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Bookmark a thread
Certain discussions are particularly valuable to me for reminders or trip planning. Is there a way to bookmark them for easy future reference?
'92 Mid Bath

Re: Bookmark a thread
Reply #1
"Certain discussions are particularly valuable to me for reminders or trip
planning. Is there a way to bookmark them for easy future reference?"

The age-old problem for us information hoarders!

The main reason that I wanted to be able to continue to receive all posts via email is so that I have access to the content easily.  If there is a post that interests me for saving, I mark it with a blue flag (in Apple Mail).  When it comes purge time, I just select all of the posts that I have read, but not marked thusly, and delete them, moving the flagged ones to a separate folder.  I use the SEARCH function within Mail to find what I am looking for in that specific folder.  Success rate?  Often enough to be useful.

HINT:  I tag especially useful posts with a one-word clue in the subject line.  Most often this word is "Larry"!

You can do this, too, as a way to separate out categories as a note is saved.  The SEARCH feature will find all notes with any given word in the subject line, so it is sort of a rudimentary automatic tagging/filing system.

For many years, I kept interesting RV-related information from a plethora of different chat lists in a proper FileMaker database so that I could search by subject, etc., but as you might imagine, that soon became too time consuming because of all the categorizing of information and the filling in of the fields, so that everything was infinitely findable.  I gave it up about ten or so years ago, mostly because I seldom really ever looked there to find anything.  TMI - I have FileMaker databases from the 80's, also never used, but sometimes a stroll down Nostalgia Lane is soothing.

So, if you find a way to do this directly from the group's website posts, Paul, I would love to tag along with learning your system.

   Virtual hugs,

   Judie  <-- Sierra Vista, Arizona
   Adventures of Dorrie Anne | Photographing the West

   Today:    Tortellini Chinoise

2015 Leisure Travel Unity (Sally Forth) - 2024 -
2009 Pleasure-Way Excel TS (Joyce) - 2019 - 2024
2018 Sportsmobile - (Hopper) 2023 - 2024
2005 RB (Dorrie Anne) - 2009-2022, 1985 TK (Gertie) - 1991-2001
1999 Mountain Aire (Francine) - 2001 - 2009

Re: Bookmark a thread
Reply #2
Good suggestion Judie.

One of my minor OCDs is to empty my email boxes. But this may be cause for an exception. In the case of old threads that are long dead, I could turn on email notifications, send a reply, and flag that. That could provide a workaround.

I have been copying replies that are particularly interesting, along with the link, and making a note in Evernote. Not elegant, but it works.

I am expecting (hoping) though, that there is a simple built in solution that I am missing.
'92 Mid Bath

Re: Bookmark a thread
Reply #3
I do most of my LDO viewing on my iPhone.

If I like a particular thread I make a bookmark by scanning to the bottom of my phones screen until the task bar at the bottom shows up. Then I click on the box with the upward pointing arrow.

This opens another page with more options. I choose the "add  bookmark" option. This opens my bookmarks that I have divided into categories. I then select a category to save the data in and click save. DONE.

For me, this is a handy way to store important and useful info. Always at my fingertip. If I get tired of the link I simply delete it. 

Looks like this on my 5C:

2015 27' RB "MissB.Haven"

Re: Bookmark a thread
Reply #4
Thanks Kent, using that method I can send threads to Pocket, for offline use.

I could also use the "Like" button, then scan all posts I Liked, but that would defeat how I like to use that feature.
'92 Mid Bath

Re: Bookmark a thread
Reply #5
Thanks Kent, using that method I can send threads to Pocket, for offline use.

I could also use the "Like" button, then scan all posts I Liked, but that would defeat how I like to use that feature.

I use Evernote for easy categorizing, and Pocket for things I just want to read later.  It's a bit of an expense, but by getting the subscription to Evernote, I then have access to my "saved treasures" on all of my electronic devices for perusal at will, whether they were saved from the computer, iPad, or iPhone.  Fortunately a half-price offer fell on me a couple of months ago, and there are also freebies to be had if you use Moleskin paper journals - which I do. 

You get a three-month Evernote subscription free with each journal book.  So if you are inclined to scribble a lot in a journal (I do), then a fresh supply of paper every three months is not out of the question, thus making your subscription to Evernote entirely free.  You can cut the expense in half by getting a new journal every other three-month period.  I *think* you can activate the free period at will, so you could get a year free, save up two freebies; then use those freebies for the next six months.  At that point, you could get another annual subscription, and save up two freebies and repeat the process.

Seems complicated, but that's what Reminders apps are for!  ;->
2015 Leisure Travel Unity (Sally Forth) - 2024 -
2009 Pleasure-Way Excel TS (Joyce) - 2019 - 2024
2018 Sportsmobile - (Hopper) 2023 - 2024
2005 RB (Dorrie Anne) - 2009-2022, 1985 TK (Gertie) - 1991-2001
1999 Mountain Aire (Francine) - 2001 - 2009

Re: Bookmark a thread
Reply #6
Thanks Judie, I too have the Premium subscription, because I like to have the offline access to all my notes. I justify it for the company business. I use Pocket like you for things with a short anticipated life, or frivolity. Either of these will work well, I was just looking for a bookmarking feature built in to the forum software. 
'92 Mid Bath

Re: Bookmark a thread
Reply #7
I enabled the bookmark function on the site ...

You will now see a "BOOKMARK" button at the top of each thread (next to REPLY), selecting that will bookmark the thread for you such that you can find it again with ease (but don't forget good old search when looking for information)

Your list of bookmarked topics are available under the "My Account" menu .. just hover and select "My Bookmarks" from that drop down menu.

Re: Bookmark a thread
Reply #8
Wheee!  Thanks, Steve.  What great service!!!

   Virtual hugs,



I enabled the bookmark function on the site ...

You will now see a "BOOKMARK" button at the top of each thread (next to REPLY), selecting that will bookmark the thread for you such that you can find it again with ease (but don't forget good old search when looking for information)

Your list of bookmarked topics are available under the "My Account" menu .. just hover and select "My Bookmarks" from that drop down menu.
2015 Leisure Travel Unity (Sally Forth) - 2024 -
2009 Pleasure-Way Excel TS (Joyce) - 2019 - 2024
2018 Sportsmobile - (Hopper) 2023 - 2024
2005 RB (Dorrie Anne) - 2009-2022, 1985 TK (Gertie) - 1991-2001
1999 Mountain Aire (Francine) - 2001 - 2009

Re: Bookmark a thread
Reply #9
Super cool  8)  Thanks for enabling the "Bookmark" setting for us Steve  ;)
Daughter of the first Lazy Bones
Hitting the road on my own and with a friend 🚐 while reporting back to the Lazy Bones at home 🛋

2 Lazy Bones - Home

Re: Bookmark a thread
Reply #10
Whaaaaa!? I have never seen such a mega-ultra excellent response like this! I am blown away.  Thank you Steve!

I see the button, and will now be bookmarking.
'92 Mid Bath