Yahoo Message Number: 56553 (
Dear Friends,
As I posted the other day, we are looking to purchase a late model LD mid bath. I would prefer something 2000 or newer with all the options (solar, sat TV, etc.) BUT it MUST have the cabover bed. We have two little kids and this is our main reason for this model - seperate sleeping areas.
Mileage and price appropriate to the year. We are ready to buy the right unit.
Yahoo Message Number: 56565 (
As I posted the other day, we are looking to purchase a late model LD mid bath. ... BUT it MUST have the cabover bed.
Chris, the mid-bath comes with the cab over bed -- the entertainment center in lieu of the cab over bed is not an option on this model.
Linda Hylton
2004 Red 23.5' TK
Fish Lake, Steens Mountain (near Frenchglen, OR)
See where we are: (
Yahoo Message Number: 56590 (
Thanks for the info, I did not know that. There is someone with a MB for sale in the files section that, apparently, added an after market entertainment system in the bunk area. Someone had emailed me wondering if I wanted a different floor plan that had the entertainment center so I thought I should be clear in my post as to our requirements.
Yahoo Message Number: 56600 (
Thanks for the info, I did not know that. There is someone with a MB for sale in the files section that, apparently, added an after market entertainment system in the bunk area.
I guess that could be...or perhaps earlier models of the MB had the entertainment center as an option, but the Specification Sheet we got with our 2004 brochure says that the bunk-area entertainment center is not an option in this model. And I can see why...the "living" area is in the back, making it difficult to see a TV up in the front.
Linda Hylton
2004 Red 23.5' TK
Fish Lake, Steens Mountain (near Frenchglen, OR)
See where we are: (
Yahoo Message Number: 56603 (
Thanks for the info, I did not know that. There is someone with a MB for sale in the files section that, apparently, added an after market entertainment system in the bunk area.
I guess that could be...or perhaps earlier models of the MB had the entertainment center as an option,
The 2001 MB in the listings that has the entertainment center in the overhead is clearly an aftermarket job. The web page photos show the TV in a different position, different cabinetry, and a floorplan that shows the entertainment center drawn in red over the original MB floorplan. Knowing that at least one owner has done this, it certainly doesn't hurt to specify that you want a MB that (still) has the overcab bed.
Yahoo Message Number: 56614 (
--- In (, Linda Hylton
Yahoo Message Number: 56618 (
--- In (, Linda Hylton
Linda (and Chris):
You are correct about the cab over bed but I believe the entertainment center is an additional cost option on this model.
Anne Johnson VERY warm La Verne, CA
Anne, if you go to the LD web and down to custom options you will see the entertainment center is not an option for the MB. Where would you sit to watch when all couches and chairs are in the back facing each other.
Joe Hamm-San Jose
Yahoo Message Number: 56621 (
"...custom options you will see the entertainment center is not an option for the MB. Where would you sit to watch when all couches and chairs are in the back facing each other."
Well, duh, of course you are absolutely right! What was I thinking!?!
Anne Still VERY warm La Verne, CA