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Topic: Who, What, Where and When? (Read 834 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Who, What, Where and When?
Reply #25
I was also a paper boy. Worked at Dodger stadium in the ticket office in the seventies and eighties. Was a Physical Education teacher/coach from ‘71-2009. Retired. Living the dream!
Dale from Downey.

I can not imagine the changes you must have seen in the school system between 1971 and 2009., the scope of that is amazing.
I loved PE and was into track from 60 to 65, but when my PE teacher kicked me off the track team for wearing hippy love beads to practice  I made it a point to fail PE from then until I graduated. (yeah, THAT'LL teach 'em.....  doh!)
who let the dogs out
1992 RB

Re: Who, What, Where and When?
Reply #26
Great idea for a thread.

First paying job for me,  15 years old at local newspaper, answering phones and filing. 
Last job receptionist/purchaser at a IG glass plant til the market tanked for homes.
Currently "on call grandma" babysitter & elder care.
In between, wife, mom, business owner, scout leader, licensed contractor, painter, DIY just about anything from wedding cakes to houses.

Good on ya!!  You did it all, career and kids, got my respect!!
who let the dogs out
1992 RB

Re: Who, What, Where and When?
Reply #27
How do we know you are not a Russian data collector? Or maybe you work for Facebook?

I work for the CIA, by the way . . .  8)  :-X 

Well for one thing why settle for boring old Russian data spying,  The photo shows the type of underground I am currently running with.

I used to train with some CIA K9 officers, ......  even their K9s were overly suspicious......  ;)
who let the dogs out
1992 RB

Re: Who, What, Where and When?
Reply #28
First Job: Stockboy and clerk in liquor store - 1975, age 16 (you don't have to be 21 to sell, just to buy in CA).

Current Job: Full-time Dad to 9 1/2 year old twin girls. Yeah, do the math :)

Mike S.
'06 30' TB Anniversary Edition
LOL, good luck with that in about 6 years.......... when the front lawn will be littered with adolescent males.....  I've heard that rocksalt rounds and a Remington are a great help in such situations...
who let the dogs out
1992 RB

Re: Who, What, Where and When?
Reply #29
First job: picking strawberries in 100 degree heat near Modesto, Ca., circa 1961. Lasted one day. Went on to halve and de-pit peaches in a dried fruit cannery. Same heat, fuzzy and bloody hands, but no stooping. Final ag job was collecting overripe melons of overwhelming stench (same heat) for their seeds.  I since have had a lifelong respect for those who labor harvesting our crops.
Final job: (sigh) attorney. Sooooo happy to have been retired and LDing for the last dozen years!  The better half, Loni, started as a waitress and finished teaching transfusion medicine to aspiring docs and co-managing the UCLA hospital blood bank. Yup, she’s the smart one. 😉. — Jon
Prosecution or defense?? Or not in that venue?
who let the dogs out
1992 RB

Re: Who, What, Where and When?
Reply #30
First paying job: Family citrus grove and fruit packing house maintenance.
Second job: 32+ years as Florida (Pinellas County) deputy sheriff. Over half of that career supervising covert electronics unit and detectives.
Third non paying current fun job: Florida cattle rancher in Hernando County.
Mix in motor-homing since 1982.
2010 RB "Monty"  & currently: 2021 RB "Villa Verde"
2004 Born Free 26'
1998 Beaver Patriot 33'
1992 Barth Breakaway 28'
1982 Fleetwood Jamboree 23'
1982 Dolphin/Toyota 22'

Re: Who, What, Where and When?
Reply #31
first - about 15 or so - cleaned spray residue off the fuselage of crop dusters using nasty chemicals .   I didn't do well.   My supervisor was not impressed.  Age 15 or so in the great state of Idaho.

many jobs in between including the USMC from '66 to '68.  That was not a good time to sign up.

last - owned a furniture moving company which I sold and was able to retire early.   Would have kept it but it was too stressful so I let it go.   The new owner has done well but I have no regrets.  Retired at 56.   Still in Idaho.
plan B - 2023 Travato

Re: Who, What, Where and When?
Reply #32
Alice: An"Ivy" is an Ivy league school, in my case Princeton.  Princeton has its flaws (I think most colleges and universities have many flaws), but they were a good employer and treated me very well.  I like to think I returned the favor.  Shucks, they let me move to Colorado and still kept me working for them for seven years!  If anyone you know ever applies for financial aid at Princeton, that is my system.  I did a lot of stuff like that, but financial aid is the only system I did that the outside world sees.
Tom C.
2003 MB

Re: Who, What, Where and When?
Reply #33
My first job was sweeping the floors of a ToyStore to obtain my first bicycle, which led to a newspaper route job when I was 11.  I've had many jobs after that and am currently employed in general practice as a dentist for the last 42 years in CA.

