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Topic: Opinions please [on a particular LD] (Read 554 times) previous topic - next topic
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Opinions please [on a particular LD]
I am new to the forum and am looking at a 1987 Rear Bath 22 foot Lazy Daze for sale in my area.

I know very little about RVs, but have heard this RV company is exceptional.  I am communicating with the owner and am setting up a time to go look at it.

Would you please share with me any pros and cons of this model? 

They are asking $6,000 - they are the second owners and know the original owners who had it made for them.

I know the best thing is to have a seasoned person come with me to look at it, but unfortunately I don't know anybody that could do that.  (I'm in the Pasadena area of Cali).

Thanks for helping this newbie out!

[edited topic title to be more descriptive - Michelle]

Re: Opinions please
Reply #1
Be very careful in buying any vehicle that old. As you know, there are many things to consider including: The mileage, wear and tear and upkeep of all mechanical parts, as in any used vehicle. Plus, all of the functions of a small house that sits on top of this vehicle.
   There is a price list on this web site that can give you an idea of what the asking prices are for various ages and sizes of LDs.
    I would recommend, if you have never owned a motor home, that you take someone with you who has.
Dale from Downey 27’ 2012 RB,”Casa Verde”, 2000 Jeep Wrangler. Formerly1991 RB & 1990 Jeep Wrangler.

Re: Opinions please
Reply #2
Just a quick look at the photos, I see red flags: the front window (always a potential trouble spot for leaks; who knows whether it has leaked in the past?), the "discoloration" (from what?) on the top of the overcab, all the screws holding the end caps in place (who knows how or if these were re-sealed before the screws were put in, and if there were any leaks before that), and that there are no photos of the roof itself. I'm pretty sure that a close inspection by a knowledgeable "checker" would reveal many more exterior and interior deal-breaker issues.

Very few, if any, 30-year-old RVs are going to be wart-free, and Lazy Dazes are no exception. The buy price may be appealing, but, as you've been advised, old rigs can and usually do require a hefty outlay of post-purchase cash to replace, repair, and re-hab; the $6k is just the beginning, particularly if the rig has water damage/dry rot. Since you "know very little about RVs", you may want to postpone any purchase until you learn as much as you can about how to inspect and evaluate the condition of a used rig.

This link is to a comprehensive checklist that's applicable to new or used rigs:

RV Inspection Checklist

You might also consider doing a search for local-to-you RV inspection people for both the engine and systems and the "box" and appliances; an inspection is not necessarily cheap, but it might save you thousands in the long run.

Others may not agree, but I'd be very leery of this deal, and would continue my search as I gained experience and knowledge.



2003 TK has a new home

Re: Opinions please
Reply #3
There is an old adage, "you get what you pay for"...I will enhance this slightly- You get what you settle for...

I looked for 3 months exclusively at Lazy Daze units.....every day -morning noon and night.
Travelled to the factory....sorry " Mothership".
Looked on RVT. Com
Oodle. Com
Craigslist - ( be careful here, scams abound, I flagged a coach that looked nearly the same as the one you are looking at)
American listed- avoid like the plague..( It will spam like a mold machine).
And others...

As other more "seasoned" members have already stated, the buy in is just the beginning on ANY used coach, regardless of year. I just "scored" a 22 year old coach and feel "cautiously optimistic" that I made the correct decision.

Generators to power an AC unit can be pricey to repair and cost 3,000 bucks new.
A roof reseal can cost you 1500- starting.
Tires- 1500
Are you getting the picture?
Do the homework First.....then take the test.
Good luck and have fun!

JC Brooks

Re: Opinions please
Reply #4
There are plenty of online sites that offer information on buying a used RV, but RV tech Les Doll's e-book guide to buying a used RV is a "lots of essential info in one place" resource, particularly for those with little or no RV experience.

RV Buyers Guide


2003 TK has a new home

Re: Opinions please
Reply #5
The owner has answered several of the question I have asked so far:

It has a 350/5.7 L engine on a Chevy chassis.
There was water leakage and they replaced all the vents and seals when they purchased it. She is going to send me a picture of the inside where the damage shows.
It has been kept outside in California for the duration of it's life.
She didn't see anywhere it mentioned overdrive which I read somewhere would be needed?
New master cylinder in 2012.

