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Topic: Full RSS Feed? (Read 304 times) previous topic - next topic
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Full RSS Feed?
I have a feature request: Would it be possible to add a full RSS feed?

I'm one of those who loves using Feedly to receive the feed. Right now, most posts are cut off (shortened) on Feedly. Then I have to go to the site and sort through what I want to read anyway.
Jan Forseth
2007 27' Midbath named Footloose

Re: Full RSS Feed?
Reply #1
It may be configurable on the admin side, if the forum software allows it.

I find that the summary gives me enough information in the RSS reader to decide whether to click over and read the whole post. Posts about losing a fork in the black tank are fascinating enough to read in full, however ones about tires and valve stems (for example) get a quick "mark as read" (but that's just me ... YMMV)

Re: Full RSS Feed?
Reply #2
It may be configurable on the admin side, if the forum software allows it.

That's what I'm hoping for, yes. A full RSS feed would streamline my reading and be very efficient. Meanwhile, I'm enjoying the new board otherwise! Thanks to all for all the hard work on migrating over.
Jan Forseth
2007 27' Midbath named Footloose

Re: Full RSS Feed?
Reply #3
I posted in another topic about this, but I have set to be "unlimited" ,  the admin panel notes that option as "not recommend"

This "not recommended" is since not all RSS readers and/or formats (rss2, rss 0.91, atom, rdf, or defunct webslice) were designed to parse unlimited data and will die in a violent flurry of 1 and 0's unraveling the very underlying fabric of the internet.  Well maybe not that bad, but some will provide a polite error.

Well since I'm here, lets discuss some of the cool feature of this sites news feeds.  There are many options available, so  here's a list of them  and what they do...

If you scroll to the bottom of any page, in the site footer you will see the RSS icon.  It is

Code: [Select]

Other RSS formats can be achieved by changing the type= to one of the following:
;type=atom - Atom
;type=rdf - RDF
;type=rss - RSS 0.91
;type=rss2 - RSS 2.0

The default feed is the 5 most recent posts:

There are several "sub-actions" available which allow you to specify exactly what to display:

Recent Posts  :: displays the most recent posts that you can see
Sub-action": recent
Available options:
  • limit=x - display the "x" most recent posts (within the site limits, default is 5, max is 15)
  • board=y - display only the recent posts from board "y"
  • boards=x,y,z - display only the recent posts from the specified boards

Code: [Select]
Would show the 10 most recent posts from Around The Campfire (board 6)

News ::  displays the first post from the most recent topics
"Sub-action": news

Available options:
  • limit=x - display only "x" items
  • board=y - display only news topics from board "y"
  • boards=x,y,z - display only news topics from the specified boards

Code: [Select]
Example: http://www.lazydazeowners.com/index.php?action=.xml;type=rss2;sa=news;board=6;limit=10

Members :: Displays most recent members:
"Sub-action": members
Available options:
  • limit=x - display only the "x" most recent members

Code: [Select]
Example: http://www.lazydazeowners.com/index.php?action=.xml;type=rss2;sa=members;limit=5

Now - you're probably wondering what you can do with this, well frankly I don't really know :P

Re: Full RSS Feed?
Reply #4
Now - you're probably wondering what you can do with this, well frankly I don't really know :P

Actually, your info was really helpful. I played around with some of those settings, and it looks like I can get the full text of the 15 most recent posts using this feed:


If I find that I'm missing posts, then I'll go back and modify that so that I can get a feed from each of the boards.

Thank you!
Jan Forseth
2007 27' Midbath named Footloose

Re: Full RSS Feed?
Reply #6
If you go to Forum and hover over the board titles (or click them), you will see the link ends in board = X where X is the board number. 

Here is the list.

  • Yahoo Archive = 1
  • Lazy Daze Technical = 2
  • Lazy Daze General Info & Discussions = 3
  • Lazy Daze Renovations & Improvements = 4
  • Classifieds = 5
  • Around the Campfire = 6
  • Site Instructional Guides = 7