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Topic: 2017 Eclipse Notice (Read 718 times) previous topic - next topic
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2017 Eclipse Notice
I went to a recent library program about this amazing event on August 21, & apparently we will be blest to be in the path for totality...how cool!  The arc is from SE (most of South Carolina) to NW (northern Oregon).  Chillicothe will be on the northern edge of the path, with an estimated totality of 1 minute/9 seconds; Carrollton (30 minutes south down US 65) is estimated at 2 minutes/37 seconds; Norborne, about 10 minutes SW of Carrollton is right on the center of the path at 2 minutes 39 seconds (as is St. Joseph, 70 miles west of Chillicothe on US 36).

Here is a site with loads of good info:    (sorry, I'm clueless about making links; hope I did this right  :-[ ).

Anyone interested is welcome to boondock at the farm.  I was just going to go out to the farm south of town to get a few extra seconds, but may end up going to Carrollton or Norborne.  Now to dig out Dad's welding helmet...may take me that long to find it out in the barn.  :(

Y'all come.  ;D

LDy Lulubelle, Green '05 31' TB
Lilly, the 4-Legged Alarm

Re: 2017 Eclipse Notice
Reply #1
Wellll....  I don't know what I did, but clicking on any of the green "link" in the message above--from  "(sorry..." to my name seems to go to the eclipse site, but the actual URL that came between "...info:" & "(sorry..." is missing. 

Anyway, instead of howling at the light of the moon, I'm gonna go howl at the dark of the sun, & would welcome anyone interested in coming this way.   ;D

LDy Lulubelle, Green '05 31' TB
Lilly, the 4-Legged Alarm

Re: 2017 Eclipse Notice
Reply #2
Good info! Oregon for us. Or Idaho. Maybe Wyoming 

Thanks for posting.
'92 Mid Bath

Re: 2017 Eclipse Notice
Reply #3

You're welcome.  Thx for letting me know the link worked for somebody.

LDy Lulubelle, Green '05 31' TB
Lilly, the 4-Legged Alarm

Re: 2017 Eclipse Notice
Reply #4
The link worked fine for me. 
Jane & Scott
Currently have a 1989 TK  LD we did a lot of upgrades on.
Bigfoot 25RQ Twin on order with early summer 2024 ETA

Our smartphone autocorrects into very poor English.
 We disclaim the illusion of ignorance this creates as we have enough ignorance we rightly claim.

Re: 2017 Eclipse Notice
Reply #5
The Eclipse 2017 website (as opposed to the app) has a LOT of information on it for anyone interested.  From that website, I mapped out the cities in both Oregon and Idaho that were going to be in the path of the eclipse with their associated time of total eclipse and, from that information, have made a decision as to where we'll go to see the eclipse.  You can do the same thing for any state along the path.

Total Solar Eclipse 2017 - Start Page

Linda Hylton

Re: 2017 Eclipse Notice
Reply #6
Anyway, instead of howling at the light of the moon, I'm gonna go howl at the dark of the sun, & would welcome anyone interested in coming this way. 

Hmmm. How big is the farm?  Missouri is sorta in the middle of the country. A national LD Caravan?
-- Jon
(Former) ‘06 TK “Albatross.” And (former) Vespa 250.   Alas, no more; both are gone.😕 Great memories remain! 😄

Re: 2017 Eclipse Notice
Reply #8
Hmmm. How big is the farm?  Missouri is sorta in the middle of the country. A national LD Caravan?
-- Jon
Time to roll out the Porta-Potties, Lynne.  ;)


Jon, it's 200 acres, with three little ponds (no fish).  Dad row cropped 150 of it, then put that in the Conservation Reserve Program back in the '90s & I've been able to extend those contracts, so I have to keep the brush pretty well cleared; the 50 that's not in CRP was never tilled & is rented out for pasture during the grazing season.  The cattle won't mind us being out there, but there are places where I can close gates, if people don't want to be that close to the critters.

Chris, that pasture section has plenty of trees (one black walnut, about three hickory, & at least 20 pecan trees)--though one might have to walk a piece, depending upon where parked...   ;D

LDy Lulubelle, Green '05 31' TB
Lilly, the 4-Legged Alarm

Re: 2017 Eclipse Notice
Reply #9
Have my shorty 80mm refractor telescope that travels with us all ready to go with a sun filter. Can't wait as a near total here in Omaha and only have to drive a bit south for a total.

Stoked! Hope we have a clear day!!!!
Ruby, the red 2004 26' RK hauling Dave and Kristine hither and yon

Re: 2017 Eclipse Notice
Reply #10

Jon, it's 200 acres, with three little ponds (no fish).  Dad row cropped 150 of it, then put that in the Conservation Reserve Program back in the '90s & I've been able to extend those contracts, so I have to keep the brush pretty well cleared; the 50 that's not in CRP was never tilled & is rented out for pasture during the grazing season.  The cattle won't mind us being out there, but there are places where I can close gates, if people don't want to be that close to the critters.

Chris, that pasture section has plenty of trees (one black walnut, about three hickory, & at least 20 pecan trees)--though one might have to walk a piece, depending upon where parked...  ;D

Thanks, Lynne. I am so "relieved".

