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Topic: Smoke & CO2 Detectors - Two (2) Technologies (Read 156 times) previous topic - next topic
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Smoke & CO2 Detectors - Two (2) Technologies
I've been reading about Smoke/CO Detectors and stumbled upon a well written paper comparing smoke detector technology.  There are at least two (2) common technologies call Ionization and Photoelectric.  I suppose some of us might think that for the most part, a smoke detector is a smoke detector.   Reading the following study helped me to understand the pro's and con's of these two (2) technologies.

Photoelectric vs Ionization Smoke Alarms - Deadly Differences

I hope this information is helpful to others.

(edit CO2 to CO ... thanks to Michelle C)

Re: Smoke & CO2 Detectors - Two (2) Technologies
Reply #1
I've been reading about Smoke/CO2 Detectors

Actually, Smoke/CO detectors (carbon monoxide).  CO2 is carbon dioxide  ;) 

So that I actually add something - it's important to note that smoke, CO, and LP detectors all have a finite lifespan, generally 5-7 years for CO and LP and 7-10 for smoke.  If you have had your LD 7 years or longer and haven't replaced them, please do so.  If your LD is more than 7 years old and you haven't changed them yourself, look at the backs for the expiration date. 

When in doubt, change them out!   :D