hugely expensive, probably the $4000+ range.

Panels are normally rated individually, I would assume you have 200-watts, more than enough to keep the battery charged when not in use. You evidently have an issue with either the battery condition, battery wiring or something in the solar charging system.  Too big problem to sort out without a voltmeter and the knowledge to use it.
Have you checked the solar controller's fuse?

2003 23.5' Front Lounge, since new.  Previously 1983 22' Front Lounge.
Tow vehicles  2020 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon, 2001 Jeep Cherokee
Photo Collection: Lazy Daze

Re: My neverending questions - battery and generator
Reply #6

Have you checked the solar controller's fuse?


Larry, I truly appreciate your estimation of my knowledge and abilities. Sadly, you are overly generous when it comes to the topic of vehicular/RV knowledge. In other words: have I checked the whatsit for the whatsit? 
Ok, I actually DO know what a fuse is, but I have no idea what a solar controller fuse looks like or where I would find it. I know where the fuse box is for the stuff that was built in the RV, but I would not think to look there for a fuse to something that was added later. Would this info be in the sad scrap of paper that purports to be the solar installation instructions? The diagram that to me looks like some boxes and lines? I will look there but I have not much faith in my ability to interpret what it says.

1991 22' LD Multi-Plan

Re: My neverending questions - battery and generator
Reply #7
Larry, I truly appreciate your estimation of my knowledge and abilities. Sadly, you are overly generous when it comes to the topic of vehicular/RV knowledge. In other words: have I checked the whatsit for the whatsit? 
Ok, I actually DO know what a fuse is, but I have no idea what a solar controller fuse looks like or where I would find it. I know where the fuse box is for the stuff that was built in the RV, but I would not think to look there for a fuse to something that was added later. Would this info be in the sad scrap of paper that purports to be the solar installation instructions? The diagram that to me looks like some boxes and lines? I will look there but I have not much faith in my ability to interpret what it says.

Lisa, you mentioned in a recent post that you had "resources". Why don't you hire an RV mechanic to spend an afternoon with you, walking you through every inch of your LD, explaining every nut, bolt, fuse, whatsit, gizmo and frabus. Copious notes in your manual and smart phone photos would be your guide for the future. 

Formerly: 2002 30' IB

Re: My neverending questions - battery and generator
Reply #8
Well, right now I'm low on resources as I've had to rent a place while still paying my mortgage, and am having to pay for moving, storage and getting my house more marketable. I am hoping the RV guy I just recently went to might be able to go through stuff with me, but he has no time until Feb 12 and every time I go in my RV I find something new to wonder about.  But my plan is to go over it with someone that can show everything to me.
1991 22' LD Multi-Plan

Re: My neverending questions - battery and generator
Reply #9
Lisa, when you do get someone to go over the rig with you, consider making a video as well as notes.


Joel & Terry Wiley
dog Zeke
2013  31 IB   Orwan   / 2011 CRV Tow'd LWEROVE

Re: My neverending questions - battery and generator
Reply #10
Well, right now I'm low on resources as I've had to rent a place while still paying my mortgage, and am having to pay for moving, storage and getting my house more marketable. I am hoping the RV guy I just recently went to might be able to go through stuff with me, but he has no time until Feb 12 and every time I go in my RV I find something new to wonder about.  But my plan is to go over it with someone that can show everything to me.
At the risk of repeating myself 😉, showing up at The Morro Bay gathering March 8 would provide you with a world of information! 🤓 — Jon
(Former) ‘06 TK “Albatross.” And (former) Vespa 250.   Alas, no more; both are gone.😕 Great memories remain! 😄

Re: My neverending questions - battery and generator
Reply #11
At the risk of repeating myself 😉, showing up at The Morro Bay gathering March 8 would provide you with a world of information! 🤓 — Jon

A great suggestion, you will find several of the LD gurus present at the MB GTG, next month.
Beside learning a bunch, you will have a chance to make some LD friends.

2003 23.5' Front Lounge, since new.  Previously 1983 22' Front Lounge.
Tow vehicles  2020 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon, 2001 Jeep Cherokee
Photo Collection: Lazy Daze