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Topic: Favorite Lazy Daze Pets (Read 3412 times) previous topic - next topic
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Favorite Lazy Daze Pets
Two of my best friends are involved in various rescue programs and between the two (2) have 5-6 dogs.  So today, while having lunch with these friends, I shared my DW's passion for dogs especially smaller dogs.  I mentioned that our daughter and granddaughter have a Morkie, who sometimes visits us.  Each time this little Morkie visits us, DW's doggie heart opens a little wider.  So after a bit more lunch time conversation, one of my amigos mentioned that he has a friend who might be able to help Margee find a smaller dog that doesn't shed very much.

If I had been smarter, I would have left this topic alone.  But I'm not smarter.

So I shared this lunch-time conversation with DW (if I had been smarter...).  LDOs with 4-legged kids probably know the rest of this story.  DW would REALLY like to follow-up with my amigo's friend to "just check it out."

So if we actually meet this other person and also take a peek at a rescued dog well,  there is not doubt that somebody will follow us home.  We may need a bit of guidance from those who travel with pets ... probably!

And so it goes.

Re: Favorite Lazy Daze Pets
Reply #1
Our Boston is a rescue. He makes our lives better and fuller. Love that little bugger!

Ruby, the red 2004 26' RK hauling Dave and Kristine hither and yon

Re: Favorite Lazy Daze Pets
Reply #2
Our little boy goes everywhere with us.
Lynn and Lori

Re: Favorite Lazy Daze Pets
Reply #3
Can't really go wrong, especially if the kids are all grown and moved on.  Dogs fill that vacuum very well.  Since the late 90s, we have never taken an RV trip without at least one pooch, and often with two.  We go large, though.  Our guys and gals all weighed 65 - 90 pounds, all LOVE/LOVED water, and love long hikes in the woods and/or desert.  Oh, and all of our dogs have been rescues.  Never had a bad one. 
2017 RB

Re: Favorite Lazy Daze Pets
Reply #4
Why every motor home MUST have a dinette!

IMG_1631.JPG (1.40 MB)
2017 RB

Re: Favorite Lazy Daze Pets
Reply #5
Ray S, I see you RV master is four legged too!
1988 Mid Bath

Re: Favorite Lazy Daze Pets
Reply #6
Absolutely. He is pretty spoiled, as you can see.
2017 RB

Re: Favorite Lazy Daze Pets
Reply #7
I use the dinette for the dogs too. It was hard for Max the labradoodle to get comfortable on the single bench with the table up but I didn't want to fold the dinette completely down because I use the table a lot. My solution was to place two bins under the table and then place both cushions for the one bench seat down and tie them together with two ratchet straps. I then folded an extra towel on top of each bin to level the cushions. This makes a stable bed for Max and I can use the table. It is also easy to dismantle if you want to use both seats on the dinette.

By the way the little dog in the picture is my daughter's and not mine. He and Max are best buddies and when I visit they hang out together all the time.
2007 MB

Re: Favorite Lazy Daze Pets
Reply #8
The 'boys' chillin ....... 

I'm sure I share the same feeling that you all do.  Life is little bit better when we have our pets with us.
personal fine art photo stuff
TF Mack | Flickr
It's all good .......
2014 Twin King

Re: Favorite Lazy Daze Pets
Reply #9
Seat warmer.
2008 Rear Bath
(previously 1999 TK)

Re: Favorite Lazy Daze Pets
Reply #10
Seat Warmer

Don't think he didn’t notice that you left the keys in the ignition!  Careful - his agenda may be different from yours!  ;->

   Virtual hugs,


Re: Favorite Lazy Daze Pets
Reply #11
My co-pilot. Best rescue dog ever!
2008 Rear Kitchen

Re: Favorite Lazy Daze Pets
Reply #13
If the new pup sheds a lot, he'll fill the vacuum, you'll empty it, he'll fill it again, you'll empty it, etc....

2000 Front Lounge

Re: Favorite Lazy Daze Pets
Reply #14
Just read this story elsewhere ... one more thing to add to the checklist!

Some friends with a TC had a dog that went everywhere with them. On one trip, the wife let the dog out of the TC for a walk/break while the husband was fueling up. After fueling, they got in the truck and headed down the road. 1 1/2 hours later, pulled into the campsite, and checked the camper...no dog! Wife thought husband had put the dog back in the camper, husband thought wife had done so! Got back in the truck and headed back across the desert; when they got off the freeway, the dog was sitting on the curb, waiting patiently for 3+ hours for them to return!

