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Topic: How to use "Quote" (Read 781 times) previous topic - next topic
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How to use "Quote"
The new forum has the ability to quote a previous post, so you can more clearly show what you're responding to (or asking about). 

To use Quote, simply click "Quote" at the bottom of the post you're replying to.  This will open up the reply text box with the entire previous post quoted.

Out of courtesy to other members, please edit down what you're quoting to just the relevant parts.  BE SURE the start quote and end quote BBCode is there
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is the start quote - note the left and right brackets; There will usually be some information about the post you're quoting (see below
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[quote author=Michelle C link=msg=158371 date=1463406676]
so don't accidentally delete the far right bracket. 
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is the end quote; again note the left and right square brackets.

Now type your response AFTER the
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end quote.  If you type your response before it, your response will end up as part of the quoted text and it won't be obvious which part is yours.


Re: How to use "Quote"
Reply #1
To use Quote, simply click "Quote" at the bottom of the post you're replying to.  This will open up the reply text box with the entire previous post quoted.

Out of courtesy to other members, please edit down what you're quoting to just the relevant parts.  BE SURE the start quote and end quote BBCode is there; again note the left and right square brackets.

Just a friendly reminder - if you are quoting a post, you can (and should) trim down the quote to just the relevant parts.  No need to include the entire post you are quoting.