I think her husband will be the one to speak with but he's out of town at the moment

I am trying to set up an appointment to go look at it, but I am a cautious buyer so I will not be surprised if I pass on this one.

Thank you to all who took the time to respond!

Re: Opinions please
Reply #6
"There was water leakage and they replaced all the vents and seals when they purchased it. She is going to send me a picture of the inside where the damage shows."
A graphic example, but (from experience) I equate any visible/obvious water damage as being pretty much the same as what "shows" on the surface of a basal or squamous cell carcinoma; there's a lot more under the surface, and getting "clean margins" may require a lot of cutting!

I'd pass on this rig; the extent of any leak damage is unknown, and repairs of water damage can be very expensive.

As ever, YMMV.

2003 TK has a new home

Re: Opinions please
Reply #7
The owner has answered several of the question I have asked so far:

It has a 350/5.7 L engine on a Chevy chassis.
There was water leakage and they replaced all the vents and seals when they purchased it. She is going to send me a picture of the inside where the damage shows.
It has been kept outside in California for the duration of it's life.
She didn't see anywhere it mentioned overdrive which I read somewhere would be needed?
New master cylinder in 2012.
The vents usually are not the major cause of leaks. Poor seals on the roof, the front cap and windows (especially  the one the front cap) are the major points of leakage in LDs of your vintage. Almost ever LD of your vintage, that I have inspected, has suffered from serious leakage. Few are leak free.

A 1987 LD has a carburator, an obsolete device that has few parts available and even fewer mechanics today who know how to work on them. This alone would be enough for me, an experienced mechanic, to reject it.
The transmission is TH400 3-speed auto transmission with NO overdrive, so the engine will be spinning at high RPMs, when cruising, not good for longevity or gas mileage.
Personally, I would look for a newer model with a more modern drivetrain. This age LD is a relic.
Think fuel injection, overdrive transmission and 1991 or newer.
Lazy Daze Pocket Guide

If you think you MUST buy this rig, do have it fully inspected before (both the coach and drivetrain),  you can thank us later,
On the forum, we have seen way too many old rigs, bought by unsuspecting newbies, that end up being worth nothing, once the faults are discovered.
Don't be one of these owners.

2003 23.5' Front Lounge, since new.  Previously 1983 22' Front Lounge.
Tow vehicles  2020 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon, 2001 Jeep Cherokee
Photo Collection: Lazy Daze

Re: Opinions please
Reply #8
Again, thank you for responding to my posts.

No, I don't ever feel I 'MUST' buy anything. - lol.  If that feeling is present I pretty much know to walk away.  But I will go look at it as I think the more rigs you look at the better. 

I was thinking that overdrive was a necessity...thanks for clarifying that.

I work two jobs and all the money I have saved is going to leave my bank account v-e-r-y slowly. :-)


Re: Opinions please
Reply #9
"I'd pass on this rig; the extent of any leak damage is unknown, and repairs of water damage can be very expensive."

I didn't copy and paste correctly..but wanted to comment on the above statement.

I so totally agree...water damage can be everywhere in a rig and just not visible.  

Thank you for your reply,

Re: Opinions please
Reply #10
I am new to the forum and am looking at a 1987 Rear Bath 22 foot Lazy Daze for sale in my area.

I know very little about RVs, but have heard this RV company is exceptional.  I am communicating with the owner and am setting up a time to go look at it.

Would you please share with me any pros and cons of this model? 

They are asking $6,000 - they are the second owners and know the original owners who had it made for them.

I know the best thing is to have a seasoned person come with me to look at it, but unfortunately I don't know anybody that could do that.  (I'm in the Pasadena area of Cali).

Thanks for helping this newbie out!

Oh hahahaha, we are looking at the same LD!  The one in North Hollywood, right?
Hi, I'm Jo!
My little red wagon is a 1997 23.5 TK

Re: Opinions please
Reply #11
Yes it sounds like it! Lol

I am scheduled to look at it on Friday.  The owner has been very prompt with her replies and is honoring my position as being the first person to respond with interest so I appreciate that.

