Yahoo Message Number: 149260 (
For those of you still navigating the options of internect connection since the announcement that Millenicom is no longer an option and may have missed Verizon's double data offer last month (October), there's another option that many are adoptiong and that is acuqiring one of the grandfathered unlimited data plans from someone else (via places like eBay or forums such as Howard Forums), and then transferring the SIM card from the a cheap smartphone to your Millenicom jetpack, or, alternatively, paying Verizon $30/month to tether from your smartphone. I was able to get an unlimited data plan (UDP) for free via Howard Forums. For reasons I won't go into there are quite a few of these plans flooding the market right now, which is why some are being offered for free. Keep in mind that usually one also aquires a contract with these accounts. It's a bit of a complicated process, but well worth it for those of us needing lots of data and willing to navigate the necessary steps.
For more information on this process, I HIGHLY recommend the new RV Mobile Internet Resource Center ( and paying the $39/year for membership to access their complete arsenal of tech info for RVers. The article Acquiring and Assumption of Liability (AOL) of a Grandfathered Verizon Unlimited Data Plan ( ( alone is worth that price. However, if that's all the info you think you'll need from them, they are also offering that article alone in PDF format for a small fee (I think $5.99 if I'm remembering correctly).
For me, Millenicom going defunct has been a blessing in disguise in that I'm getting unlimited data for less than I was paying before. I now have unlimited data for $69/month (plus fees) through Verizon. For voice and text, I I have an iPhone on StraightTalk for $45/month for unlimited voice and text, and I also have a backup basic phone via Tracfone which is using AT&T's network. For now I feel adequately covered as an RVer for both cell and internet with this setup which costs approximately $120/month. To round it out I should probably add internet access via ATT&T's network somehow, but so far haven't had the need for it.
While going this route isn't for everyone, I just thought I'd mention it as another possibility for those still needing a solution.
Fern --> sitting at her desk in her MB enjoying the beautiful Fall foilage in Virginia's mountains.