Formerly: 2002 30' IB

Re: 2017 Eclipse Notice
Reply #11
Have my shorty 80mm refractor telescope that travels with us all ready to go with a sun filter. Can't wait as a near total here in Omaha and only have to drive a bit south for a total.

Stoked! Hope we have a clear day!!!!

So, Dave, is north Missouri on your "...drive a bit south..." itinerary?  I'm jealous of the telescope--obviously much cooler than my dad's welding helmet...and as I told Chris, I've a variety of "accommodations" available.   ;D

Thanks, Lynne. I am so "relieved".


Service with a smile...with all those accommodations I don't expect anybody from out of state would have to live up to our Missouri motto.   ;)

LDy Lulubelle, Green '05 31' TB
Lilly, the 4-Legged Alarm

Re: 2017 Eclipse Notice
Reply #12
We have spent days trying to get reservations somewhere in eastern Oregon to camp for this. Everything we tried is booked up. Sounds like it is going to be a zoo down there. Finally found a friend in Idaho that has a place for us to stay. A little further then I wanted to drive but I don't want to miss this.
Lynn and Lori

Re: 2017 Eclipse Notice
Reply #13
We haven't even tried to make reservations any place.  We'll be in far Eastern Oregon boondocking.  Unless we decide on a longer trip and pick some place in Idaho, but we'll still be boondocking.
Linda Hylton

Re: 2017 Eclipse Notice
Reply #14
We haven't even tried to make reservations any place.  We'll be in far Eastern Oregon boondocking.  Unless we decide on a longer trip and pick some place in Idaho, but we'll still be boondocking.

I,too, was thinking of boondocking in eastern Oregon, or Idaho, or Wyoming. Did you have a particular spot in mind, or just somewhere along the dark path?  I think I'll need to research weather histories to see where the best chances for clear skies will be. No guaranties, of course, but to,better the odds. Here's one site.
Total Solar Eclipse 2017 - Eclipse 2017 cloud cover charts
-- Jon
(Former) ‘06 TK “Albatross.” And (former) Vespa 250.   Alas, no more; both are gone.😕 Great memories remain! 😄

Re: 2017 Eclipse Notice
Reply #16
I woke up this thread because there are some good links at the beginning.  August is moving in soon so it is time to start practicing if your going to do some photography.  Also it is not to early to think about safety.  Looking at the sun and enjoying this event can be bad for you!

http://www.eclipse2017.org/glasses_order.htm  These are not real expensive but there may be better deals out on the web.

Unless you do eclipse photography a bunch you will want to get a very dark filter for your camera as pointing it at the sun for any amount of time can hurt the sensor.  There are youtube videos on how to make you own filter, but you may want to try to

ECLIPSE PHOTOGRAPHY.....  it is time to start practicing and getting ready for the event.  I have watched several videos.  They all stress that we amateurs not take pictures and just enjoy the event but recognize that if we are watching a  "how to" video we will be taking pictures.  I found one that was very good.  The author is connected with "Lens Rentals" and plugs them a lot but most of what he has to say is found and backed up by others.  In general look for the wider picture.  That is get the local area into the picture.  This allows you to use existing equipment.  Getting a close up of the sun will make you miss the event and rent equipment that is very expensive (unless you chase solar events for a living).  In general a 50mm, 85mm or other standard fixed length lens seems to be preferred to zooms, but the best lens is the one you know well.  The video will talk about some apps for mobil phones that will define the sun's path in a given location to help you set up.  This way you can do practice shots a few days earlier and scout locations so you get a nice foreground.  If the app works when out of cell coverage this is handy if you're boondocking.   I don't know the app so make sure it does not require cell coverage to work.    

I will be going to CO to a friends wedding and will miss the event.  I hope to see some pictures.
Currently: 2008 36' Tiffin Open Road
Previously: 2007 Mid Bath

Re: 2017 Eclipse Notice
Reply #17
Thanks, John, for the video link. Some excellent tips in there, especially towards the end where he talks about settings. If I get any worthwhile shots, I'll post them (but don't hold your breath). -- Jon, who will be near Salem for the event.
(Former) ‘06 TK “Albatross.” And (former) Vespa 250.   Alas, no more; both are gone.😕 Great memories remain! 😄

Re: 2017 Eclipse Notice
Reply #18
We have spent days trying to get reservations somewhere in eastern Oregon to camp for this. Everything we tried is booked up. Sounds like it is going to be a zoo down there. Finally found a friend in Idaho that has a place for us to stay. A little further then I wanted to drive but I don't want to miss this.
A friend told me this afternoon that she was shopping around for a motel in NE. Where there was a room, the price was 500 disgusting, gouging $ per night. She finally found one in a small town for $150.

Formerly: 2002 30' IB

Re: 2017 Eclipse Notice
Reply #19
The Total Eclipse has gained a lot of International interest. Scientists and Amateur Astronomers are very excited. For many of us, the event will be too far away to witness in its ultimate glory.

Not much to be done about that I suppose. I did find an interesting YouTube posting that puts this years eclipse into perspective.