2007 30' TB

Re: Who, What, Where and When?
Reply #34
"Hey! You were no slouch!!
I'd last about 5 minutes doing medical billing then you'd find me sitting in a corner rocking back and forth and mumbling billing codes. We just won't discuss the idea of me doing anything with computers besides use them, nothing good to see there,  <grin>. "

I was a secretary, no billing involved.  In fact, there weren't even any computers then (1968 to 1985).  Correcting Selectric was the big deal of the day.  I learned a whole lot of medical "stuff" , though!

Started at Apple Computer in 1986 - and yup!  Plenty of computers there!  Hard to get accustomed to one's output appearing at a printer three cubicles away, though!  ;->  No keys going up and down, or ball going around, no carbon paper, no paper at all, for that matter, and certainly no platen!  How very weird!

My oh my - how things have changed!  ;->

Re: Who, What, Where and When?
Reply #35
First job for me, babysitting for neighbors at $1 per hour.  Clerk in a five and dime store (who remembers them?), miscellaneous jobs until working happily as a vet tech for many years.  After my divorce, college, a degree, a job where I found my home in R&D in a company producing animal health products. 

Now, retired from the animal health industry, I can enjoy taking my dog in my mobile LD home-away-from-home to various dog events.  Current spouse has no interest in traveling in Ms Liz, but can occasionally  be conned into helping me with honey-do's around the rig.

Dottie Tice and dog Timer (Border Terrier)
2004 MB

Re: Who, What, Where and When?
Reply #36
Dottie, you said, “Clerk in a five and dime store (who remembers them?)”. I for one have fond memories of Sprouse Reitz 5 & 10 when I was a kid.

When I was about 9, I was madly in love with the beautiful clerk at Sprouse Reitz. She was very kind to this little boy. She would give me the broken Japanese Toys (remember those?) and I’d take them home and fix ‘em up as best as I could. And no, I didn’t break them first. 🤨

As time went on, I got up the courage to ask her to “wait for me” to grow up so we could get married. 😳 She kindly let me down easy. “ I’d love to, Kent, but I’m engaged to be married”. Oh well, ya can’t blame a guy for trying. Still got all the broken toys I could handle though.

So, yes. I remember the old 5 & 10’s. 😬

2015 27' RB "MissB.Haven"

Re: Who, What, Where and When?
Reply #37
The highlight of my 72 years is our LD with a Bemis Toilet seat.  The rest of the story would put most people to sleep within 60 seconds including me.  DW has another opinion on this matter.  And so it goes.

Re: Who, What, Where and When?
Reply #38
1) What was your first job and the year you started it?
    1957 - Child labor in small cafe my parents bought- peeling spuds, dishwashing, pots & pans, waiting tables
     1968 - part owner, rural ambulance company (to avoid NLRB wage issues)
     1970-71 Army Medic stationed in San Pedro CA
2) What is your current  job --- or ---- what was your last job. ?
       1999-2007 IT support for a CA State enforcement Agency
            Current position:  gainful retiree  (gleeful second class)
Joel & Terry Wiley
dog Zeke
2013  31 IB   Orwan   / 2011 CRV Tow'd LWEROVE

Re: Who, What, Where and When?
Reply #39
The rest of the story would put most people to sleep within 60 seconds including me.  DW has another opinion on this matter.  And so it goes.
Is her opinion 'faster' or 'slower' than 60 seconds?
Joel & Terry Wiley
dog Zeke
2013  31 IB   Orwan   / 2011 CRV Tow'd LWEROVE

Re: Who, What, Where and When?
Reply #40
Started at Apple Computer in 1986 - and
My oh my - how things have changed!  ;->
Have they ever!  About that time,  I was working on Calif's Teale Data Center's Teradata database computer.  You can get almost that capacity on a thumb drive today, and your watch has more computing power than the Apollo space craft.
I've been retired since 2007 and have been left hopelessly behind in the technology field.  As a retiree, I don't see that as a problem  ;)
Joel & Terry Wiley
dog Zeke
2013  31 IB   Orwan   / 2011 CRV Tow'd LWEROVE

Re: Who, What, Where and When?
Reply #41
Is her opinion 'faster' or 'slower' than 60 seconds?

Margee would be adamant that the Bemis Toilet seat is NOT the high point of her life.  And secondly, she has heard every one of my stories so many times that she now corrects my telling of them.  Finally ... much faster.

Re: Who, What, Where and When?
Reply #42
"No keys going up and down, or ball going around, no carbon paper, no paper at all, for that matter, and certainly no platen!  How very weird!

