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Topic: NPS re-thinking fee increase  (Read 346 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: NPS re-thinking fee increase
Reply #1
Thanks for that post Daughter mine, in my estimation it held valuable and important information.   8)
Steve S.
Lazy Bones & Cedar
2004 30'IB (Island Bed)
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Re: NPS re-thinking fee increase
Reply #2
Saw this earlier this week in the KC paper. Didn't realize they'd also been proposing another jump in the lifetime Senior Pass...Guarding mine like gold, since they say they won't replace a lost or damaged one (what's the point of registering info when I first got it??), but must buy a whole new one.

I hope I'm not being unwelcoming when I think the wealthy (like any foreign tourists who can afford to come over & join a chartered bus trip, or Oprah when she had her honkin' big tricked out motorhome) should be able to pay higher rates than a family with kids. who have to pay for school & sports fees when they get home or are saving for college,
LDy Lulubelle, Green '05 31' TB
Lilly, the 4-Legged Alarm

Re: NPS re-thinking fee increase
Reply #3
"would raise $70 million to help address a nearly $12 billion maintenance backlog with deteriorating park buildings, restrooms and roads"

/soap box mode on
My mother always said you get what you pay for.   Sadly our 'cheap' parents wanted free to very low cost National Parks so they didn't  pay for upkeep.   Looks like we are doing the same time honored thing by passing the cost to our children.     I don't like paying taxes but if I want a government service I should pay for it not ask my children or grandchildren to pay for my enjoyment of that government service. 
/soap box mode off

<smile> as an aside I have two, yes two old person National Park passes. 

personal fine art photo stuff
TF Mack | Flickr
It's all good .......
2014 Twin King

Re: NPS re-thinking fee increase
Reply #4
I think National Parks Maintenance has lagged since the CCC left
Joel & Terry Wiley
dog Zeke
2013  31 IB   Orwan   / 2011 CRV Tow'd LWEROVE

Re: NPS re-thinking fee increase
Reply #5
"would raise $70 million to help address a nearly $12 billion maintenance backlog with deteriorating park buildings, restrooms and roads"

/soap box mode on
My mother always said you get what you pay for.   Sadly our 'cheap' parents wanted free to very low cost National Parks so they didn't  pay for upkeep.   Looks like we are doing the same time honored thing by passing the cost to our children.     I don't like paying taxes but if I want a government service I should pay for it not ask my children or grandchildren to pay for my enjoyment of that government service. 
/soap box mode off

<smile> as an aside I have two, yes two old person National Park passes. 

And from Joel--<soapbox>
I think National Parks Maintenance has lagged since the CCC left


So my </soapbox>

Even though I'm not always cheerful about how many of the dollars are spent, I'm blest to be able to pay forward for those who don't have what I do.   I especially like this from Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes: "Taxes are the price we pay for a civilized society."  Reportedly first said by Holmes in a speech in 1904, alternately phrased as "Taxes are what we pay for civilized society, including the chance to insure", Compania General De Tabacos De Filipinas v. Collector of Internal Revenue, 275 U.S. 87, 100, dissenting; opinion (21 November 1927)"

I was talking with a vet recently about the amazingly small proportion of the population that serves with the current all-volunteeer model.  I know why it was developed, and the current military heads point out that they have a better-educated/all-around-better force with the current model.  Somehow, though, when I think of the CCC/WPA/etc., I think we missed the boat in not creating a mandatory service model (like the Swiss/Israelis) for all 18-20 y/o, male & female, where everyone went through some sort of boot camp/basic training module, and then were sorted out (like Harry Potter's hat ??) to active-duty military/CCC or WPA or NPS or Forrest Service  somethings/a domestic Peace Corps/emergency responders or something...  Some might find a lifetime career while others use the foundation to move other directions, but there would be a level of social cohesion that seems missing when so few of the current population serve.  When I'd listen to my dad & others talk, despite their different backgrounds/life paths/politics/etc., there was a certain bonding that I've certainly not ever experienced.  I think we threw the baby out with the bathwater.  Maybe that would help take care of those NPS treasures that belong to all of us and not just keep pushing the delayed maintenance to the next generation.  And maybe if enough discussions happen in enough places something beneficial will percolate up to the deciders instead of what usually trickles down...'cause I know lots of brains working together are better than mine on its own.   ;)
</soapbox>   :)

LDy Lulubelle, Green '05 31' TB
Lilly, the 4-Legged Alarm

Re: NPS re-thinking fee increase
Reply #6
I don't have a problem with increasing park fees as long as fees for tour buses go up. A lot up. They are using our parks for profit.

We seldom enter a park. We have seen every one in the west. Now, most are too crowded to enjoy. The combination of boomers retiring and the hordes on tour buses.
Don & Dorothy
Sold our LD in June of 2023

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Re: NPS re-thinking fee increase
Reply #8
"The current $30 fee is the highest charged by the park service and applies to the 17 most-visited parks. More than two-thirds of national parks will remain free to enter."

Here is the one of the basic problems.   Asking 17 parks to support the other 'free riding parks' is a wrong headed policy.   Maybe a better solution is to ask each park to have a fee that will make that park self supporting.  Or find a stream of money the 100% supports the costs of the upkeep and operations of said park.  

personal fine art photo stuff
TF Mack | Flickr
It's all good .......
2014 Twin King