What are your thoughts about the unit thus far?

Re: Opinions please
Reply #12
What are your thoughts about the unit thus far?

Lol, I was supposed to go on Friday too, but she rescheduled me for Wednesday. I just looked at a 1986 in my area, but it had some water damage, and a few other issues that I would need to address.  Wanted to comparison shop by looking at this '87, which needs less work than the one I looked at.  Although, she did mention that there was water damage from a period before she had the roof resealed.  She is supposed to send me some pictures. 
Water damage is what kind of turned me off to the 86 I was looking at too.  I mean to re-do the interior, but I'm not as handy as I wish I was, and I'm trying not to get in over my head on repairs.  I know any camper this old is going to have some issues, but I'm already allergy prone, and dry rot is not something I want to deal with.  May very well end up passing on both the 86 and the 87 because of this issue.  
If she tells me she sold it on Friday and not to come out Wednesday, I'll know who it went to!  If you get it, post some better pics of the inside hahaha.
Hi, I'm Jo!
My little red wagon is a 1997 23.5 TK

Re: Opinions please
Reply #13
Here's the scoop on pre-91 LDs.
The old front cap was made of sheet aluminum, with separate edge pieces and it had a window.
Most front windows leaked and the cap's edges, where the cap meet the siding, were very prone to leakage.
These leaks are hard to find and seal.

In mid-1990, LD switched to a one piece, front cap and eliminated the front window.
In my experience, the new cap eliminated almost all of the front end leaks.
This is the primary reason why I discourage the buying of pre-91 LDs.
The lack of fuel injection and a override transmission are, IMO, of equal concern.

The idea is to own a dependable vehicle that is easy to find parts for and repair.

2003 23.5' Front Lounge, since new.  Previously 1983 22' Front Lounge.
Tow vehicles  2020 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon, 2001 Jeep Cherokee
Photo Collection: Lazy Daze

Re: Opinions please
Reply #14
The seller sent me some pictures of the water damage prior to their repair of it...it looks extensive in my opinion, but I am going to go ahead and look at it just to see the layout.  I don't even know if I would like a rear bath or if a 22 ft is overkill for a solo person...and possible pet. 

I don't mind at all redecorating the inside, but have zero ability for anything else.

I'll report back after my visit on Friday!

Re: Opinions please
Reply #15
If you are in California, another very important consideration has to do with the SMOG check.  Vehicles with carburetors are becoming increasingly difficult to pass smog tests and the state is slowly and incrementally lowering the minimum passable values as the older vehicles naturally blow increasingly higher values.  The idea here is that CARB (California Air Resource Board) wants these vehicles off the road. When your vehicle will no longer pass smog the state will give you a minimum amount of cash for it (something in the neighborhood of $1500) and it goes to the junkyard, or you will no longer be able to be register it or drive it on the road.
California used to have a 30 year rolling exemption, but it was discontinued and now all vehicles newer than 1975 must pass a smog test every two years.
Unless you live in one of the several smog exempt areas in California (transfer only check), please find a newer, fuel injected model and avoid this headache.

2014 27 MB
Towd: Either the Jeep Wrangler or trailer containing the BMW R1200GS and 2 E-bicycles
Happy wife=Happy life

Re: Opinions please
Reply #16
Hi all,
I just wanted to let you know that I cancelled and did not go to look at the unit.  After reading the comments, I truly felt it would not be a wise thing to even consider a pre 1991 unit and did not want to waste the seller's time.

I emailed her on Thursday morning to let her know.

Thanks to all who took the time to respond and give such excellent advice.


Re: Opinions please
Reply #17
Hi all,
I just wanted to let you know that I cancelled and did not go to look at the unit.  After reading the comments, I truly felt it would not be a wise thing to even consider a pre 1991 unit and did not want to waste the seller's time.

I emailed her on Thursday morning to let her know.

She may be wondering why we both cancelled seeing the rig within a day of each other. I let the owner of the '86 I was looking at know that I was going to pass on their camper too.  Dry rot I was prepared for... but Harold brought up some excellent points regarding the old mechanics.
Hi, I'm Jo!
My little red wagon is a 1997 23.5 TK