For those of you fortunate enough to find yourselves in its path, congratulations. It should be spectacular.

2015 27' RB "MissB.Haven"

Re: 2017 Eclipse Notice
Reply #20

I agree with Jon...very informative video. One thing I might add is that while bracketing is an indispensable feature it can create a problem of its own if the photographer isn't careful.

Even with the fasted write speeds on a memory card, if the photographer takes multiple bracketed shots back to back the camera can lock up as it transfers the image from the camera buffer to the card.

I've had this happen many times with my D800e. It can be a frustrating experience because of the potentially "lost shot" as you wait for the camera to come back from the dead.

I've learned to pace myself when it comes to "rapid fire" shots. I really don't like to think about the ones that got away because I got caught up in the action. Just a thought.

Happy shooting everyone. I can't wait to see some fantastic eclipse pics.

2015 27' RB "MissB.Haven"

Re: 2017 Eclipse Notice
Reply #21
Hi all.
As an amateur astronomer and astrophotographer, I would like to add a word of caution; the Hudson video mentions using a neutral density filter on his camera. I strongly suggest rethinking this. The issue is not so much the brightness of what you see as it is the wavelengths of what you are seeing. An actual solar filter will block IR and UV light as well as visible light. Most damage to eyes and camera sensors occur at these wavelengths. If using a DLSR and you want to try his advice use ONLY live viewing (I think it's live focusing on my Canon); do NOT look thru the viewfinder. IF you want to try photographing the eclipse, I suggest photographing either the time leading up to totality (and / or the time after totality, same thing, more or less :) ) or totality, which will last only about 2 1/2 minutes. If you are going to try to photograph totality, I would suggest using a remote release for the camera, as well as using mirror lockup. The camera will move enough to blur the image if you don't, especially if you are zoomed in. If you are going to try to capture Baily's beads or the diamond ring. remember that these last only a few seconds each (usually only 2 to 3 seconds). You're not going to have much time to bracket the exposure. Finally, a point and shoot camera won't be able to focus on the eclipse; you need a camera capable of focusing at infinity. Also, to paraphrase the Borg, flashes are futile (they ain't gonna work), and could ruin any experiments being run by any scientists. If you see anyone with "expensive looking stuff" and computers, it could be someone running an experiment.
Eclipses are great fun. Definitely go if you can. Be safe and respect any science being done.
ex '09 MB owner
Former 2009 MB owner

Re: 2017 Eclipse Notice
Reply #22
If you're looking for Eclipse camping I suggest you check AirBnB. There are many camping places available, at least north of Idaho Falls, where prices seem reasonable compared to other locations. Most of these are flat pastures of one sort or another where the owners are renting dry camping spaces with few amenities, usually in the range of $100/night. Most seem to allow as little as a one night stay.

We'll be staying in that area Saturday, Sunday and Monday nights, on someone's long gravel drive in a quiet residential area, supposedly with electricity, with at most two other RVs. A bit pricey but works for me.

I enjoy photography but my current thinking is to skip it for something like this. Time will be very limited and it seems to me that attempting to photograph something complicated like this with no prior experience would just be a distraction from that experience. There will be thousands of photos online shortly after this is over, taken by serious people such as the researchers Ken describes. Grab one (yes, for you sticklers, perhaps illegally), import it to your photo archive, never tell anyone and just label it "What we saw" and you'll be good.

2003 26.5'RB
Gardnerville, NV
2003 26.5'RB
Gardnerville, NV

Re: 2017 Eclipse Notice
Reply #23
If you're looking for Eclipse camping I suggest you check AirBnB. There are many camping places available, at least north of Idaho Falls, where prices seem reasonable compared to other locations. Most of these are flat pastures of one sort or another where the owners are renting dry camping spaces with few amenities, usually in the range of $100/night. Most seem to allow as little as a one night stay.

We'll be staying in that area Saturday, Sunday and Monday nights, on someone's long gravel drive
2003 26.5'RB
Gardnerville, NV

Thanks to a tip by Robin and Lydia, we snagged a cancellation at the KOA in Albany, OR, Just south of Salem and within the path of total darkness. I can't believe it, especially with KOA, but there was no price gouging. Full hookups for $49.73 a night!  So, perhaps persistent calling to various facilities will net a space and a deal. Now, off to the camera store to investigate filters. -- Jon
(Former) ‘06 TK “Albatross.” And (former) Vespa 250.   Alas, no more; both are gone.😕 Great memories remain! 😄

Re: 2017 Eclipse Notice
Reply #24
A friend told me this afternoon that she was shopping around for a motel in NE. Where there was a room, the price was 500 disgusting, gouging $ per night. She finally found one in a small town for $150.


Another camping option for those that have access to a military base is military lodging or FamCamps.  For example, there are some opportunities in Idaho that are very close to the path:

U.S. Military Campgrounds and RV Parks - Idaho

366th Force Support Squadron - AF Lodging, Sagebrush Inn
Greg & Victoria
2017 Mid-Bath  “Nocona” towing a manual 2015 Forester
Previously a 1985 TK
SKP #61264