I'd say this couple was lucky.

Re: Favorite Lazy Daze Pets
Reply #15

Not sure if I've shared this tail 🐶. We loved our shelter/stray dogs for about 18 years. Time passed too quickly and we had to say goodbye. How many times did they say farewell or welcome home over those years? Countless.

We were fortunate to have one of them to mentor two new family members to the house. I feel we rescued them as well from an unsure breeder.

While I was at work one day my DW found a new family member at a doggy adoption at Petsmart. The sweetest little blind Morkie you could hope for.

Our recent trip to Big Bear found the whole family in the LD. Myself, DW, DD two Multipoo's and our little Morkie, Muppet.

What a special time it was. Walks through the woods and along the lake. Brandy, Yuki and Muppet had a wonderful vacation with their human family.

Here are some shots of their first of many adventures in the LD along with a pic of our earlier welcoming committee.


2015 27' RB "MissB.Haven"

Re: Favorite Lazy Daze Pets
Reply #16
"Our recent trip to Big Bear found the whole family in the LD. What a special time it was."

Tell me why it is that good luck always flows in the direction of adopted dogs??

 ;)   ;D
Steve S.
Lazy Bones & Cedar
2004 30'IB (Island Bed)
Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery
Live for the day!

Re: Favorite Lazy Daze Pets
Reply #17
Ray S. said, "Dogs fill that vacuum very well."

Indeed, when she's not leaving black hairs on my white sweaters...or white hairs on my black slacks...the 4-Legged Alarm is filling the vacuum.   I'm a lucky mom.  ;D

Have fun with your new baby, Ed & Margee.   Oh, & pictures?

LDy Lulubelle, Green '05 31' TB
Lilly, the 4-Legged Alarm

Re: Favorite Lazy Daze Pets
Reply #18
All pet owners like to show off their charges, so feel free to use this thread, which I changed to "Favorite Pet Photos", to post photos of yours.

Jack (10 ½) is the large goldendoodle and Gracie (12) is the smaller goldendoodle (¾ths poodle). Sadly, Gracie died suddenly last month of cancer.


Formerly: 2002 30' IB

Re: Favorite Lazy Daze Pets
Reply #19
So, Ed, you started this...now we're left hanging.  Did Margee succumb to puppy fever, & if so, where are the baby pix?   :D

LDy Lulubelle, Green '05 31' TB
Lilly, the 4-Legged Alarm

Re: Favorite Lazy Daze Pets
Reply #20
So, Ed, you started this...now we're left hanging.  Did Margee succumb to puppy fever, & if so, where are the baby pix?  :D

My friend's contact is out of town for a few weeks so we're waiting for them to return.  On the other hand, Margee is more than ready to have a small "something or another" in her life.  So right now, we're waiting for the contact person to return while we remain alert for a possible rescue.   I'll certainly post pictures should any of this actually pan out.  Take care.

Re: Favorite Lazy Daze Pets
Reply #21
"On the other hand, Margee is more than ready to have a small "something or another" in her life. "

How about something like this?

Re: Favorite Lazy Daze Pets
Reply #23
Many of us love, tolerate, or at least co-exist with cats.  I'm cat-less at the present, but here are some photos of the last one, Bad Little Kitty.
Bad Little Kitty (Bad Cat) loved being out on boats, playing in the water, attacking the tail of the 106lb. German Shepherd, sleeping on top of the 85lb. female German Shepherd, and biting and attacking any human within reach.  I don't know why we even kept him, but we sure miss him.

Post a picture or two of yours?

2014 27 MB
Towd: Either the Jeep Wrangler or trailer containing the BMW R1200GS and 2 E-bicycles
Happy wife=Happy life

Re: Favorite Lazy Daze Pets
Reply #24

Here goes. When I was a kid we had a Russian Gray named...wait for it...Sooty. When he was, unfortunately, laid to rest, we got Mother Cat a Calico who was well loved.

When I moved away from home my GF and I got a Calico we named Canada. I loved that name.

Now Sooty (Two) is chasing mice...and lizards...and birds...and rocks...and sticks...just about anything to entertain himself. Sooty’s brothers are no longer around but I have pictures of Sooty with his brother, Mink.

Here’s Sooty being a good Big Brother to his family. Enjoy.

2015 27' RB "MissB.Haven"