My oh my - how things have changed!  ;-> "

My friend and I have commented (both having gone to the same all girls catholic high school) that Sister would be so upset at how we type today.  "EYES on your book girls,  Don't look at your hands,  don't look at your paper."   Keyboarding is just not the same as it used to be.  Glad to have learned the basics on a manual typewriter but letter writing is so much easier now than all that tab settings,  margin moving, changing ribbons ever was.
Sand Castle (Theresa & Everett) Surfside
01'  26.5 Mid Bath,   2018 31IB
Michigan born and starting to explore the US with my  spouse and our furry friend. Enjoying joining LD group rallies.

Re: Who, What, Where and When?
Reply #43
OK, I'll give it a try, almost 69 [bday in a month]-- besides babysitting thru my early years, my first actual JOB was as a secretary in New York City, on Wall Street. Then back to Cal., to various secretary jobs, phone operator, and entrepreneur, etc. I'm retired now, but my last job was as an Operating Engineer in Local #3.
In between and during, all thru my life, I was a farmer; gardened, raised dairy goats, cows, chickens, turkeys, bees, horses, cats, and Dobermanns. Been more or less fulltiming since my divorce in 2010, in my little red RV Cherryotte, with best gal pal Junah [now ten yr. old!].
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gini Free and Junah, canine xtrodinaire "CHERRYOTTE" our litte red home on wheels "Growing old is mandatory. Growing wise is optional."
Gini Free and Junah, canine xtrodinaire
"CHERRYOTTE" our little red home on wheels
"Growing old is mandatory. Growing wise is optional."

Re: Who, What, Where and When?
Reply #44
First job: teaching horseback riding at a day camp for $25/week
Long job: various exec roles at  Blue Cross & academic medical center...makin' deals for doctors!
Now: encore career as advisor to pre meds at liberal arts college.
Went on Medicare this month, woohoo!  Rolling around Northern Michigan this week in my 2005 26.5 RK. This coach is the greatest!!!
Marcia Boynton
2005 26.5 RK
Adrian and Northport, MI

Re: Who, What, Where and When?
Reply #45

Second job: 32+ years as Florida (Pinellas County) deputy sheriff. Over half of that career supervising covert electronics unit and detectives.
Third non paying current fun job: Florida cattle rancher in Hernando County.

20 years,  Patrol, power shift, FTO, marine, horse mounted, motors and K9. (and a whole lot of time spent attending sensitivity training classes).

You would probably really like this book,
    A LAND REMEMBERED by Patrick D Smith.
who let the dogs out
1992 RB

Re: Who, What, Where and When?
Reply #46
My first job was sweeping the floors of a ToyStore to obtain my first bicycle, which led to a newspaper route job when I was 11.  I've had many jobs after that and am currently employed in general practice as a dentist for the last 42 years in CA.


You know how you feel when you're driving along and you see a cop car in the rear view mirror?  That's how I feel when I see a dentist!!  :)
who let the dogs out
1992 RB

Re: Who, What, Where and When?
Reply #47
Alice: An"Ivy" is an Ivy league school, in my case Princeton.  Princeton has its flaws (I think most colleges and universities have many flaws), but they were a good employer and treated me very well.  I like to think I returned the favor.  Shucks, they let me move to Colorado and still kept me working for them for seven years!  If anyone you know ever applies for financial aid at Princeton, that is my system.  I did a lot of stuff like that, but financial aid is the only system I did that the outside world sees.

AHA!!  No wonder I didn't know what an 'ivy' was!!!   
2 years U of Hawaii, 2 years UCSB, 3 months U of Peking = Chinese Lang. Major. (1976-1980)
Obviously I had surfing as my minor. 
who let the dogs out
1992 RB

Re: Who, What, Where and When?
Reply #48
First job: teaching horseback riding at a day camp for $25/week
Long job: various exec roles at  Blue Cross & academic medical center...makin' deals for doctors!
Now: encore career as advisor to pre meds at liberal arts college.
Went on Medicare this month, woohoo!  Rolling around Northern Michigan this week in my 2005 26.5 RK. This coach is the greatest!!!

YAY!!!!!!   A HORSE PERSON!!!! Lets see some horse pix!!!!
who let the dogs out
1992 RB

Re: Who, What, Where and When?
Reply #49
AHA!!  No wonder I didn't know what an 'ivy' was!!!   
2 years U of Hawaii, 2 years UCSB, 3 months U of Peking = Chinese Lang. Major. (1976-1980)
Obviously I had surfing as my minor. 

I may have worked at an Ivy, but I could never have been admitted to one!  I was a math major at a small college in Tennessee (The University of the South in Sewanee).  My dad was chairman of the Chemistry department there for many years, so I got to go to college for free!  Well, I did have to buy books and pay $40/semester for "student activities fee."
Tom C.
2003 MB